Ï Masters of arts presents women in Turkmenistan the bunch of musical compositions

Masters of arts presents women in Turkmenistan the bunch of musical compositions

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Masters of arts presents women in Turkmenistan the bunch of musical compositions
Masters of arts presents women in Turkmenistan the bunch of musical compositions
Masters of arts presents women in Turkmenistan the bunch of musical compositions
Masters of arts presents women in Turkmenistan the bunch of musical compositions
Masters of arts presents women in Turkmenistan the bunch of musical compositions
Masters of arts presents women in Turkmenistan the bunch of musical compositions
Masters of arts presents women in Turkmenistan the bunch of musical compositions
Masters of arts presents women in Turkmenistan the bunch of musical compositions
Masters of arts presents women in Turkmenistan the bunch of musical compositions
Masters of arts presents women in Turkmenistan the bunch of musical compositions
Masters of arts presents women in Turkmenistan the bunch of musical compositions
Masters of arts presents women in Turkmenistan the bunch of musical compositions
Masters of arts presents women in Turkmenistan the bunch of musical compositions
Masters of arts presents women in Turkmenistan the bunch of musical compositions
A festive concert was arranged in the Palace of Mukams of the State Cultural Centre on occasion of the International Women’s Day.

The Women’s Day is a wonderful occasion to tell a mother, a wife, a sister, a daughter, a bride how beautiful they are. The best assistant in expressing the feelings and emotions has always been music, poetry, in general, arts. That is vividly proved by the festive concert, which brought together the female compatriots from all regions of our country. Among them were the veterans of labor, the deputies of the National Parliament, the representatives of public organizations, the best workers, mothers of many children, who were awarded with the title of honour "Ene Mahri", the winners of the "Woman of the Year" contest, the final round of which was held on the eve of the International Women's Day.

The image of the better half of humanity is celebrated in numerous poetic and musical works. The classical Turkmen literature is filled with the love and respect for women, and the legends about the heart of a mother, the miraculous power of her legacy and teachings, created by the people and passed from generation to generation, have formed a respectful and reverent attitude to a mother as a shrine among Turkmens.

This idea became the leitmotif of the festive concert arranged in the Palace of Mukams. A magnificent overture to the concert was a literary and musical composition, brilliantly performed by the artists and choreographic groups, including children. The pathetic kindness and modesty, the goodness and the wisdom of a heart, the beauty and loyalty, the inexhaustible love and tenderness – the feelings inherent in our female compatriots were glorified in a bright mini-play.

The performances of folk and pop artists, folklore and choreographic groups reflected the connection between the past and the present, the traditions and modern times. The strong part of humanity performed the compositions about the happiness and loyalty, and the love of a mother, they glorified the enduring beauty of their native land, welcomed the incoming Turkmen spring.

The popular masters of arts of Turkmenistan shone with a talent, presenting a bunch of the works of the world musical classics to lovely women.

The musicalized poems by Turkmen poets sounded, the artists conveyed the feelings of love and gratitude to a woman in the language of a dance. All performances were accompanied by a bright video clips. Humorists pleased the beautiful ladies with witty and effervescent jokes.

By tradition, the ancient dance of Kushtdepdi, a colorful sample of folk art that reflects the symbiosis of the historical and cultural traditions and the spiritual experience of the nation, was included into the programme of the festive concert. Last year, the art of singing and dancing Kushtdepdi was included into UNESCO Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.

The musical performances are held these days on the best concert venues in the Turkmen capital and all regions of the country. Warm greetings and the wishes of a beautiful spring mood, love and joy, peace and prosperity are addressed to dear women and girls.