Ï Artists of the Moscow Circus "Carnelli" presents their best acts to the Ashgabat public

Artists of the Moscow Circus "Carnelli" presents their best acts to the Ashgabat public

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Artists of the Moscow Circus "Carnelli" presents their best acts to the Ashgabat public
Artists of the Moscow Circus "Carnelli" presents their best acts to the Ashgabat public
Artists of the Moscow Circus "Carnelli" presents their best acts to the Ashgabat public
Artists of the Moscow Circus "Carnelli" presents their best acts to the Ashgabat public
Artists of the Moscow Circus "Carnelli" presents their best acts to the Ashgabat public
Artists of the Moscow Circus "Carnelli" presents their best acts to the Ashgabat public
Artists of the Moscow Circus "Carnelli" presents their best acts to the Ashgabat public
Artists of the Moscow Circus "Carnelli" presents their best acts to the Ashgabat public
Artists of the Moscow Circus "Carnelli" presents their best acts to the Ashgabat public
Artists of the Moscow Circus "Carnelli" presents their best acts to the Ashgabat public
Artists of the Moscow Circus "Carnelli" presents their best acts to the Ashgabat public
Artists of the Moscow Circus "Carnelli" presents their best acts to the Ashgabat public
Artists of the Moscow Circus "Carnelli" presents their best acts to the Ashgabat public
Artists of the Moscow Circus "Carnelli" presents their best acts to the Ashgabat public
A colorful performance with the participation of acrobats, gymnasts, illusionists, jugglers, tamers and a clown will stick in dmemory for a long time not only by children, but also by adults.

The group of acrobats on skipping rods under the guidance of Honored Artist of Russia, People's Artist of Udmurtia Andrey Kovgar opened the ceremony. This acrobatic act was stylized under the retro show of the 30s of last century using popular tunes of that time. It would seem that the usual rope, but how much it hides in itself ... Thanks to it acrobats created a dynamic spider web. The artists masterfully combined jumps in this continuously rotating flywheel. The double pyramid made the greatest impression on spectators, when one acrobat climbed on the shoulders of another and the duo jumped unerringly through the rope. Then the double pyramid was transformed into a triple one, which also filly performed the trick, which caused a flurry of enthusiastic applause from the public.

The trainer Juliy Yakubovsky presented the original number with the dogs. He went into the arena with a huge forged suitcase, from which three charming four-legged actresses jumped out. Next - the fourth participant of the room - impressive size dog, funny crouched on a chair. Four-legged artists danced, did somersaults, energetically performed all the commands of the trainer and liked the audience very much. When it was time to say goodbye, one of them bowed low. It was very touching.

The snow-white horse from the "High School of Riding" behaved quite differently. Full of dignity, she graciously stroked to the beat of the changing melodies, directed by Elena Pavlovich, who appeared in the image of a medieval rider, wearing a cape and a huge hat with feathers.

Two trained monkeys was the next act. Honored artists of Russia Galina and Ruslan Gugkaev dressed their pets in such a way that they began to resemble little serious men, which caused even greater public interest. At the command of Galina and Ruslan, they juggled, did somersaults, stands on their hands. By that time a third monkey drove into the arena, as it seemed, experiencing an acute shortage of time. It stopped the car, quickly ran across the barrier of the arena, also quickly jumped back into its private car and drove off behind the scenes.

The illusionary attraction under the direction of Maria Koch-Kukes, as expected, showed something that really cannot be. Maria's magician and assistants managed to do this very elegantly. The audience was shocked when the device in which Maria was, caught fire. A thick smoke poured down, the flames enveloped Maria's face, when the fire ceased, it emerged from the device unscathed. How she managed it - a professional secret, as well as - as in a small box, her four assistants fit.

The clown Alexander Kotyanin amused the audience during the presentation. With a haircut "Under the pot," in a motley shirt and blue "family" panties, in tarpaulin boots, several sizes larger than the laid one, he represented the image of a fabulous village dignitary and somehow immediately set up the audience for himself. Boys and girls, their mothers, dads and grandmothers were happy to make contact, playing along in his amusing reprises.

The act of Andrei Kovgar "Folding Boards" finished the circus performance, which was prepared in the spirit of Russian folk festivities. The acrobats performed the crown trick that entered the Guinness Book of Records. One of them secured on his belt a 5-meter pole, on the tops of which was a chair. The merry melody was replaced by an anxious fraction once the actor Tatyana Butova stood at the end of the flip-flop... Two acrobats jumped to the other end of the board, Tatiana soared upwards and, making a double somersault in the air, landed in an armchair. It was exciting and virtuosic!

The audience chanted from the stands: "Well done! Well done!" All the participants of this vivid performance came out to the arena: acrobats, air gymnasts, rope-walkers, trainers, illusionists and clowns, to thank the audience for their warm welcome and sincere kind emotions.