Ï Novruz is accepted to welcome by generous dastarhan, a special place on which takes semen

Novruz is accepted to welcome by generous dastarhan, a special place on which takes semen

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Novruz is accepted to welcome by generous dastarhan, a special place on which takes semen
The ceremony of preparing a fragrant dainty caramel color and puree consistency, which associated for ages with good-faith hopes is prepared from sprouted wheat grains with the addition of flour and sugar and is considered a symbol of fertility. It is believed that in the Novruz days is necessary to try the semen to count on a happy and abundant life.

The legend about how the ritual dish appeared states. One old man cooked wheat grain for sowing. A heavy rain came at night and the seeds sprouted. The farmer was upset, but not to lose the good, he decided to make a sweet dish out of its juice and serve out to people. Pouring the juice into the kettle and adding flour and sugar to it, the old man set it to cook and ... fell asleep, and the contents of the boiler continued to languish on a fading bonfire. In the morning, the cook discovered in the boiler an aromatic and delicious thick mass...

The preparation of a seed is a ritual and an art at the same time. The dish requires constant attention and a lot of time during which the delicacy should be constantly stirred. The labor-intensive process begins with the washing of a certain amount of wheat, which is carefully sprouted within 2-3 days. After that, the grains are laid out, where ten days continue to "draw" from the seeds of green shoots, sprinkling them with water. Then it is pounded in a mortar to a mushy state. The juice received is filtered and placed on the fire, adding water, flour and sugar.

It is necessary to prevent the seeds from burning and not having a bitter taste by careful mixing of all components within eight hours. It should be a condensed, homogeneous, tender and pleasant to taste sweet mass, the color of dark amber. Seeds are brewed from early morning until late night, and then the kettle is closed and left until the morning.

Seeds from ancient times was considered a sacral dish. It could be cooked only in a calm mood, with good intentions and in harmony with the world around. The women say wishes to others, to their family in the process of cooking.

In the morning, the family gathered around the kettle to see how the revered woman would open the dish. If on the surface of the seed were found prints of the palm of the holy patroness of Eishe-Patym, this was a good sign, meaning that everything conceived will be fulfilled ... Trying to seed, do not forget to wish peace, prosperity and mutual understanding to all.