Ï Participants in the publicity event visit the Balkan region

Participants in the publicity event visit the Balkan region

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The agitation train with participants of the publicity event dedicated to the motto of 2018 "Turkmenistan is the heart of the Great Silk Road" dispatched from the platform of the capital railroad station along the route Ashgabat-Bereket-Etrek.

The ministries of railway transport, culture, education, the Turkmen State Publishing Service, the Academy of Sciences, the State Committee for Television, Broadcasting and Cinematography, hyakimlik of Ashgabat city and the Balkan region served as organizers of the action.

The representatives of the creative and scientific intelligentsia have already early in March of this year visited the Lebap region with an educational mission visiting the significant historical sites of the region, located in ancient times along the Jeyhun River, at the intersection of the trade roads of the Great Silk Road. The goal of this agitation action is to bring to the current generation the significance of this historical and cultural phenomenon in the development and rapprochement of countries and the peoples on the Eurasian continent, the huge role of the Turkmen in its generation and active functioning.

The book of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov "Turkmenistan is the heart of the Great Silk Road" became wonderful guidebook for the participants. The monuments preserved on the ancient Turkmen land that witnessed the life along the trade roads are able to discover much more to our contemporaries and descendants, allow us to feel the connection of times and generations, the invaluable heritage of the nation and its future.

The participants in the campaign such as scientists and cultural figures, representatives of the mass media within the educational program will conduct creative meetings in the administrative center and the village of Madav of the Bereket etrap, as well as visit the historical and cultural reserve "Dehistan". The thematic actions will be held at the foot of ancient monuments, which occupies a special place in the book of the head of state Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, where the domestic scientists will share the results of new archaeological research and cultural studies.

The widely spread irrigation network was continuously functioning in this agricultural oasis from the end of the III millennium B.C.E. up to the 14th century C.E. for about three millennia. The region was called Dehistan or Mashat Misrian in the middle Ages. The beautiful architectural monuments were preserved till nowadays. Dehistan was one of the prosperous cities located at the crossroads of the routes of the Great Silk Road, connecting Kunyaurgench with Byzantium and the Arab world.

The participants of the agitation train will meet at the "round table" with the representatives of the younger generation in the administrative center of the Etrek etrap in the secondary school. The agitation train will return to the capital upon completion of the planned events.