Ï Turkmenistan celebrates the World Health Day

Turkmenistan celebrates the World Health Day

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Turkmenistan celebrates the World Health Day
Together with international community, Turkmenistan widely celebrated the World Health Day. Mass cycling race as well as numerous other sport activities involving the whole country and uniting thousands of people around the idea of healthy life style were timed to this date.

Traditional climbing of the Path of Health, various sport competitions, health improving and cultural events were organized on the spring day listed in the register of remarkable dates of national calendar. President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov took part in celebration events.

Early in the morning, the members of the Cabinet of Ministers, leaders of the Mejlis, military and law enforcement agencies, ministries and departments, non-governmental organizations and mass media, heads of diplomatic missions and international organizations accredited in our country, hyakim of Ashgabat, directors of universities gathered at the intersection of Chandibyl and Kopetdag avenues next to the Path of Health. Students of universities, professional colleges and sport schools, numerous representatives of labour collectives and public of the capital lined up at the start of 15-km cycling track.

Emerald canvases of the State flag of Turkmenistan were flying in the spring wind. Stirring songs and music, performance of the sportsmen make all participants of the event experience the celebration mood. The atmosphere of high emotional raise was reigning everywhere.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov arrived to the place of the event. Numerus supporters of healthy life style greeted the Head of the State. The celebration was opened by the performance of the arts masters of the country.

During the conversation with the heads of diplomatic missions accredited in Turkmenistan, the Head of the State expressed the gratitude to the ambassadors for active work for the development of international relations and for the participation in important events.

The President said that the World Health Day is celebrated widely all around the country and various sport competitions and many other events were timed to that day. It is based on the care of people and on the intent to improve the health of the nation. The Head of the State noted that all these events are aimed at the development of physical training and health improving movement and sport, quitting bad habits and upbringing of physical fit and morally rich young generation.

Our main target is to protect and improve the health of the nation, to implement healthy life style to the society, Turkmen leader highlighted.

In their turn, foreign diplomats expressed the gratitude to the President for the conditions made in Turkmenistan for the development of bilateral and multilateral relations and fruitful contacts in all spheres. In this context, high interest of the world business circles in establishment of business and humanitarian relations with Turkmenistan, which has the reputation of reliable partner that strictly follows its obligations, has been highlighted.

After, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov started mass cycling race, having taken the lead of the column. The Head of the State was followed by the rows of the government officials, students of the universities of the capital, representatives of labour collectives, organizations and departments that have their own teams provided with necessary gears.

Bicycle rides are one of the most popular forms of social events held in many countries to support various social, sport and ecological projects and ideas and it became traditional in Turkmenistan and unites the residents of the cities and rural areas, old and young generations. Participation of the Head of the State in such events highlights the status of not only the event itself but also all projects related to health protection of the nation and serves as vivid evidence that the formation of national system of physical, spiritual and moral improvement is the state political dominant.

Having passed Chandibyl Avenue, the column continued the way along Bitarap Turkmenistan Avenue moving toward the centre of the capital.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov entered the main square of the country with the State tribune. The Head of the State and all followed participants were met with enthusiasm by numerus Ashgabat residents. Energetic musical composition dedicated to white-marble Ashgabat – the sport capital of the region, was played.

After bicycle ride, the Head of the State noted that current events are very important for the development of sport sphere of the country. As is known, the President of Turkmenistan noted at one of the sessions of the Cabinet of Ministers that it is necessary to open specialized museum at recently founded Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports, which would present the successes of Turkmen sportsmen in the world arena and our achievements in this direction. In this regard, the President gave relative instructions to Vice-premier P. Agamyradov and informed that the sport bike, which was presented to him on the World Health Day, would be given to the collection of new museum.

Saying goodbye to the participants of the event, President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov congratulated again everybody on the World Health Day and wished strong health, family wealth and great success in work and left the place of the event.

The celebration events were continued in the Olympic Village where Deputy Chairmen of the Cabinet of Ministers, leaders of the Mejlis, ministries and departments of the country took part in game sports competitions.

Physical training and sports are integral part of the life of the society. The participation of Turkmen sportsmen in the world sport movement is growing. Their medals and prizes from different championships and tournaments are convincing evidence that the great attention paid by the President to the development of sports and its infrastructure making all conditions for the detection and improvement of the skills of our athletes.

Modern sport complexes, stadiums, specialized sport schools, etc. were built in the capital and all regions of the country. National equestrian games become more and more popular; the equestrian complexes were built in all velayats and technical sports are developed .

Undoubtedly, large-scale event “Amul – Hazar 2018” initiated by the Head of the State gives special impulse to these processes. It has already attracted the attention of the world community.

Foreign participants of the rally would be able not only to know about the heritage of Turkmen nation but also to see new life that comes to this legendary places with fundamental social and economic changes, scientific and technical progress and industrial development of the regions of the country, which improves its role of important transportation hub on the Silk Road in modern age.

Bike rides, track and field races and other sport and celebration events were held not only in the capital but in all velayats as well.