Ï Charity performance involving the students of “Dalchyn” Centre is stage at the Pushkin Theatre

Charity performance involving the students of “Dalchyn” Centre is stage at the Pushkin Theatre

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Charity performance involving the students of “Dalchyn” Centre is stage at the Pushkin Theatre
Charity performance involving the students of “Dalchyn” Centre is stage at the Pushkin Theatre
Charity performance involving the students of “Dalchyn” Centre is stage at the Pushkin Theatre
Charity performance involving the students of “Dalchyn” Centre is stage at the Pushkin Theatre
Charity performance involving the students of “Dalchyn” Centre is stage at the Pushkin Theatre
Charity performance involving the students of “Dalchyn” Centre is stage at the Pushkin Theatre
Charity performance involving the students of “Dalchyn” Centre is stage at the Pushkin Theatre
Charity performance involving the students of “Dalchyn” Centre is stage at the Pushkin Theatre
Charity performance involving the students of “Dalchyn” Centre is stage at the Pushkin Theatre
Charity performance involving the students of “Dalchyn” Centre is stage at the Pushkin Theatre
Charity performance involving the students of “Dalchyn” Centre is stage at the Pushkin Theatre
Charity performance involving the students of “Dalchyn” Centre is stage at the Pushkin Theatre
Charity performance involving the students of “Dalchyn” Centre is stage at the Pushkin Theatre
Charity performance involving the students of “Dalchyn” Centre is stage at the Pushkin Theatre
A. S. Pushkin State Russian Drama Theatre I Ashgabat hosted unusual performance. Monday morning, which is traditionally a day off in theatres, people crowded up atht the entrance of the theatre. It attracted the attention of the bystanders. “Is there any performance today?” – They asked.

It was not the actors of the theatre who performed on that day even though they have been involved in the organisation of the event. Students of “Dalchyn” Language Education Centre, which initiated charity campaign, performed at professional stage.

The idea of “Dalchyn” met the support of everyone to whom the managers of the centre addressed for assistance. The idea was that the children would play the fragments of the famous performances in original language - Turkmen, English, Russian, and would collect the money for Homeless Pets Centre “The Island of Hope”.

Volunteer movement in Turkmenistan has been improved and developed during preparation and conduct of the V Asian Indoor and Martial Arts Games in September 2017. Ashgabat Games have had tremendous success, however after its completion, volunteer teams and their spirit have not faded away in the routine. They find new addresses, which can use their involvement, indifferent attitude and wish to do good things. “The Island of Hope” was one of the results of their activity. There also the students of International University of Humanitarian Studies and Development among its supporters.

The humanity is the key component of ecological culture of the society. Love and care of people and any living creature involve ecological thinking. “2018 is the Year of Dog according to Chinese calendar and for us this is the year of Vepaly the alabay. It means that new year will be more stable and harmonic comparing with the last one and will bring us prosperity and success in what we do. All roads will be open for us, unprecedented measures will be taken and large projects will be realized…” – President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said congratulating the compatriots on the New Year.

Such expectation are related with the New Year, which goes under the symbol of the dog – the best friend of the man. The human pays back with warm attachment and responsibility for such attitude and is willing to help if the dog got in trouble or to some careless person or lost the owner. “The Island of Hope” is the first centre for homeless pets officially registered in the country in August 2017 as individual charity organization that makes such care of the animals.

Since its foundation, the number of pets on the “Islands” has grown, hence there are more things to do. It is remarkable that government organizations also assist to this good deed regularly providing necessary medical means, veterinary services, etc. Recently, the businessmen – restaurateurs and food producers, decided to participate in provision of food for homeless dogs and cats.

As it was mentioned above, the Centre is visited by volunteer students – there is plenty of work for everybody. In other words, the support is rendered from many sides not particularly to the Centre but to the social role that it plays. The action of “Dalchyn” was aimed, which idea is to show enormous moral, spiritual, intellectual and artistic potential of young generation, to share live-assertion, positive energy of talented and committed youth, at the attraction of the attention of different population levels to social significance of such organizations.

That was exactly how the spectators saw the performers on the stage – not simply the boys and girls who are dressed in costumes, not just students learning foreign languages outstandingly and not just talented children who can sing, dance and play the roles. The honesty responsive audience applauded to the people with beautiful and pure soul who have just started living and are willing to share the best what they have – heart warmth, kindness, and knowledge they absorb to be useful for the society and their Motherland, with the whole world.

The potpourri on the motifs of the world literature classics had great success even small hiccups and mistakes of the amateur actors looked touchy and pretty and were supported by the storm of applause. This was not because everything is forgiven to self-made artists but because they came and did it. They came over their timidity toward the stage and public and was brave enough to reveal themselves. It cost them a lot of work during the rehearsals and out of it.

Such masterpieces as lyrical Turkmen destan “Shahsenem and Garib”, Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliette” and “Othello” were taken as the material for the stage play. Powerful drama list included one of the “small tragedies” by Alexander Pushkin “Mozart and Salieri”. Only one comedy – Shakespeare’s "The Taming of the Shrew", was included in the programme, however the immortal status of play did not give a chance to lower the benchmark of actors’ exactingness toward themselves. They made the audience enjoy it!

Successful solution – the conversation of Venetian merchant and traveller Marco Polo with his Turkmen guide, allowed joining these greatest works into one organic composition. They came together to the heart of the great Silk Road – Turkmenistan and during their long journey they told interesting stories to each other…

Comfortable atmosphere of trust and immediacy, which the spectators and actors took away with them in their heart with the gratitude to each other, was from the beginning of the performance. The words of gratitude and inspiration was sounded was expressed in the performance of the organizers of the concert but the main things is that these words contained the message that unites the people making them do good things.

As it was said above all money for the tickets for the performance of “Dalchyn” Language Education Centre were sent to support “The Island of Hope” organization.

“Dalchyn” is not alone in its initiative. The action was enthusiastically joined by the personnel of the Ministry of Health Protection and Medical Industry, having again provided the “Island” with necessary medicines, bondage materials and other. Representatives of the Veterinary Service of the Ministry of Agriculture were also present in at the concert and provided the help for the Centre for another time.

Besides, great gratitude was expressed to the Natural Protection department, Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, Ministry of Municipal Services who at present time work on the project of large facility for homeless dogs and cats.

The students of International University of Humanitarian Studies and Development inspired by their mentors for good affairs have been appraised for active volunteer activity. The Ministry of Education also provided great support in the organization of the event. The students of “Dalchyn” expressed the gratitude to the personnel of A. S. Pushkin Theatre and to the Ministry of Culture of Turkmenistan through them for the help in the implementation of the idea. “Website Orient” of Media-Turkmen Agency was informational partner in this action.