Ï Outcomes of the first quarter of the year are reviewed at the extended session of the Government of Turkmenistan

Outcomes of the first quarter of the year are reviewed at the extended session of the Government of Turkmenistan

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President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov held extended session of the Cabinet of Ministers where outcomes of the activity of the branches of national economy for the first quarter of the year have been summed up.

Having announced the agenda, the Head of the State reviewed personnel appointments.

As is known, the Board members of the Trade and Industrial Chamber elected new Head in this regard, the President of Turkmenistan released Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers O. Gurbannazarov from his post and appointed him as the Chairman of the Trade and Industrial Chamber.

Turkmen leader informed about the decision to appoint Ch. Gylyjov as the Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers supervising trade sector, having released him from the position of the Chairman of the Supreme Control Chamber of the country

The President of Turkmenistan released G. Mushshikov from the post of the Board Director of Joint Stock Commercial Bank Senagat and appointed him as the Chairman of the Supreme Control Chamber.

Addressing the particpants, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that large work for construction of new part of international gas pipeline Turkmenistan – Afghanistan – Pakistan – India as well as power and fibre optic lines has started. The Head of the State pointed out that in this regard, it is necessary to build the railway from Galkynysh gas deposit to Afghanistan border as well as to continue developing this large gas field. Skilled and experience leader is required for the organization of these works.

In this regard, the President of Turkmenistan informed about the decision to release M. Babayev from the position of the Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers and to appoint him to the position related to the construction of TAPI pipeline.

The Head of the State appointed M. Meredov as new Vice-premier supervising oil and gas sphere, having released him from the post of the Head of Department of the Cabinet of Ministers.

Having noted that there are many unsolved issued accumulated in oil and gas sphere and it is necessary to start solving these issues immediately, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov addressed the Vice-premier with number of specific assignment including the increment of the volumes of oil production and processing in the country.

It is necessary to develop the industry of natural gas processing for production of ammonia, carbamide and technical carbon as well as to increase the production of liquefied gas, which is on high demand in the world markets, the President said, having highlighted that these branches are the most important directions of the diversification of the economy, which is an alternative to the export of gas by pipelines.

Having requested to analyse the situation in fuel and energy complex and take the measures for the arrangement o efficient activity, the President of Turkmenistan wished M. Meredov success in new position and signed relative documents.

Continuing the subject, the Head of the State highlighted again that experienced leader is needed for proper organization of the construction of TAPI gas line. We have to reconstruct the railroad to Afghanistan. In this regard, Turkmen leader released Vice-premier B. Annameredov who supervised transport and communication sphere from his position and informed on the decision to send him to the work related with the construction of this transnational energy line.

The President of Turkmenistan appointed M. Chakiyev as the Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers supervising transport and communication branches, having released him from the post the Director of Turkmenistan State Anti-economic Crimes Service.

Addressing new Vice-premier, the President highlighted that at present, big perspectives for the states, regions and the whole continents are opening in transport sphere that is one of the key directions of the world development.

The Head of the State appointed M. Hudaykuliyev as the Director of Turkmenistan State Anti-economic Crimes Service.

The Head of the State informed on the decision to appoint H. Mergenov as the Minister of Industry, having released him from the position of the Deputy Head of this ministry.

For the realization of the Programme of social and economic development of the country in 2018 – 2024 as well as for further improvement of architectural and urban construction image of Ashgabat, the Head of the State signed the Resolution of Construction of training centre, complex of motor vehicle facilities and driving schools, having requested M. Chakiyev to hold under control its completion.

After, the President of Turkmenistan gave floor to the participants of the session of the Cabinet of Ministers who made reports on the points of the agenda.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers G. Myradov reported on macroeconomic indices for the first quarter of 2018. The Vice-premier informed that high results have been achieved in all spheres.

For the period under review, the growth rate of the GDP made 6.2 percent including 4.6 percent growth in industrial complex, 10.5 percent in transport and communication sector, 7.6 percent in trade, 3.2 percent in agriculture and 10.1 percent in service sphere.

Comparing with the same period of the last year, the production increased for 4.1 percent in total.

The volume of retail sale by the outcomes of three months increased for 18.2 percent comparing with the same period of 2017. Prices for consumer goods as well as service tariffs for the population were kept within set limits.

Average salary wages at big and medium facilities of the country is 9.3 percent more comparing with the same period of 2017. The production export volume is 14.2 percent higher than in the last year.

Chairman of the State Statistics Committee A. Orayeva reported on economic indicators of the ministries and departments of country for three months of the year.

It was informed that positive results have been achieved for the period under review in chemical complex, textile and food industry. Volumes of oil processing products have grown where the production of gasoline to 1.1 percent and kerosene to 3.6 percent.

Information on the measures for increment of production of import substitutive and export-oriented goods has also been presented. Good results in this direction were demonstrated by private sector.

Having listened to the report, the Head of Turkmenistan focused on the key objectives of this structure. The information has to be absolutely reliable and accurate, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted, having addressed the Head of the State Statistics Committee with number of specific instructions.

Minister of Finances and Economics B. Bazarov reported on the fulfilment of the State Budget and on the outcomes of work carried out in financial and budget system for the first quarter of current year.

As of April 1, the revenue of the main financial plan is executed on 105.4 percent level while the expenditure part on 88.8 percent.

Reporting on the execution of new edition of National Programme of reformation of social and living conditions of rural population until 2020, the Minister informed that according to the statistics, 394.1 million manats of investments have been drawn.

Having highlighted that practical realization of National rural programme is to improve the life of people and to create the condition for the improvement of wealth of the nation, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted the necessity of strict control of the fulfilment of the objectives set out in this document. Formation of modern infrastructure and industrialization of the velayats, increase of production powers of national facilities, establishment of new work occupancies are the main directions, the President continued, having pointed out the importance of the organization of relevant works in the regions on proper level.

Addressing Vice-premier G. Myradov and all leaders of financial and economic sector, the Head of the State focused on the main directions of work for the future. Support of high growth rates of national economy, modernization of the branches of national economy according to the time demands as well as reduction of expenses were highlighted among the utmost objectives.

In present conditions, it is necessary to take the measures for stable development of financial system, activation of the investment activity, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov continued. It is also necessary to work on the strengthening of the exchange rate and purchasing power of national currency, increment of export volumes and gold and currency reserve, Turkmen leader said.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers D. Amangeldiyev reported on the outcomes of the activity in construction and energy complexes and in municipal service sphere for three months of the year.

The Hyakimlik of Ashgabat fulfilled 112.2 percent of the plan with 109.5 percent of growth.

For the period under review, the Ministry of Construction and Architecture fulfilled 100.2 percent of the plan with the growth rate of 101.4 percent.

The growth rate of the Ministry of Energy was 118.6 percent of the reported period.

The Ministry of Municipal Services fulfilled the plan on 110.3 percent level with the growth rate of 112.5 percent.

For the first quarter of current year, the State Concern Turkmenawtoyollary executed the plan of 100.2 percent level with the growth rate of 100.1 percent.

Having listened to the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov ordered the Vice-premier to continue making all conditions for the provision of high production rates of the branches and structures under his supervision.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers K. Durdymyradov spoke with the report on outcomes of work in the branches under his supervision for the first quarter of the year.

The Ministry of Industry of Turkmenistan executed the plan on 130.2 percent level for January – March. Comparing with the same period of the last year, the growth rate made 110.2 percent.

For the period under review, the production plan of the Ministry of Textile Industry was fulfilled on 119.5 percent level with the growth rate of 117. 5 percent.

Production growth rate at carpet making facilities was 106.4 percent with the fulfilment of the plan on 124.5 percent level.

Total production volume plan of the State Concern Turkmenhimiya was executed on 102.6 percent for three months of the year. The growth rate reached 110 percent comparing with the last year indicators.

The growth rate of works performed by the State Fishery Committee was 105.4 percent.

Summing up the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted the importance of set targets for turning the country into industrially developed state and for further diversification and high rates of the development of national economy.

Addressing the Vice-premier and the Minister of Industry, the Head of the State demanded to inspect the work of every branch enterprise personally involving relative specialists in these inspections.

Focusing on the necessity to rebuild national industry for production of high quality, ecologically friendly export –oriented goods, the President of Turkmenistan highlighted that plants and factories have to be provided with advanced technologies and modern equipment fot these purposes.

Having voiced related instructions, the Head of the State gave three months to the Vice-minister for this work, which results have to be presented at the session of the Cabinet of Ministers.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers P. Agamyradov reported on the work in the spheres under his supervision and on the improvement of materials and facilities base of education system.

From January through March, Turkmen school students won 8 medals – 2 silver and 6 bronze, at international school discipline and project contests as well as 2467 different diplomas at Internet contests.

Students of Turkmen Universities won 4 silver and 3 bronze medals at various international contests. They also won 14 gold, 11 silver and 16 bronze medals together with different grade diplomas at Internet contests.

145 samples of textbooks and learning guides were developed and sent for printing for the period under review. 35 of them have been published.

Scientific and practical, educational and methodological conferences have been organized in high and secondary educational institutes under the realization of the Concept of improvement of teaching foreign languages in Turkmenistan. Organizational work for the development of e-learning education system was continued.

The following figures have been brought up: 78.4 percent of Turkmenistan citizens signed the contracts of the State voluntary medical insurance; the growth rate of the funds received from it made 116 percent, the same amount was received from services and sale of production, the growth rate of the income from the services provided by sanatoriums made 109 percent.

The Vice-premier also reported on the realization of National programme of support and development of physical training and sports in Turkmenistan in 2011 – 2020.

54 national competitions and 25 mass sport events were held for the period under review. Our sportsmen participated in 23 international tournaments and won 61 medals (18 gold, 15 silver and 28 bronze).

The necessity of active implementation of educational reform, speeding up the works in science, education and sports development is stipulated by deep integration processes in these spheres, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said. In this regard, Turkmen leader requested the Vice-premier to provide coordinated activity of executive power bodies and local administration, business representatives and public in solution of these objectives.

The Head of the State gave specific instructions to relevant leaders on the stimulation of applied and profile sciences, on involvement of young engineering and technical personnel to the researches and developments, detection of invention talents, for which it is necessary to develop technical knowledge of children making all conditions for their comprehensive development and improving education methods.

It is important to renew the content and formats of educational process in line with the tendencies of the world science and industrial policy for training of highly qualified technical personnel, the President said, having requested to present the proposals on the improvement of the efficiency of education system.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers B. Abdieyva reported on the outcomes of work of the sphere under her supervision for three months of the year as well as on the preparation of International Scientific Conference and Festival “Ancient Sources of Music Art”.

Various events including artistic meetings, scientific and practical conferences, exhibitions, contests, theatre performances and music concerts have been organized for the period under review. The work for improvement of theatres, museums and libraries is steadily carried out. Information about financial and business activity of the State Sports and Tourism Committee has also been presented.

Turkmen State Publishing Service printed 64 various books for the first quarter of the year. The achievements of the country in realization of the state programmes were reflected in the press and on TV and radio channels.

The Vice-premier reported on the preparation to International Scientific Conference and Festival “Ancient Sources of Music Art” in Ashgabat on April 18 – 19. Cultural personnel and art masters of number of foreign states informed on the participation in the forum. Scientific conference, concerts, master classes of foreign specialists with the students of profile educational institutes of our country are planned under the forum.

Having listened to the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov focused on further improvement of work in cultural sphere. The Head of the State also highlighted the necessity of creative thinking of grandiose changes in the country, wide propaganda of modern achievements of Turkmenistan abroad, popularization of national historical and cultural heritage, having given specific instructions to the Vice-premier in this regard.

Speaking of the organization of international scientific conference and festival, the President highlighted the importance of this forum in the context of successful cultural and humanitarian dialog of Turkmenistan with foreign countries. The Head of the State ordered to provide high level of this important event.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, Foreign Minister R. Meredov reported on the outcomes of the MFA activity for the first quarter of the year in the context of steadfast realization of foreign course of neutral Turkmenistan.

The outcomes of foreign visits of Turkmen leader as well as visits of the heads of number of foreign states to our country are visual evidence of successful implementation of this constructive strategy based on the principles of peace-loving, neighbourhood and wide fruitful cooperation. Important agreements achieved during the meetings and talks are to support comprehensive improvement and expansion of beneficial partnership both in bilateral and multilateral formats under competent international and regional organizations.

In general, our country was visited by 151 foreign delegation via the MFA. At the same time, 157 Turkmenistan delegations went to foreign countries, 64 different level events were held in our country together with foreign partners since the beginning of the year.

Consultations between the MFA of Turkmenistan and foreign departments of other states have regular character.

Comprehensive development of trade and economic, humanitarian and cultural cooperation with different states of the world where important role is given to the activity of Intergovernmental committees is one of the priority vectors of foreign policy of Turkmenistan. Therefore, regular sessions of High-Level Trade and Investment Support Group acting under Interstate Turkmen – Russian Committee and Joint Turkmen – Tatar Working group were held in March. Number of bilateral business forums including with the participation of representatives of business circles of Iran, Great Britain and Italy were held for the period under review.

Having focused on the main objectives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and national diplomatic corps, the President highlighted the necessity of optimum realization of existing considerable potential and opportunities for further development of versatile cooperation with all interested foreign partners.

Chairperson of the Mejlis G. Mamedova informed on the activity of national Parliament in the first quarter of the year.

Two sessions of the Mejlis was held for this period, where 29 bills including 5 Laws of Turkmenistan and 24 Mejlis Resolutions have been adopted. The work for elaboration of the laws aimed at further successful realization of the programmes of social and economic development of the country, consolidation of democratic bases of the state as well as improvement of legal framework is carried out.

At present time, taking into account the proposals of the ministries and departments, the elaboration of the plans of law-making activity of National Parliament of new convocation for the next year and coming five years is carried out. These documents are aimed at the provision of steadfast development of national economy and other spheres of Turkmen society, protection of human rights and freedoms, steadfast implementation of social-oriented policy of the state and its foreign strategy.

Under development of international and inter-parliamentary relations, The Mejlis steadily cooperates with the UN specialized agencies and other competent organizations, participates in international events and training seminars.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted the importance of dynamic law-making work of National Parliament for further successful realization of the state social and economic programmes and projects.

The President focused on further expansion of international cooperation and parliamentary relations that support the exchange of practice in law-making activity, introduction of historical experience and modern achievement of Turkmenistan on the way of development of democratic legal state to the world community.

After, Hyakim of Ashgabat Sh. Durdyliyev reported on the outcomes of work made for the period under review by the structural departments of the capital. It was informed on the proposals related to the provision of the personnel of ministries and departments and the Mejlis deputies with new living houses.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov ordered the Hyakim of Ashgabat to prepare necessary documents and provide the movement of the Mejlis deputies and personnel of the ministries and departments to living houses on the territory of the Olympic village.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers E. Orazgeldiyev reported on the outcomes of work in the structures under his supervision in the first quarter of the year.

In general, the growth rate of production, works and services of agricultural complex has reached 103.7 percent. The Ministry of Agriculture and Water Management achieved the index of 102.8 percent, the State Committee for Natural Protection and Land Resources – 109.8 percent, the State Association of Food Industry – 106.3 percent, the State Association Turkmenatlary – 105.8 percent.

Addressing Vice-premier E. Orazgeldiyev, hyakims and leaders of agricultural complex, the President of Turkmenistan expressed his discontent with their work.

The Head of the State pointed out that there is no exemplary agricultural facility in the country that is able to demonstrate efficient use of the land fund and the growth of agricultural production.

Low harvests of the cotton and indicators of cotton fibre production at cotton processing facilities slow down the development of textile industry. economically profitable fine-fibre cotton is not used in practice.

The same situation in growing of the wheat. It shows that despite sufficient amount of mineral fertilizers and water resources, the agricultural standards are not complied with in many regions and the equipment of the plants is outdated.

Head of the State demanded to increase the efficiency of work of profile scientific institutes and to pay utmost attention to training of personnel, to strengthen the control of the employment of specialists who are graduated from agricultural universities every year.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov voiced the decision on the merging of the State Association of Food Industry with the Ministry of Agriculture and Water Management.

Having signed relative document, the Head of the State requested the Vice-premier to establish the Commission for the inspection of the facilities of the State Association of Food Industry and to transfer its assets to the Ministry of Agriculture and water Management and to report afterwards on the work performed in this sphere at the session of the Cabinet of Ministers.

After, the Head of the State addressed the participants of the session, having outlined the utmost objectives for the next period. Finishing the extended session of the Cabinet of Ministers, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov wished all participants strong health, family prosperity and great success.