Ï Health protection is the main subject of Turkmenistan – the UN dialog

Health protection is the main subject of Turkmenistan – the UN dialog

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Health protection is the main subject of Turkmenistan – the UN dialog
The agenda of multidimensional cooperation of Turkmenistan with the United nations Organization places the subject of health protection to the leading position including in the aspect of the achievement of the Goals of sustainable development. The World Health day that was recently observed in our country demonstrated again the commitment of the state to the UN principles in this sphere, imitativeness and far-seeing of the decisions taken by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov aimed at making of the conditions for healthy maternity and childhood as well as full life of the citizens of the country.

Mass character that sport and health improving movement gains in the country, systematic work of the government for improvement of medical and social provision for upbringing of healthy generations receive high appraisal of the United Nations. Mentioning the progress that was reached under the leadership of the President of the state in national medicine, representatives of the UN agencies accredited in our country confirm the willingness to intensify bilateral cooperation in the realization of national targeted programmes and under new joint projects.

Elena Panova, the UN Permanent Coordinator in Turkmenistan/Representative of the UN Population Fund:

The motto of 2018 World Health Day is “Health for All”. The principle is practically implemented in Turkmenistan; we see how the medicine in rural areas is developed, the qualification of doctors is improved, new high technology universal and specialized medical centres appears.

The UNPF closely works with the Governments of 150 countries in the world on demographic issues and reproductive health. Our partnership with the Government of Turkmenistan is based on national priorities in health protection of mother and child and young people. It is good that these priorities are similar to the Action Programme of International Conference on Population, Development and Global Goals of Sustainable Development.

In this regard, we welcome the state investments of Turkmenistan to the expansion of integrated services on protection of reproductive health. Such investments are one of the key factors in the achievement of social and economic development, which we can see in Turkmenistan for 25 years already from the beginning of our partnership.

Particularly, I would like to note that indicators of mother’s health have been improved twice comparing with 2010 according to the evaluation of the UNICEF, UNPF and WHO.

95 reproductive health centres were established in the cities and regions around the country under realization of the state programmes and strategies in the structure of the Ministry of Health Protection and Medical Industry of Turkmenistan under support of the UNPF.

Commitment of the Government of Turkmenistan to invest to the protection of maternity, support of the family has decisive importance for the stability of our efforts in this field. It symbolizes new model of cooperation where the state undertakes huge political and financial responsibility for the achievement of common access to the protection of reproductive health.

As the UN Permanent Coordinator and the Representative of the UNPF in Turkmenistan, I would like to highlight that we are willing to continue our fruitful cooperation with the Government of your country in the achievement of the Goals of Sustainable Development for the formation of fair, equal and inclusive peace, improvement of wellbeing and health of people and sustainable development on the planet.

Shaheen Nilofer, the Representative of the UN Children Fund (UNICEF) in Turkmenistan:

Turkmenistan successes in popularization of immunization and breast feeding, in overcome of iodine deficiency, health protection of mother and child, provision of early development of infants deserve special appraisal. All these directions meet the key provision of the Convention of Child’s Rights.

Several strategies in health protection, education and social protection have been adopted in the country for making of all conditions for prosperous life of children. National strategy and Work Plan for 2016 – 2019 “Health Protection of Mother and Child, Infants, Children and Teenagers in Turkmenistan”, programme “Paediatrics of development and early intervention” in 2016 – 2019 as well as the programmes of breast-feeding deserve special mention.

Let me also express the gratitude to the Government of Turkmenistan for the adoption of the global initiative of the UNICEF and WHO programme “Every Infant”, which works since 2017. The UNICEF will continue providing methodological support for further provision of health and happy life of all children.

In the result of 20 years of cooperation between the Ministry of Health Protection and Medical Industry and the UNICEF, several projects in the prevention of anaemia caused by the deficiency of iodine and iron have been implemented. As the result, Turkmenistan entered the first place in Central Asia by salt iodizing according to the international standards. According to “Cluster Study of Numerous Indicators”, 97 percent of the population of the country are provided with iodized salt.

Formation of the conditions for happy, healthy and wealthy life of children, teenagers and women is very important for the implementation of the Goals of Sustainable development. The UNICEF appreciates exemplary work in Turkmenistan for preventive vaccination of the population and prevention of the diseases in Turkmenistan.

According to the same Cluster Study mentioned above, high level of immunization was confirmed on 97 percent level in Turkmenistan. The government of the country spends 11 million US dollars on immunization and half million dollars on the enrichment of flour with iron and folic acid.

The UNICEF expressed deep gratitude to the Government of Turkmenistan for systematic care for the development of the budget for protection of human and children rights, which is carried out according to the 2health” State Programme and the Programme of social and economic development of the country. The Government of Turkmenistan is convinced that allocating of the funds for the provision of children rights will lead to further improvement of the wellbeing of the population what in its turn, will support the formation of stable economy.

The UNICEF intends to continue the cooperation with the Ministry of health Protection and Medical Industry of Turkmenistan for provision of wealthy life of children, their preparedness to the school and light future after the graduation, provision of every child and mother with high quality medical services.