Ï Current aspects of the state life are reviewed at the session of the Government

Current aspects of the state life are reviewed at the session of the Government

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President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov held regular session of the Cabinet of Ministers where topical issues of the state life have been reviewed.

Having announced the agenda, the Head of the State gave floor to Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, Foreign Minister R. Meredov who informed on the good news from the Headquarter of the United Nations Organizations in New York. Two Resolutions “The World Bicycle Day” and “Cooperation between the United Nations Organizations and International Fund for Saving of Aral Sea”, which drafts were elaborated by the initiative of the President of Turkmenistan, have been unanimously adopted at the 82nd meeting of the 72nd session of the UN General Assembly on April 12.

It was noted in this context that or country and the world community pays great attention to the development of sports as one of the Goals of sustainable development. Turkmenistan carries out steadfast work in this direction, which received the approval and support on international level. The above-mentioned Resolution, according to which June 3 was declared as the World Bicycle Day, is visual evidence of such approval. 56 countries were the co-authors of this document.

Our country chairs the International Fund for Saving of Aral Sea in 2017 – 2019. Special UN Resolution, which was initiated by Turkmen side and co-authored by 19 states, is to support further consolidation of the role of the United Nations in the activity of the IFAS and the development of the cooperation of the Fund with foreign partners.

In this regard, the Vice-premier, the Head of the MFA warmly congratulate Turkmen leader with this great foreign policy achievements indicating growing authority of the country in the world.

Having listened to this information, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov made a speech addressing Turkmen people on occasion of these remarkable events.

Continuing the subject, the Head of the State instructed Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, the Foreign Minister and other relative heads to organize the events dedicated to the adoption of the above-mentioned documents of the UN General Assembly.

Having noted that Turkmenistan takes specific measures for the provision of ecological prosperity in national and regional scale including the realization of large-scale tree planting campaign in the country, construction of Turkmen Lake Altyn Asyr, active position for solution of Aral Sea issues, initiatives for cooperation in Caspian Sea, foundation of the UN Regional Technologies Centre related to the climate change, the Head of the State highlighted the necessity of continuation of steadfast work in this direction.

The Head of the State also made instruction on preparation to the World Bicycle Day, which is to be observed for the first time in the beginning of June. It programme has to include different sport, cultural and educational events aimed at further consolidation of the principles of healthy life style in the society, popularization of cycling and involvement of Turkmenistan citizens into mass physical training and health improving movement.

Continuing the report, the Vice-premier, Head of the MFA informed on the preparation to important events on May 2. It includes the opening of new Turkmenbashy International Seaport as well as International Transport Forum and profile exhibition planned to be held in Avaza National tourism zone. It was reported that the composition of organizational Committee has been approved and the Programme of the events has been developed.

Holding active position in the development of beneficial cooperation in strategic directions of regional and global agenda, Turkmenistan is the author of constructive initiatives, which importance and relevance are indicated by number of the Resolutions adopted by the UN General Assembly. In this aspect, it was also reported on preparation to the next 9th session of transport ministers of the Economic Cooperation Organization members in Avaza National tourism zone on May 3. Organizational issues of coming meeting will be included in the agenda of the 23rd Assembly of the Minister of the ECO members on April 17 in Dushanbe.

Having listened to the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that Turkmenistan, which is located on important intersection of regional and continental transport routes, tries to realize the existing potential for common sake making considerable contribution to the formation of modern multimodal transit, transport and logistic infrastructure and to the restoration of the Silk Road in new merit. Our country would continue providing comprehensive support the consolidation and expansion of beneficial international partnership in this strategic sector, the Head of the State said, having instructed to provide high organizational level of the above-mentioned events.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers G. Myradov reported on the situation in the sphere under his supervision and the measures for the improvement of the competiveness of national economy, efficient use of the budget and improvement of the role of private sector.

Summing up the report, the President of the country outlined the protection of the growth rates of all branches of national economy, strict control of financial and economic condition of the ministries and departments among the priority objectives in the nearest future. Having focused on the importance of accumulation of the investment funds of local banks, which have to participate actively in the investment of the main national projects, the Head of the State addressed the Vice-premier with number of specific assignments.

After, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Ch. Gylyjov reported on the work in the organizations under his supervision and practical measures for the fulfilment of the assignments on improvement of the efficiency of work of the structures under his control and on the development of the entrepreneurship.

Summing up the report, the Head of the State highlighted an important role of trade sphere in the growth of national economy and consolidation of the cooperation with foreign countries. In this context, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov focused on the improvement of the activity of the Trade and Industrial Chamber, having noted the necessity of high-level organization of the work of this sector and introduction of advanced world experience.

Speaking of this, the Head of the country states the presence of optimum opportunities for the expansion of productive trade and economic relations, increment of the trade volumes, stimulation of investment activity, diversification of the contacts between the business communities and organization of international profile reviews. In this context, the Vice-premier was addressed with the specific assignments on the arrangement of the advertisement and systematic exhibitions of high quality competitive products made in the country.

After, the floor was given to Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers M. Meredov who reported on the situation in different sectors of fuel and energy complex and on the measures for the realization of the Programme of development of oil and gas industry of Turkmenistan until 2030.

Having listened to the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov addressed the Vice-premier with number of specific orders for further consolidation of industrial and export potential of fuel and energy complex of the country, modernization of the infrastructure of the branch based on application of innovative technologies and advanced developments as well as active investment policy.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers E. Orazgeldiyev reported on seasonal agricultural works in the regions. It was noted that sowing of spring vegetable and cucurbitaceous crops is continued these days. Contracts with agricultural producers are concluded. In general, more than 215,120 hectares of land are sown with the cotton in the country and the growth rates of the sowing campaign are continued.

Having listened to the report, the President of Turkmenistan requested to complete spring agricultural campaigns properly and on time, first of all the cotton sowing, as well as to prepare for coming wheat harvest period. Specific instructions were given to the Vice-premier on the efficient control of the compliance with all agrotechnical standards, rational use of water resources and efficient operation of the equipment.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers K. Durdymyradov made report on the work of industrial complex. The Vice-premier also informed on the fulfilment of the assignments given by the Head of the State earlier on rapid construction of living and efficient implementation of production facilities of the Ministry of Industry for these purposes.

It was informed that Production Association «Türkmendemirbetonönümleri» developed the project of gradual construction of 32 large-panel 4-store 36-apartment living houses with planned territory as well as hospital and kindergarten for 160 children, school for 600 students and two shopping centres. The first stage of construction includes the erection of 18 living houses and shopping centres.

Industrial construction materials sector is one of the most important import substitutive directions of the development of the economy, which rapid industrialization is subject to the key objectives of socially oriented policy, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers D. Amangeldiyev made report on the work in the ministries and departments under his supervision and on the measures for urban planning of Ashgabat, steadfast increment of energy production in the country, improvement of the activity of municipal services and speeding up of the construction rates.

Having listened to the report, the Head of Turkmenistan highlighted the importance of coordinated work of all links of the complex for further improvement of social and living level and quality of life of Turkmenistan citizens. It is necessary to hold under permanent control uninterrupted supply of the population with electricity and gas, the Head of the State pointed out, having addressed the Vice-premier with number of specific assignments.

The Government pays great attention to the investment of integrated modernization of construction facilities, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov continued, having ordered to solve all set objectives by introduction of new equipment and technologies and formation of innovative production facilities.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers M. Chakiyev reported on the work for further improvement of the activity of the facilities under his supervision, their modernization and regular supplementation of technical fleet with new equipment.

Transport system of Turkmenistan has considerable potential of production facilities allowing providing growing volumes of cargo and passenger traffic including those that transit our country, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted. Formation of modern transport and transit infrastructure, involvement of new areas mean not only the increment of traffic turnover but also meet the tendencies of global development.

Construction of roads, interchanges and bridges is carried out rapidly in the country, the Head of the State continued, having highlighted that our common objective is to combine economic interests and the realities of international partnership. Having noted that efficient use of favourable modern technologies from ecological point of view is one of time demands, the President pointed out the necessity of the electrification of the railroads.

All these measures will support active integration of national transport system to the world communication infrastructure, formation of large logistic centres in Turkmenistan that provide the coordination of multimodal transportation.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers B. Abdiyeva reported on the work for the popularization of national cultural heritage in the world as well as on the preparation to International Conference and Festival “Ancient Sources of Music Art” in Ashgabat on April 18 – 19.

Having listened to the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted the necessity of steadfast and targeted work for study and introduction of national cultural heritage to the people of the world, which integral and important component is Turkmen music art. It was formed based on centuries-old art traditions and today, is improved in performance practice.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers P. Agamyradov reported on the situation in the spheres under his supervision and on the work for preparation of Turkmenistan national team to the participation in XXXII Summer Olympics in Tokyo in 2020.

In this context, it was informed on the activity for use of advanced methods and scientific achievements for the development of national sports, improvement of the skills of Turkmen athletes and their successful participation in coming Olympic Games. In this regard, the draft of integrated Programme aimed at efficient solution of set objectives and the Plan of the realization of the Programme have been elaborated. The relevant Draft Resolution was presented within the report for the review by the President.

Development and comprehensive support of sports are one of the priorities of the state policy of neutral Turkmenistan, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted. It is necessary to pay special attention to education of the sportsmen, stimulation of such merits as commitment and diligence, endurance, perseverance and winning spirit, the Head of the State highlighted, having signed the Resolution, and ordered to provide high level of organization and all conditions for training of Turkmenistan national team to XXXII Summer Olympics.

Having signed the Resolution on the appointment of Deputy Chairmen of the Cabinet of Ministers as responsible curators of Ashgabat and velayats, the Head of the State addressed the Vice-premier with number of specific instructions.

Other issues of the state life, on which relevant decisions were taken, have been reviewed at the session.