Ï Different aspects of ecological culture are reflected in the publications of profile magazine

Different aspects of ecological culture are reflected in the publications of profile magazine

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Input of the science to the provision of ecological safety is the main theme of new issues of scientific popular magazine “Ecological Culture and Environment Protection”. The magazine is opened by the publication of representatives of Agricultural university D. Reyimov and O. Sopiyev who analyse the articles of the Law on Industrial Safety of Hazrdous Production Facilities and On Ecological Safety under social and economic development of the country.

The publication of S. Durdiyev from National Education Institute is dedicated to the preparation of new formation of the specialists. The author noted that Ecology and Environment Protection discipline was introduced in secondary profile colleges and universities of the country and the Ecology started to be taught in schools in 2013 – 2014 academic tear. The author puts his thoughts on the importance of the concept of ecological culture and ecological competence in life of Turkmen society and every family.

The climate changes are under close attention of the scientists and new direction – energy ecology, has been created in the science. The opportunities of using of the alternatives of the fuel, which are able to replenish the needs in such resources in transport, industrial sector and agriculture are studied. The idea of extraction of the deep heat of the earth via old gas and oil wells are offered by the specialists of the State Concern Turkmengaz I. Bayaramova and B. Geldiyeva. They suppose that geothermal energy of one of such wells is able to replace 158,000 tons of coal.

The theme of alternative energy is continued by A. Penjiyev from Turkmen State Institute of Architecture and Construction. The author presents detailed report on the potential of receiving hydro energy resources in small oases, use of solar radiation, processing of biomass of vegetative and animal origin for production of liquid fuel. H. Evjanov from International Oil and Gas University and Ch. Hojamuhammedova and Sh. Nuriyeva from Turkmen State Institute of Architecture and Construction presented joint scientific work on use of sulphur received after gas treatment as an additive to construction bitumen together with other hardening components. The authors state that the items made of sulphur concrete reach the level of water absorption level.

Ya. Rozykuliyev and U. Huseynov offer wonderful journey to Amudarya State Natural Reserve in the magazine. Their article contains scientific data and personal impressions the connoisseurs of the beauty of these places, which combine contrast ecosystems like river, bushes and deserts, thorough the field studies. Specialist of National Institute of Deserts, Flora and Fauna, entomologist E. Kokanova presented the review for 90 years of study on mass reproduction and micro-migration of various types of butterflies.

The history of study of Great Cormorant in the Caspian and his behaviour are described in scientific report of the personnel of Hazar Reserve A. Annatuvakova and M. Mamedkurbanova. The Cormorant is a Piscivore; there are around 50 species of such birds in Turkmen sector of Caspian Sea.

Informative publication of employee of the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan T. Hommiyev contains the information about the beliefs related to the wolf. For example, the epic of Ergonakan describes as she-wolf helped people to find an iron mine. The animal is also mentioned in the epoch Boz Gurt (Steppe Wolf). In the old times, wolf fur was used to make the clothes for the warriors, which was thought would give them the courage. Mahmyt Kashgarly writes that when the child was born, the birth attendance was usually asked whether it is fox or wolf born. In other words, the girl was compared with cunning and cautious fox, while the boy with brave wolf. The new born was wrapped in wolf skin for it to grow up brave as the wolf. The boys were even named Mojek, Bori, Gurt believing that they would grow up fearless. The cradles could have some attributes related with the wolf and childless women wore around the neck. National holiday were seldom celebrated without Gyokbori game.