Ï Turkmen leader sends greetings to personnel of the State Migration Service

Turkmen leader sends greetings to personnel of the State Migration Service

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President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov addressed congratulation message to personnel of the State Migration Service of Turkmenistan on occasion of their professional holiday.

I wish you great successes in responsible activity for practical realization of international initiatives of Turkmen State, - the message of the Head of the State says.

The main provisions of exclusively defensive Military Doctrine of Turkmenistan based on the legal status of neutrality are aimed at the protection of national interests and the provision of security of the country, consolidation of peace, expansion of friendly neighbouring relations with all states.

Being full participant of modern system of international relations, our neutral state expands the partnership in the consolidation of peace, provision of security and sustainable development. Fruitful cooperation with International Migration Organization also indicates the commitment of our country to humanistic principles and undertaken obligations.

The interest of the representatives of the world political and business circles and foreign citizens to independent neutral Turkmenistan grows in the result of open door policy. In the context of 2018 slogan “Turkmenistan is the Heart of the Great Silk Road”, the number of foreign tourists wishing to see ancient cultural monuments and historical places of our country grows. In this regard, important role is given to the personnel of the State Migration Service who are the first to greet foreign citizens and who gives the impulse to positive understanding of our country, - the message notes.

You do efficient work for implementation of migration policy of Turkmenistan. Being qualified specialists who know foreign languages, you demonstrate quality modern migration services deserving highest appreciation to the guests arriving in our country from all over the world.

The personnel of the Service successfully performed their objectives during V Asian Indoor and Martial Arts Games. Thousands of people who arrived for the Games were provided with high quality migration services. There are personnel of the State Migration Service among the talented athletes who improved sport glory of the country with great number of gold medals won at these large continental competitions. I am confident that personnel of the State Migration Service will successfully perform at the World Powerlifting Championship in Turkmen capital in 2018.

All necessary conditions are made for efficient service of the personnel of military and law enforcement agencies of the country according to the time demand. The measures on further improvement of equipment and facilities base of the State Migration Service, professional training and experience of the personnel, their living and social conditions would be continued, - the message of the President highlights.