Ï Priority areas of the Turkmen-Romanian cooperation

Priority areas of the Turkmen-Romanian cooperation

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Priority areas of the Turkmen-Romanian cooperation
The Intergovernmental Turkmen-Romanian commission on the economic, scientific and technological cooperation held the 7th session. The meeting brought together the heads and representatives of a number of governmental intuitions of the two countries.

The meeting agenda focused on the progress of the implementation of the earlier achieved agreements, in particular the recommendations adopted in the framework of the 6th session as well as the new promising areas of the partnership.

Opening the meeting, the co-chairmen of the commissions expressed satisfaction with the high level of the Turkmen-Romanian relations built on the principles of mutual trust and benefit. It was noted that at present the two countries tended to use the existing solid potential to implement joint projects.

The official visits of President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov to Romania in 2011 and President of Romania Trayan Besesk to our country in 2012 offered a powerful incentive to building up the interstate dialogue. The package of documents signed during the top-level talks has established the solid foundation for the bilateral partnership on a wide spectrum.

Emphasizing that the Turkmen-Romanian relations over a number of key vectors have intensified in recent years, the meeting participants underlined the importance of enhancing the work of the Intergovernmental Commission on building up cooperation in the projects of international significance initiated by the President of Turkmenistan in the fuel and energy complex and the transport and communications sector. The trade and economic sphere, the textile industry, agriculture, electric power industry, construction were specified among the priority areas for cooperation.

Focusing on the favorable investment climate created in our country for the work of foreign partners, the members of the commission from the Romanian side expressed the interest of Romanian businessmen to expand their presence in the promising Turkmen market to implement joint investment projects.

Particular attention during the meeting was paid to the humanitarian partnership. Emphasizing the importance of enhancing the fruitful relations in this area, the meeting participants called for building up traditional cooperation in the fields of education, science and culture. Those speaking during the meeting underlined the significance of joint events in order to familiarize the peoples of the two countries with the rich historical and cultural heritage of each other. Tourism and sports were specified among the promising areas of cooperation.

The meeting participants expressed belief that the meeting in Ashgabat would contribute to the further development of partnership between Turkmenistan and Romania in all areas.

The protocol on the priority areas of the Turkmen-Romanian cooperation and the Memorandum of Understanding between the Ministry of Finance and Economy of Turkmenistan and the Ministry for Economy, Trade, Industry and the Business Environment of Romania on cooperation in the economic sphere were signed on the outcomes of the 7th session of the Intergovernmental Turkmen-Romanian commission on the economic, scientific and technological cooperation.

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The members of the delegation headed by the Minister of Economy, Trade, Industry and the Business Environment of Romania Stefan-Radu Oprea held meetings in the Government, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan to exchange the views on widening the fruitful interstate interaction.