Ï Aspects of the dialog in water management are discussed at high-level meeting

Aspects of the dialog in water management are discussed at high-level meeting

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During high-level talks in Tashkent, Presidents Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and Shavkat Mirziyoyev discussed the issues of regional cooperation for provision of security and sustainable development of central Asia, creation of the atmosphere of good neighbourhood and understanding and support of the balance of interests and non-admissions of the conflicts.

Both countries see the this guarantee and the main conditions of rapid economic growth in Central Asia, implementation of large-scale international infrastructural projects, support of trade relations and attraction of long-term foreign investments in this.

The efficiency of five-sided format of cooperation in the region was mentioned, therefore the opportunity of the establishment of advisory body of the heads of Central Asian states has been reviewed.

Water and energy range of problems was named as one of the most important directions of regional cooperation. Turkmenistan always said that water and energy range of issues in the region has to be solved based on the universal standards of International law taking into account the interests of every country with the participation of international organizations including the UN. In this case, Turkmen side steadily speaks for the formation of efficient negotiation mechanisms between the states of the region and for elaboration of coordinated positions what would support the provision of solid and stable balance of interests in this sphere.

Turkmenistan follows the same objectives in its approaches to Aral Sea range of problems. While being the Chairing country of International Fund for Saving of Aral Sea, our country stands for more efficient use of the potential of IFAS, consolidation and improvement of its activity and is willing to cooperate close with the Republic of Uzbekistan, other founders of the Fund and international specialized structures.

In the last day of August, Ashgabat is to host the Summit of the founders of the IFAS, what leads to the appropriateness of thorough preparation work in order to approach it with specific well grounded projects of solutions. In this regard, Turkmen leader proposed to organize the session of relative committees of the Fund in May – June and in case if it is necessary to held separate meeting of Central Asia states on the level of the leaders responsible for use of water resources.

At the same time, Turkmenistan feels it is necessary to enforce bilateral cooperation with the Republic of Uzbekistan on water management range of problems. In 1996, Our countries concluded the Agreement, according to which the water resources running through the territories of two states are shared 50/50.

For further development of cooperation in this important sphere, Turkmenistan proposes to establish joint Inter-Governmental Committee on water management issues. The opportunity of the elaboration of bilateral Agreement on rational use of Amudary River also seems to be resonable.