Ï Turkmen leader gives positive feedback of the high-level talks in Tashkent

Turkmen leader gives positive feedback of the high-level talks in Tashkent

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Emphasizing the outcomes of the high-level meeting in Tashkent to the press, the President of Turkmenistan highlighted that condition and perspectives of bilateral relations, issues of regional and international politics has been discussed and key directions of Turkmen – Uzbek cooperation have been outlined during the talks.

The presence of the perspectives for activation of trade and economic cooperation and increment of trade turnover volumes were stated. The willingness to the expansion of the partnership between business communities of two countries and to the realization of joint projects has been mentioned.

Turkmen leader informed that the agreement on intensification of cooperation in strategic spheres like transport, communication and energy has been achieved.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that our country is ready for joint work on the formation of Uzbekistan – Turkmenistan – Caspian Sea – South Caucasus corridor with the entry to European and Middle East markets. In this context, Turkmen side offered Uzbekistan to study the opportunities of port infrastructure on Turkmenistan Caspian coast as well as invited the representatives of neighbouring state to participate in the opening ceremony of Turkmenbashy International Seaport and in the work of High-Level International Conference on Transport Cooperation on May 2.

We also support the necessity of the realization of achieved agreements on establishment of Central Asia – Middle East transport corridor and discuss the perspectives of cooperation in energy sphere, Turkmen Leader said. Dynamic character of humanitarian cooperation and intensification of the relations in cultural, scientific, educational and sport spheres was highlighted during the talks. Recently, boundary relations between neighbouring regions of Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan have been activated. The sides agreed to support these processes on the Government level.

Speaking of the content of Turkmen – Uzbek relations, it is necessary to highlight that it is stipulated by full understanding both in the opinions on priorities and perspectives of bilateral partnership and on the tendencies of regional and international development, the Head of the State continued. Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan stand for from similar positions on such key subjects of the global agenda as protection and support of peace and stability, counteract the threats of international terrorism, extremism, disarmament, regulation of the situation in Afghanistan.

Our countries work close in competent international and regional structures like the United Nations and the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, the Commonwealth of Independent States.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that cooperation of Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan serves as strategic factor of stability and positive development of the processes in Central Asia. First of all, this is about the vison of our countries on the Central Asia as the region free of conflicts and confrontation, as reliable link of long-term stability in Asia and the arena of wide international partnership. Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan are confident that all problems in our region have to be solved by exclusively peaceful methods based on principles of neighbourhood, mutual respect, equality and interests.

During the talks, the sides touched upon the situation in Afghanistan, having confirmed mutual firm commitment to peaceful, political methods of regulation of the situation in this country and to the necessity of its integration to international economic processes. As a neutral state, Turkmenistan confirms its willingness to provide its political space for organization of national Afghan dialog under the aegis and leading role of the UN, Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said. Discussing the issues of regional cooperation, the sides reviewed the opportunities of creation of new forms of multilateral political communication in Central Asia, which would be built on systematic and long-term basis. In this regard, Turkmenistan makes the proposal on the institution of the format of regular meetings of Central Asia states on high level as a discussion and consultation body for current issues of regional agenda, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted.

Special attention was paid to water and energy problems in Central Asia. Turkmenistan stands for their solutions based on universal standards of international law, mutual respect and interests of all countries in the region. Turkmen side expressed the gratitude to Uzbekistan for constructive position on this subject and the willingness to close cooperation.

Cooperation in ecological sphere seems to be appropriate in the context of Turkmen – Uzbek cooperation both in bilateral and international formats. The sides agreed to activate joint efforts on further improvement of the activity of International Fund for Saving of Aral Sea. Turkmenistan will host the Summit of the countries founders of the Fund in August. In this aspect, our country offers to organize the session of relative committees of the IFAS in May – June and if it is necessary to hold separate meeting of Central Asian countries on the level of responsible persons for use of water resources, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov informed.

Addressing mass media representatives, Turkmen leader expressed the satisfaction of the talks, which confirmed the presence of huge potential for cooperation and willingness of its full format use. Signing of number of bilateral documents was visual evidence to this.

Having made special mention of personal merits of President Shavkat Mirziyoyev in strengthening of bilateral relations and his permanent attention to the subjects of cooperation with Turkmenistan, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov expressed sincere gratitude to Uzbek colleague as well as addressed wishes of peace and prosperity to friendly Uzbek nation.