Ï The Heads of Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan visit historical monuments of Hiva

The Heads of Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan visit historical monuments of Hiva

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Continuing the state visit to Uzbekistan, Turkmen leader Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov accompanied by his Uzbek colleague Shavkat Mirziyoyev visited Khiva located on the left bank of Amudary River in the south of Khoresm Region.

This unique city museum received the status of sanctuary in 1967 and in 1990, the UNESCO declared Ichan- Kala district of Khiva as historical monument of the word significance.

The Heads of Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan visited historical complex Ichan-Kala where traditional style of oriental city is preserved. The complex includes around 60 facilities like Kunya-Arc Stronghold, Tash-Hauli Palace, famous Juma Mosque with 213 carved columns , the symbol of Khiva Islam-Hoja Minaret and many other.

During the tour around historical site, which is usually full of tourists, Turkmen leader said about the idea of making Turkmen – Uzbek movie, which can be made in this place as our nations have many common pages in their rich biography. The Heads of the States looked around Shirgazy Madrasah where famous poets and scientists of the East received their education. Classic of Turkmen poetry Magtumguly Fragi was also studying in his time in this madrasah. He wrote: “The golden book was opened for me here. I’m sorry but I leave, beautiful Shirgazy”.

Ancient books including Turkmen poets Magtumguly, Kemine, Seydi, Zelili and other were demonstrated to the leaders. This is just a small part of huge layer of Turkmen culture that remained and expecting for its study.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov gave instructions to relative leaders of Turkmen delegation to work out on this subject and to organize the study of these priceless sources in Ichan-Kala, which can tell a lot about the history of Turkmen nation.

Screenplay dedicated to one of the pages of artistic biography of Magtumguly was presented to the Presidents of Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan in the yard of the madrasah.

The programme of Turkmen leader in Khoresm region includes the visit to Mahmyda Palvan Mausoleum, which is one of the most wonderful samples of Khiva architecture of XIX century and historical palace complex Nurullaboy in the outskirts of Khiva.