Ï Business circles of Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan to implement the projects to total amount of more than 250 million US dollars

Business circles of Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan to implement the projects to total amount of more than 250 million US dollars

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International Hotel Tashkent hosted Turkmen – Uzbek business forum timed to the state visit of President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov to the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Turkmen delegation consists of the representatives of profile ministries and departments including finances and economics, trade and foreign economic affairs, agriculture and water management, industry, automobile and railroad transport, construction and architecture, energy, communication, textile industry, youth affairs and sports as well as the State Corporation Turkmengeologiya, State Concern Turkmengaz, Turkmenneft, Turkmenhimiya and Turkmenawtoyollary, State Service Maritime and River Transport, Turkmendermansenagat Association, Ministry of Health Protection and Medical Industry, State Tourism and Committee, Ashgabatsyahat and Lebapsyahat tourist agencies, State Fishery COmmitteem Turkmenatlary State Association, Turkmenistan State Commodity and Raw Material Exchange, Trade and Industrial Chamber, National Barcode Organization, Ashgabat and Turkmenbashy Textile Complexes, State Enterprise Turkmenulaggyozegchilik, Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan and its institutes of solar energy and chemistry, Turkmen State Institute of Transport and Communication, Ashgabat City Administration.

Top managers and leading specialists of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan, Business Entities «Myrat-bina gurluşyk», «Hasar», «Şerbetli Ak Gar», «Ak ýaprak», «Ajaýyp Ussat-Halal önümler», «Owadan Ülke», «Muhammet-Balkan», «Ýigit», «Ak Gaýa», «Ýüpek ýol harytlary», «Sowukgöz», «Halys», «Halk Market», companies Ýüpekçi», «Nurly meýdan», «Derýaplastik», «Parasatly», «Berk Ojak», «Abadan haly», «Hazar balyk» и «Maksat-Deri» joint stock ventures, Hoşzaman», «Parahat», «Owadan-Syýahat», «Zehin», «Çigildem», «Biýat», «Ynamly Belentlik», «Ukyply Kärdeşler» enterprises and many other private structures and entrepreneurs are among the particpants of Turkmen delegations arrived in Uzbek capital.

Representatives of state structures – ministries of economy, foreign trade, water management, information technologies and communications development, agriculture, health protection, State committees on investments, architecture and construction, tourism development, custom committee, Tashkent City Administration, National Foreign Economic Affairs Bank, Trade and Industrial Chamber as well as more than 80 large enterprises, holdings, joint stock ventures specialized in energy, metallurgy, aviation services, railroad transport, oil and gas, automobile, chemical, pharmaceutical industry, production of construction materials, food, footwear, furniture, textile, carpet, leather, plastic production, etc. took part in the forum from Uzbek side.

Opening the meeting, the participants stated with delight that recently, traditionally friendly relations between Turkmenistan and the Republic of Uzbekistan experience new rise and are characterised with growing dynamics of bilateral cooperation aimed at specific result.

Number of documents signed during current visit of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov to the Republic of Uzbekistan became the confirmation of invariable willingness of neighbouring states to the improvement and diversification of efficient cooperation.

Adham Ikramov, the Chairman of Trade and Industrial Chamber of friendly country, highlighted that Uzbekistan sees Turkmenistan as strategic partner in the region and comprehensively supports further expansion of trade and economic relations, development of cooperation in transport and communication, cultural and humanitarian fields.

It was also highlighted that for three months of 2018, the trade turnover between our countries increased to 55 percent comparing with the same period of the last year.

“Such growth became feasible owing to the establishment of trade connections between the companies of two countries. More than 40 Uzbek delegations visited Turkmenistan for discussion of bilateral cooperation”, - A. Ikramov said.

During the meeting, Turkmen representatives presented the key aspects of economic strategy of Turkmenistan to the participants, which stipulates the diversification of national economy by implementation of advanced technologies and management methods, gradual transit to market relations, comprehensive support of private entrepreneurship. At the same time, great attention is paid to the expansion of cooperation with foreign partners including the States of Central Asia.

Video on the achievements of our country in different branches of the economy was demonstrated to the participants of the business forum. Representatives of the State Investments Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan and Trade and Industrial Chambers of both countries made the presentations on their activity.

Having confirmed mutual interest of two states in activation of beneficial trade and economic, scientific and technical cooperation, the participants of business meeting discussed number of specific measures for diversification of the partnership.

During exchange of the opinions, the necessity of expansion of trade relations, export and import operations, variety and volumes of supplied goods and services was also noted. Regularexhibitions, fairs, conferences and forums as well as Business Council founded in accordance with the Agreement between Trade and Industrial Chamber of Turkmenistan and Trade and Industrial Chamber of the Republic of Uzbekistan signed during the last high-level meeting are to be actual mechanism of the rapprochement of business structures.

Negotiations between the representatives of the Government structures and private business of two countries where the issues of the expansion of beneficial partnership, establishment of new joint ventures and realization of big investment projects have been discussed in details were held after plenary session.

In particular, number of proposals and business ideas were given by the representatives of JSV Uzagrotechmash, Uzbekneftegaz, Uzbekozikovkatholding, Uzbekgydroenergo, Uzbekcharmpoyabzaly, Ahangarancement, Uzavtosanoat, Uzavtoyul, Uzbekiston Temir Yullary, Uztextilprom, UZsharobsanoat, Uztrade, Navoyi and Almalyk Ore Metallurgic Complexes, Uzbek Metallurgic Complex, Fund of Export Support of Small Business and Medium entrepreneurship, «Sahiý Hamkor», «Pintak Panel», «Koksaraý», «Bektemir matal konstruksiýalary», «Optima best plast», «Bahor Plastik», «Master Bilding Prodakts», «Sam Silwer Plast», “Marokand MCM”, «Dentafill Plýus», «Torimed Pharm», «Сhromos Production», «Yaks Quality», «Alimxon Exim Group», «Urgaz Carpet», «Yasham Erkaplan», «Gold Brend Mebel», «Hilton Trade», «Marokand Food Product», «Alviero», «Garant Mebel», «Algoritm Plastik», «Stekloplastik», «Natural Fruit Juice», «Techno Eksport», «East West Invest», «Urgut Elita Servis», «Mega Invest Industrial», «Good Food Group», «Reprocessing.uz», «Milliy Bottlers», «Namangan Porloq Tamirlash Servis», «Classica Shoes International», «Mexmash», «Peng Sheng», «Eko Comfort Elegant», «Toshrabot Textile», «Aji Caps», «Gold Strech», «Omad ZZI», «Krember», «Ice and Gold», «Ziynat Tekstil Servis», «Izopanel», «Comment Pro», «Saver Paints», «Royal Candy», «Art Premium Tex», «Ravshan Yodik Production», «Avangard Prom Stroy» and other companies.

After the business forum, the participants spoke for continuation of the practice of such meetings. The significance of the forum was highlighted in Uzbek press, which informed that by the outcomes of the talks of the representatives of business circles of two countries held during the days of the state visit of President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov to Uzbekistan, the contracts and memorandums stipulating the joint projects to total amount of more than 250 million US dollars have been signed.