Ï Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov: Ahalteke horse is national heritage

Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov: Ahalteke horse is national heritage

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I congratulate you on the opening of International Fair Exhibition and X International Scientific Conference “Turkmen Horse and the World Equestrian Art”, which are held in our country on occasion of the Day of Turkmen Horse, - the message of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov says.

From the ancient time, gracious Turkmen horses, the same as beautiful carpets and fancy gold and silver jewelleries, are considered to be one of national treasuries of our nation. Ahalteke horse is a sample of priceless national heritage that was brought up, hatched and made by people for long centuries.

Therefore, the State pays great attention to the development of horse breeding and equestrian sports, makes all necessary conditions for training of skilful horse breeders, jockeys and specialist, for the improvement of their social and living conditions. At the same time, equestrian traditions of our courageous ancestors were revived and the achievements in the development of Turkmen equestrian art were improved. The popularity of Turkmen horses, which are famous around the world by speed and beauty, is growing. Taking into account huge international interest to our wonderful horses we establish fruitful cooperation with ahalteke equestrian associations in foreign countries.

Ashgabat Equestrian Sports Complex was reconstructed in the capital. International Equestrian Complex, equestrian centres in Balkan, Dashoguz, Lebap and Mary velayats meeting modern requirements were built and put into operation in the Kopetdag foothills in Ahal Velayat as well as equestrian training centre was made. It indicates the great attention that is paid to the development of national equestrian art, - the message says.

It became good tradition in our country to observe the Day of Turkmen Horse on high level. It includes ceremonial events and various contests aimed at further improvement of the glory of Turkmen horses, which are national pride, model of beauty and grace. It is remarkable that many guests from different countries of the world participate in International Equestrian Fair and Exhibition this year.

Participation in the X International Scientific Conference “Turkmen Horse and the World Equestrian Art” of leading foreign scientists, horse breeders and experts serve as the bright evidence of international recognition of noble horses that were brought up in Turkmen land, which supplemented the work treasury of human values.

I am confident that International Fair Exhibition and Scientific Conference held in the year under slogan “Turkmenistan is the Heart of the Great Silk Road” will be very important for familiarization of the world community with the successes and achievements of national equestrian industry, for sharing of practice with famous horse breeders, definition of the perspective of the development of beneficial cooperation with the companies and private horse breeders who try to establish the partnership, the message noted.

For further development of equestrian industry and improvement of horse riding art, Turkmen horse breeders, jockeys and other profile specialists regular go to foreign states with developed equestrian industry, actively participate in international exhibitions, contests and conferences. It makes positive effect on big international events in our country – the birthplace of ahalteke horses.

We will continue taking an active measures for further improvement of the prestige of our speed horses, equestrian competitions, national horse riding games and international beauty contests of ahalteke horses, improvement of selection and pedigree work, improvement of successes of national equestrian sphere by using of the best world practice – the message of the President highlights.