Ï The large-scale work to develop equestrian sports in the country

The large-scale work to develop equestrian sports in the country

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President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highly assessed the contribution of the Galkynysh group of the national equestrian games into the world popularization of Ahalteke horses. The renowned group took part in the prestigious international Circus Art festivals in Moscow (the Russian Federation), Latina (Italy), Zhuhai (the People’s Republic of China) and won the grand prizes and gold cups.

For the first time, the equestrian sports – jumping competitions were included into the programme of the V Asian Indoor and Martial Arts Games held in Ashgabat in September, 2017.

“This fact has opened up wide opportunities to continue the path of glory of our Ahalteke horses in the equestrian sports, to reveal their outstanding abilities in this sphere”, said President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov speaking during the VIII session of the International Ahelteke Horse Breeding Association. It should be noted that in the jumping competitions Turkmenistan won the gold medal.

The large-scale work is carried out in other areas of development of the equestrian sports. Young specialists are trained in the higher educational institutions and secondary technical schools in this area.

The Honorary Titles – “Honoured Horse Breeder of Turkmenistan”, “Jockey of Turlkmenistan” and “People’s Horse Breeder of Turkmenistan” are awarded to the national and foreign specialists working with unsurpassed Ahalteke horses.