Ï Important aspects of development of ahalteke horse breeding are discussed in Ashgabat

Important aspects of development of ahalteke horse breeding are discussed in Ashgabat

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Important aspects of development of ahalteke horse breeding are discussed in Ashgabat
VIII session of International Ahalteke Equestrian Association was held in Ashgabat chaired by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.

For all the years, International Ahalteke Equestrian Association with its headquarter in Ashgabat founded in 2010 has been an efficient ground for cooperation of the horse breeders from different countries specialized in breeding of thoroughbred ahalteke horses, improvement of this breed and development of its pedigree and sport features. Coordinated activity of the Association’s members allowed considerably expanding the work on popularization of ahalteke horses, which are national heritage of Turkmen people.

Every year, the results of work of the Association and perspective plans of cooperation are reviewed at the sessions held before the Day of Turkmen Horse. Such regular meetings of specialists and connoisseurs of famous horses support the development of the main directions of the partnership, fill it with new content and enrich with new joint projects, actual ideas and business contacts.

Decorated fashionable Oguzkent Hotel met the participants and guests of the forum. Members of the Government, foreign and local members of International Ahalteke Horse Association, personnel of equestrian industry of the country, representatives of mass media gathered there awaiting fir the Head of Turkmenistan.

The vehicle of the President stopped at the square in from of the hotel.

In the hall, the Head of the State was greeted by the participants of the session where photographing ceremony of delegates and guests of the forum with the President of Turkmenistan took place, after which everybody went to the conference hall of the hotel.

Greeting the participants, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov cordially congratulated everybody on the beginning of the forum, which is held for the eighth time in Turkmenistan – the birthplace of the world famous ahalteke horses.

Having announced the agenda of the session, which is to be remarkable event of the year held under slogan “Turkmenistan is the Heart of the Great Silk Road”, the Head of the State noted that the subjects of further development of ahalteke horse breeding and equestrian sports on international level are to be reviewed, organizational issues of the organization on modern stage are to be discussed and relative decisions are to be take.

For eight years since the foundation of International Ahalteke Equestrian Association, this structure was joined by number of ahalteke equestrian associations and private horse breeders from all over the planet. At present, the Association has 137 legal entities and individuals from 32 countries of the world and their number grows every year what reflects increasing scale of cooperation.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that colossal work is carried out for the development of the world glory of ahalteke horses – the models of beauty and grace, which was formed throughout the centuries in Turkmen land by national selection. This is visually indicated by the events organized on the Day of Turkmen Horse, which is annually widely observed in our country on the last Sunday of April.

Solid foundation for protection and of the purity of the breed and increment of the livestock if ahalteke horses and their glory around the world has been laid owing to the establishment of International Ahalteke Equestrian Association.

For the centuries, our ancestors paid special attention to the breeding of understanding like a human and loyal to the owner horses, which are being faster than the wind turned into superb model of beauty. Lot of efforts was put to the selection work, which is continued on deserving level by Turkmen horse breeders today, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said.

For example, modern equestrian complex for breeding of 600 pedigree ahalteke horses was built in Aba Annayev village, Kyarizek Gengeshlyk, Gyoktepe etrap, Ahal Velayat. The complex also includes the living houses for personnel and other social facilities. The infrastructure of International Ahalteke and Ashgabat Equestrian Complexes was modernized. The race tracks of the facilities were covered with polymeric coating.

In addition, training centre with indoor riding hall was opened on the territory of Ashgabat Equestrian Complex for further development of such equestrian sports as show jumping in the country and training of talented jockey in national equestrian games.

International Horse Quarantine Centre for 120 horses was opened in Ak Bugday etrap, Ahal Velayat to provide the participation of Turkmen horses in the competitions abroad according to international rules as well as for medical test of the horses coming from other countries for the participation in competitions to our country and for necessary quarantine.

National Equestrian Group Galkynysh makes deserving contribution to the world popularization of ahalteke horses and unique national art. Being in dozens of cities on tours and participating in international festivals, the group demonstrates exclusive features of our horses in sport and circus arenas.

As an example, Turkmen leader mentioned the triumph of Galkynysh Group at International Circus Festivals in Russia, Italy, China where it was awarded with high prizes and sincere delight of the spectators and specialists.

As is known, the programme of V Asian Indoor and Martial Arts Games in Ashgabat in September 2017 included the show jumping. It made new opportunities for deserving continuation of the glorious way of ahalteke horses in equestrian sports and for demonstration of outstanding abilities. Turkmen sportsmen successfully performed on ahalteke horses in these competitions and won the gold.

Large-scale work is carried out in other directions of equestrian sports development. Relative specialists are trained in high and secondary professional institutes of our country. Titles “Honoured Horse Breeder of Turkmenistan” “ Master Jockey of Turkmenistan” and “People’s Horse Breeder of Turkmenistan”, which are conferred to national and foreign horse breeders, have been instituted for the appreciation of deserved work in this sphere.

We would continue appreciating honest work of horse breeders who dedicated their life to our unique horses, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said.

The Head of the Turkmenistan sated with delight the fact that at present, ahalteke horses owing to their unique exterior and beauty that attract the attention of horse connoisseurs are bred in number of the states of the planet. Number of specialists and amateurs who wish to breed our horses is growing around the world. beneficial partnership was established between Turkmen horse breeders and their foreign colleagues.

Having mentioned special role of the Association in international cooperation in ahalteke horse breeding, the Head of the State expressed the confidence that cooperation between the members of this organization would be consolidated and improved.

The glory of legendary ahalteke horses fills the planet throughout the millenniums. This phenomenal breed owns priceless contribution in the formation of the world equestrian art. Deservingly continuing ancient traditions of horse breeding that we inherited from our brave ancestors, we would expand the scale of work for breeding of ahalteke horses, which are the models of beauty, our national pride and we hand over this work to young generations developing their love to the horses, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said.

The Head of the State expressed the confidence that current forum would support further popularization of beautiful ahalteke horses, useful exchange of practices between horse breeders who grow Turkmen thoroughbreds in different parts of the planet.

The speech of the President of Turkmenistan has been met with great attention by the participants and guests of the forum and was repeatedly interrupted by loud applauses. After, the floor was given to President of Ahalteke Equestrian Association of the Kingdom of Spain Blanca de Toledo Loma Osorio. On behalf of the members of the Association, the guest expressed sincere gratitude for the opportunity to participate in the events that are annualy held in Turkmenistan on the Day of Turkmen Horse as well as in the sessions of International Ahalteke Equestrian Associations.

It was mentioned that being an active member of this organization from the first days of its foundation, Spanish Ahalteke Equestrian Association carries out large-scale work for the popularization of ahalteke horse breeding and regularly organize equestrian competitions, exhibitions and mass events.

Addressing President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, Mrs de Toledo Loma Osorio said that owing to the efforts and selfless care of the Head of the State, wide opportunities were made for horse breeders from different countries of the world to visit the birthplace of legendary horses and to participate in scientific conferences dedicated to ahalteke horse breeding. Systematic exchange of the practices between the specialists in this sphere supports deeper study of the phenomenon of this unique breed.

Finishing her speech, the guest assured the President of Turkmenistan that Spanish Ahalteke Equestrian Association together with International Ahalteke Equestrian Association would continue making feasible input to practical realization of the initiatives of Turkmen leader.

Having expressed the gratitude to the guest for her speech and warm words addressed to Turkmenistan, the head of the State highlighted that success achieved in our country in pedigree horse breeding invariably raise keen interest in the world, having appreciated the work of Blanca de Toledo Loma Osorio for breeding of ahalteke horses in the Kingdom of Spain. “We highly appreciate the results of work that support the propaganda of beautiful horses – the ahalteke, in your country”, - the President of Turkmenistan said.

After, the floor was taken by private horse breeder from Austria Marcus Mag Hubmann. Having congratulated the President on the Day of Turkmen Horse, Hubmann wished strong health, longevity and great success in all spheres of activity to the Head of the State.

The guest highlighted that Turkmen horses are very popular not only in Turkmenistan but also around the world and the members of the Association are the witnesses of the fact. European horse breeders are impressed with the beauty and speed of ahalteke horse and are interested to breed them.

We always participate in different exhibitions and event dedicated to ahalteke horses, which are held in Turkmenistan and other countries, the businessman said, having noted the enthusiasm of Turkmen horse breeders in the development of this breed. The horses distinguished by harmonic combination of physical and mental features are wonderful, Mr Hubmann said.

Special gratitude was expressed to President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov as to the Head of International Ahalteke equestrian Association for large-scale activity for stimulation of the development of horse-breeding and popularization of ahalteke horses.

Having highlighted the importance of the forums in Ashgabat for the development of the world equestrian industry, comprehensive scientific study of the history and art of horse-breeding, the guest assured the President of Turkmenistan that the members of the Association would take active part in the popularization of ahalteke horses and development of their glory on international level.

Having expressed the gratitude for warm words and comments, interesting and rich speech, the Head of the State noted that Turkmenistan highly appreciates rich experience of Austrian horse breeders in growing of ahalteke horses. Having highlighted that the work in this direction is an example of love and respect of rich heritage of Turkmen nation and input to further consolidation of Turkmen – Austrian relations of friendship and cooperation, the Head of the State wished Mr. Hubmann success in his noble activity.

After, the Decrees on conferring of honoured titles «Türkmenistanyň at gazanan atşynasy» and «Türkmenistanyň ussat halypa çapyksuwary» was rwad out.

In ceremonial atmosphere, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov presented the awards to our compatriots and foreign citizens.

Citizen of the Austrian Republic, private horse breeder Marcus Mag. Hubmann, Chief Editor of Ahalteke-inform magazine (Russian Federation) Yulia Kuznetsova, Head of the Fund Magyar – Turan non-governmental association of Hungary Andras ZsoltBiro, Seyis of Horse-Breeding Department of International Ahalteke Equestrian Complex of Turkmen Atlary State Association Annamammet Ashyrov, Coach of Equestrian Sports and Tourism of International Ahalteke Equestrian Complex of Turkmen Atlary State Association Rustem Dovletov, Groom of Production Department of Ahalteke Equestrian Complex of the President of Turkmenistan of Turkmen Atlary State Association Agamyrat Egryaev, Ashgabat citizens, private horse breeders Ilmyrat Seyidov, Gayipnazar Kichigulov, Dovran Myratguliyev and Myalikguly Tayliyev received the awards from the Head of Turkmenistan with high proud.

Yulia Kuznetsova, Chief Editor of Russian Ahalteke Inform magazine expressed sincere gratitude to the President of Turkmenistan for high appreciation of their work. On behalf of the members of the Association, she cordially congratulated the Head of the State on the Day of Turkmen Horse. The award of the title “Honoured Horse Breeder of Turkmenistan” obliges and inspires us on creative and productive activity in this field, the guest said. Having mentioned huge personal contribution of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhameedov to the development of ahalteke horse breeding, Yulia Kuznetsova wished the Head of Turkmenistan strong health, longevity and new great successes in all the beginingsa nd welth and prosperity to Turkmen people.

Having expressed the gratitude to the guest for good wishes, the Head of the State again highlighted that ahalteke horse is national heritage of Turkmen nation that made great input to the development of the world civilization.

After the award ceremony, Turkmen leader congratulated the award holders, having expressed the gratitude for diligent work for the development of the world glory of ahalteke horses that became excellent samples of beauty, for the increment of their livestock and wished everybody health and new professional achievements.

After, having suggested the participants to define the place of the next session, President of Turkmenistan, Head of International Ahalteke Equestrian Association Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov announced on the next IX session of the Association in Ashgabat in November 2019 and signed relative document under loud applauses.

The President highlighted that during the meeting, important aspects of the development of modern ahalteke horse breeding were highlighted, actual ideas and proposals having great importance for further fruitful international cooperation as well as search for the ways of exchange of advanced practices were presented. Topical issues of the methodology of the world horse breeding on the example of the breeding of ahalteke horses were also discussed.

In general, all of these opens favourable perspectives for comprehensive cooperation in equestrian sphere on the base of the Association. At the same time, it was noted that the members of the Association who make their input to propaganda of ahalteke horse breeding not only in their countries but also around the world take active position in this important matter. Famous equestrian experts, world known scientists, true fans of their activity putting all their energy, knowledge and skills in breeding of beautiful ahalteke horses took part in the work of current forum.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov mentioned big preparation work carried out for this session, specific proposals related to topical issues of ahalteke horse breeding and international cooperation in this sphere were expressed during this work. It indicates the appropriateness of the agenda of the session, high interest of the participants in productive discussion of proposed subjects.

Having expressed to everyone the gratitude for active participation in preparation and organization of the session, Turkmen leader expressed the confidence that international cooperation would have an additional impulse in this direction in the form of new ideas and initiatives and wished everybody great success in their noble activity.

At this moment, the President of Turkmenistan announced on the completion of VIII session of International Ahalteke Equestrian Association, which became another important step in realization of integrated strategy for the development of legendary breed around the world, provision of idea foundation of this joint work in new modern conditions and further strengthening of Turkmenistan positions as new big international equestrian centre.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov also invited the guests to take part in the events on the Day of Turkmen Horse.

After the end of the VIII session of International Ahalteke Equestrian Asociation, the Head of the State said warm goodbye to the participants of the forum and left the place of the event.