Ï Joint session of the Cabinet of Ministers and State Security Council

Joint session of the Cabinet of Ministers and State Security Council

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President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov held joint session of the Cabinet of Ministers and State Security Council where the realization of the Presidential programme, adopted programmes of social and economic development of the country have been reviewed as well as other issues of home policy have been discussed.

Having announced the agenda, the President gave floor to Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, Foreign Minister R. Meredov who reported on the activity of his ministry in realization of the Concept of foreign course of Turkmenistan in 2017 – 2023.

Summing up the report, the President of Turkmenistan highlighted that while implementing foreign strategy, which is built on the principles of positive neutrality, peace-loving and equal partnership meeting common prosperity, our country is committed to close and efficient cooperation both in bilateral and also in multilateral formats.

Having focused on the presence of considerable potential for further activation of fruitful cooperation with all interested foreign partners in wide spectrum of directions, the Head of the State noted the importance of the objectives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and national diplomatic corps, having addressed the Vice-premier, the Head of Foreign Ministry with number of relative instructions.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers M. Chakiyev reported on the situation in the transport and communication spheres under his supervision and on the measures for modernization of the equipment and facilities base of the branches.

Having summed up the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that at present time, comfortable and safe transport corridors of international significance with the involvement of all modes of transport were made in the country. It supports the provision of sustainable development in the region, improvement of relations between the nations, consolidation of political dialog, economic and cultural cooperation, increment of trade turnover volumes. In this aspect, the Head of the State focused on the necessity of further dynamic modernization of all branches of transport, which have to operate on the level of the best world standards.

Having focused on the importance of development of modern communication sector, the Head of the State demanded to use all the capabilities existing in this sphere and addressed the Vice-premier with the number of specific instructions.

Hyakim of Balkan Velayat S. Satlykov who was invited to the joint session of the Cabinet of Ministers and State Security Council made report on the situation in the region, improvement of the potential of industrial infrastructure and increasing the constructions rates of the facilities.

In this regard, the President of Turkmenistan demanded to provide the fulfilment of all planned works on quality level and according to the schedule, having given relative instructions to the Hyakim.

Continuing the session, Secretary of the State Security Council Ya. Berdiyev reported on the activity of military and law enforcement agencies, practical measures under integrated military reforms aimed at the improvement of defensive capability of Turkmenistan and strengthening of the power of National Army.

Having highlighted large-scale and important objectives of security forces, the Head of the State mentioned the support of peace and stability in Turkmen land, provision of law and order in the country among the main targets. Complex of these defining factors makes the conditions for successful implementation of long-term strategies of social and economic development of the country, its active participation in solution of actual problems of global agenda.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers G. Myradov reported on the work carried out for the Agreement of Project of construction of speed highway Ashgabat – Turkmenbashy. Proper measures are taken for practical realization of this project of regional importance.

Having listened to the report, the Head of the State noted the importance of timely and quality fulfilment of construction works on speed highway Ashgabat – Turkmenbashy.

The Vice-premier also reported on the measures for timely fulfilment of the terms on procurement of goods, fulfilment of works and services by the ministries and departments.

Information on the fulfilment of the assignment on the monitoring of existing tax legislation of the country and further improvement of legal base has also been presented. By the outcomes of work carried out together with the ministries and departments, it is planned to introduce new types of financial incomes, which successfully passed the tests by the world practice and meet national features and mentality.

It is necessary to take practical measures for the improvement of the laws related to sustainable use of the state budget as well as tax, monetary and crediting and investment subjects according to the universal standards of international law and positive experience of developed states, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted. Having noted the importance of elaboration of new laws aimed at the attraction of additional tax and non-tax incomes taking into account modern realities, the Head of the State requested the Vice-premier to take relative measures.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Ch. Gylyjov reported on the situation in the structures under his supervision, fulfilment of the assignments given earlier on steadfast improvement of their activity and improvement of export potential. It was mentioned that programme measures aimed at the improvement of the efficiency of work in trade and service spheres and private sector are implemented.

In his report, the Vice-premier informed on planned big forums, for example, International Exhibition of Carpet and Textile Production and XVIII conference of the World Turkmen Handmade Carpet Association in May. Proper preparation is carried in this direction.

Summing up the report, the Head of the State noted that it is necessary to approach the objectives related to the organization of exhibitions and conferences having great importance in the improvement of the activity of trade and service spheres, expansion of international cooperation in this sphere on integrated basis.

The President highlighted that important role is given to trade and entrepreneurship spheres in steadfast improvement of national economy as well as in activation of cooperation with foreign countries. In this regard, speaking of the importance of the objectives on the introduction of modern technologies to these structures, efficient involvement of the world practice, the President of Turkmenistan focused on the coordination of the efforts for successful solution of these objectives.

Having mentioned the importance of the development of beneficial trade and economic relations, increment of trade turnover, stimulation of investment activity and improvement of the contacts between business circles, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted the necessity of high organization level of international profile forums, having addressed the Vice-premier with number of specific assignments.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers M. Meredov reported on the course of construction of petrochemical complex for production of polyethylene and polypropylene in Balkan Velayat and the plant for processing of natural gas and production of gasoline in Ahal Velayat.

Summing up the report, the Head of the State focused on the objectives related to the development of petrochemical industry, which is very important for the diversification of oil and gas industry, further fulfilment of the programmes in industrialization and import substitution fields and increasing o export potential of national economy.

Construction of super modern gas processing complexes in Ahal and Balkan Velayats, which will make the production based on innovative technologies and demanded in our country and in foreign markets, is to support the solution of the objectives in this field.

The Head of the State ordered to take necessary measures for timely putting into operation of new industrial facilities as well as gave number of instructions to the Vice-premier on the establishment of efficient system of control of ecological safety for the environment.

Having highlighted the importance of training of qualified personnel for petrochemical branch and noted that it supports the implementation of advanced world practices and active implementation of high technologies and advanced scientific and technical developments, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov addressed the leaders of fuel and energy complex with specific instructions.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers E. Orazgeldiyev reported on seasonal agricultural works in the regions of the country.

Necessary organizational measures are taken these days for the completion of cotton sowing according to agrotechnical timelines including on the arrangement of uninterrupted operation of equipment and provision of the farmers with high-quality seeding material.

The Vice-premier also reported on the preparation to the Day of Turkmen Horse.

Draft Resolution on provision of growing of high yield of beetroot in Balkan and Mary Velayats was presented for review to the Head of the State.

Having focused on the importance of systematic increment of the volumes of agricultural production in the country, the Head of the State noted that it is necessary to take all measures for timely and quality cotton sowing campaign, having highlighted the necessity of strict control of adherence to agrotechnical standards.

Turkmen leader said that coming grain harvest campaign is responsible exam for national grain growers and ordered to prepare to this important agricultural campaign including equipment and materials provision of the harvest campaign.

The Head of the State also requested to provide high level of the events held in the capital and velayats on occasion of the Day of Turkmen horse.

Having signed the Resolution on production of beetroot in Turkmenistan in 2018, the Head of the State addressed the Vice-premier with number of assignments on cultivation of this crop..

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers K. Durdymyradov reported on the work for modernization of the textile industry facilities as well as on the fulfilment of the production plan of silk cocoons.

It was mentioned in the report that wide variety of high quality textile garments of natural cotton and silk as well as handmade carpets of local saraja wool are produced based on modern technologies and exported by our country.

The modernization of the branch is ongoing; gradual rearmament of existing factories with advanced technology equipment from famous foreign companies is carried out for the increment of production output and provision of high quality of goods.

Speaking of the course of cocoon production campaign in the velayats, the Vice-premier informed that according to the plan of farming entities, 1458 kg of quality silkworms have been prepared. More than 250,000 in 2017 and 119,000 seedlings of mulberry trees this year have been planted accordingly. Ready cocoons are planned to be delivered in the beginning of May.

Having listened to the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted the importance of steadfast implementation of all plans and projects of innovative development of textile industry under integrated industrialization of the country. This sector of national economy has big resource potential and occupies priority position as one of the key directions of national processing industry.

Speaking of further increment of the potential of silk production, the Head of the State pointed out the necessity of comprehensive support and stimulation of the farmers in such important thing as production of high quality silk cocoons.

The measures taken in this direction have to give opportunity to provide textile facilities with the stock and to sell silk production in local and foreign markets.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers D. Amangeldiyev made report on further urban development of Ashgabat.

It was mentioned that large-scale work for improvement of architectural and construction appearance and urban planning of the streets is carried out in the capital. Coordinated measures for modernization of social and engineering infrastructure are carried out in all etraps of the main city of the country.

Steadfast measures for the improvement of work of municipal services, energy industry and speeding up the rates of construction works are taken.

Information about care of the plants and seedlings in parking zones of the capital was also presented.

Having listened to the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov focused on the importance of control of realization of large-scale urban construction programme expanded in Turkmenistan, fulfilment of the plan for construction of social and living facilities in cities and rural areas as well as on the measures for stimulation of investment activity in this sphere.

The Head of the State requested the Vice-premier to enhance the rates of transformations in all directions including the modernization of road and transport infrastructure, beautification of living estates and planning of adjoining territories and planting of trees.

Having spoken of the subject of care of green plantations, the Head of the State highlighted that integrated work in this sphere is to support the solution of the objectives of environmental protection, creation of favourable conditions for life of Turkmenistan citizens, having given specific instructions on this account.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers B. Abdieyva reported on the work in the spheres under her supervision and on the events and opening ceremonies of various facilities in May.

The events in honour of the Victory Day, Constitution Day, Day of the State Flag of Turkmenistan, Day of Ashgabat as well as honouring of Turkmen carpet makers and textile industry personnel are to be held next month of the year, which held under slogan “Turkmenistan is the Heart of Great Silk Road”.

Summing up the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov gave instructions on provision of high organizational level of events on occasion of national holidays and important events, which have to be deservingly highlighted by media.

Speaking of the activity of cultural sphere and mass media institutions, the Head of the State highlighted that understanding, disclosure of the meaning, objectives and importance of large-scale progressive reforms, their broad popularization are the main objectives of this spheres, having addressed the Vice-premier with number of specific instructions on proper organization of works in this direction.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers P.Agamyradov informed on the Draft Resolution on award of the presents to war veterans and widows of those who were lost in the battle against fascism in honour of the 73rd anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War 1941 – 1945.

It was highlighted that war veterans and selfless honest workers of home front as well as the widows of lost defenders of the Motherland are surrounded by respect and honour in our country. The State always takes care of their health and improvement of social and living conditions. Victory Day is observed as national holiday in Turkmenistan every year. In this regard, the veterans and soldiers’ widows will be awarded with the monetary and valuable gifts on occasion of remarkable date on behalf of the President of Turkmenistan.

The President highlighted that Turkmen people made deserving contribution to the Great Victory. Bravely fighting for peaceful and happy life of future generations and entire humankind, Turkmenistan citizens demonstrated unprecedented heroism and courage and the names of our compatriots lost in the battle fields would live in the hearts of grateful descendants. Their life was the school of bravery for our generations, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said, having highlighted that it is our duty to preserve and bear the memory and respect of the events of those times.

The Victory Day is special date, the Head of the State continued, having noted that Turkmen people in their aspire for peace, humanity and creation observe it as the holiday that is very important for upbringing of such merits as courage, patriotism and humanity in youth.

Having highlighted that the State would continue taking comprehensive care of the war veterans and selfless workers of home front and soldiers’ widows, the Head of Turkmenistan signed relative Decree, having requested to provide proper control of ts fulfilment and high organizational level of events dedicated to the 73rd anniversary of the Victory in 1941 – 1945 war.

Speaking of the activity for further improvement of legislation base of the country, legal provision of social and economic reforms, Speaker of the Mejlis G. Mammedova informed on the work carried out by Parliament committees with the specialists of profile departments on the drafts of new laws.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that national legislation base embodies the succession of the best national traditions and transparency to modern tendencies. Having focused the attention of the deputies on such subjects as improvement of political and legal culture of our society, consolidation of the role of civic institutes, the Head of the State highlighted that all law-making activity of the Mejlis has to be subject of people’s interests as the main objective of the deputies is to implement social priorities of our state in the laws.

Prosecutor General B. Atdayev reported on the outcomes of the inspections of the adherence to the law in number of the departments of the country carried out in accordance with the order of the President of Turkmenistan.

Having noted the importance of responsible objectives of prosecution bodies, the President highlighted the necessity of the provision of the law supremacy in all branches of national economy.

Continuing the session, the President of Turkmenistan, Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of the country reprimanded Minister of Internal Affairs I. Mulikov for improper fulfilment of the duties and loss of control of the discipline in the structures under his command with the last warning on correction of admitted shortcomings in the shortest period

Addressing the participants of the session, the Head of the state focused on the subject of the Day of Turkmen Horse that is widely observed in the country these days. President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that horses always occupied special place in life of Turkmen people.

For better opportunities of further development of the world glory of ahalteke horses as well as taking into account that honouring of the horses is noble traditions in our country, which is the birthplace of horse breeding with centuries old traditions, the Head of the State proposed to rename the Day of Turkmen Horse to National Turkmen Horse Holiday, which would be more correct, and signed relative Resolution.

Finishing the joint session of the Cabinet of Ministers and State Security Council, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov wished all participants strong health and great success in work.