Ï OCA President highly evaluates Turkmenistan's work on the popularization of Ahalteke horses in the world

OCA President highly evaluates Turkmenistan's work on the popularization of Ahalteke horses in the world

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President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov received President of the Olympic Council of Asia sheikh Ahmad Al-Fahad Al-Sabah.

Thanking for the opportunity of a personal meeting, the guest cordially congratulated the President of Turkmenistan on the National Turkmen Horse Day, underlining that he is sincerely happy to take part in the ambitious festivities organized in our country to demonstrate the unfading glory of ‘heavenly’ horse – the invaluable heritage of the nation and the world civilization. The guest emphasized the unfailing interest of the OCA in widening the traditional cooperation with Turkmenistan that significantly contributes to the development of the international sports movement.

Expressing satisfaction with the fruitful character of cooperation with the OCA, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov confirmed our country’s commitment to the humanistic ideals of the Olympic movement and the course for the further strengthening of the regional and international partnership in the sphere of sports that meets the goals of the universal wellbeing.

During the meeting, the President of Turkmenistan and the head of the Olympic Council of Asia exchanged views on the important areas of the bilateral cooperation, focusing on the wide opportunities for its development.

According to the OCA President, the outstanding achievements of Turkmenistan, including in the sphere of sports, the creation of the relevant modern infrastructure vividly exemplified the huge attention that the President of Turkmenistan attaches to the development of the physical culture and Olympic sports.

The forward-looking strategy in this area contributes to bringing the Turkmen sport to the qualitatively new level. That is vividly proved by the V Asian Indoor and Martial Arts Games held in Ashgabat in 2017. Taking the opportunity, the OCA President once again expressed gratitude for the high level of organization of the Games and the support provided to the athletes of Asia and the pacific countries, as well as the wonderful conditions created for the competitions.

The head of the Olympic Council of Asia highly evaluated the large-scale work held in Turkmenistan with the aim to revive, preserve and continue the ancient national traditions to breed pure Ahalteke horses, to widely popularize this unique breed of horses all around the world. The guest underlined that the President of Turkmenistan is a wonderful horseman, an experienced specialist in this sphere.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov underlined that Ahalteke horses are the pride and the invaluable cultural heritage of the nation, an integral part of its rich history and noted that today the legendary ‘heavenly’ horses are the faithful companions of the Turkmen people.

Once again thanking for the opportunity to take part in the events on the occasion of the National Turkmen Horse Day and expressing the admiration of the unique view, the beauty of Ashgabat, President of the Olympic Council of Asia sheikh Ahmad Al-Fahad Al-Sabah wished the President of Turkmenistan and the Turkmen people the progress and all the good.