Ï X International scientific conference dedicated to the art of horse breeding provides a platform to share scientific experience

X International scientific conference dedicated to the art of horse breeding provides a platform to share scientific experience

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The forum organized by the “Turkmen Atlary” State Association brought together over 100 Turkmen and foreign specialists, the experts in hippology, genetic scientists, stock-breeders, equestrians and trainers, historians, ethnographers, art historians, as well as the representatives of public organizations and mass. Among the participating countries were Russia, the United States, China, Korea, Iran, Vietnam, Uruguay, and others.

Those speaking during the plenary session held in the conference hall of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry noted that our people not only could give such a work of the highest selective art to the world, but also preserve the purity of the breed of these unique horses, continuously improving their excellent qualities and gene pool. There was accumulated a great experience in the art of training of riding horses, which is in great demand among the foreign horse breeders.

The large-scale work is carried out to further increase the number of Ahalteke horses, and popularize them all around the world. Today, there is the state-of-the-art stud farms with all necessary conditions for pedigree horse breeding Turkmenistan. National horse games and equestrian sports, including competitions, develops in the country.

Since ancient times, the references about swift-foot Ahalteke horses has been occured in China, Greece, Italy, in the works of ancient poets, philosophers and scientists - Homer, Ptolemy, Strabo, Appian, Xenophon, Herodotus. And the whole history of our people is full of stories and legends, testifying to the boundless love for a faithful friend and the life companion – an Ahalteke horse. For many centuries, Turkmen horses with the unique qualities of endurance and true devotion to a man, exceptional in their beauty, grace and swiftness, are an invaluable property of the universal civilization.

In the context of the joint international efforts on the development of Ahalteke horse breeding, and the necessity to preserve the characteristics of the breed, the importance of the present forum as a platform for the exchange of knowledge and new scientific research in this field was noted.

The solemn ceremony of awarding certificates to the representatives of the institutions and national associations of a number of foreign countries, certifying their membership in the International Ahalteke Horse Breeding Association took place in the framework of the plenary session.

Then the conference continued in the form of the sessions.

Thus, the session "The place occupied by Ahalteke horses in world horse breeding" gathered together the specialists of the Turkmen State Agricultural University. The experts and representatives of specialized equestrian clubs from different countries discussed the theme "Akhalteke horses in international equestrian competitions" in the conference hall of the Turkmen National Institute of Sports and Tourism.

The venue of the session "International cooperation in the development of the horse breeding industry" was the conference hall of the "Turkmen Atlary" State Association.

The International scientific conference “A Turkmen horse and the world art of horse breeding” completed its work on April 27.