Ï National Ahalteke Horse Celebration is observed in Turkmenistan

National Ahalteke Horse Celebration is observed in Turkmenistan

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National Ahalteke Horse Celebration is observed in Turkmenistan
National Ahalteke Horse Celebration is observed in Turkmenistan
National Ahalteke Horse Celebration is observed in Turkmenistan
National Ahalteke Horse Celebration is observed in Turkmenistan
National Ahalteke Horse Celebration is observed in Turkmenistan
National Ahalteke Horse Celebration is observed in Turkmenistan
National Ahalteke Horse Celebration is observed in Turkmenistan
National Ahalteke Horse Celebration is observed in Turkmenistan
National Ahalteke Horse Celebration is observed in Turkmenistan
National Ahalteke Horse Celebration is observed in Turkmenistan
Number of festive events on occasion of National Ahalteke Horse Celebration finished up at International Ahalteke Equestrian Complex.

In the morning, thousands of Turkmen citizens as well as foreign scientist and horse breeders, businessmen and journalists gathered in International Ahalteke Equestrian Complex, which turned into huge scene for big performance during holidays. Ahalteke horse was the main character of this bright show filed with the spirit of national culture, Turkmen traditions and rites.

Deputy Chairmen of the Cabinet of Ministers, leaders of the Mejlis, military and law enforcement agencies, ministries and departments, non-governmental organizations, hyakims of the velayats and Ashgabat, heads of diplomatic missions and representative offices accredited in Turkmenistan, elders and youth were among the participants.

Everybody greets with enthusiasm President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov who arrived in International Ahalteke Equestrian Complex.

Greeting the participants and exchanging warm congratulations, the Head of the State went to the territory of the complex that turned in to the city of artisans and needlewomen. The feelings of oriental bazar, plenty of which were scattered along the Silk Road running through Turkmenistan, were created by the performance of folk bands, bright vernissages of carpets and silk canvases, national dress with wonderful handmade embroidery, women jewelleries and beautiful horse harnesses, painted ceramics, traditional household items, musical instruments, souvenirs, etc.

There was Chief of Central Asian Regional Department of Russian State TV and Radio Broadcasting Company Robert Frantsev among foreign reporters participating in the event who had unofficial conversation with the President of Turkmenistan.

In the chat with the correspondent who had an opportunity to have an improvised interview with Head of the State Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, numerous various subjects related to home and foreign policy of Turkmenistan have been highlighted. Today, the country plays the key role in building of regional relations on partnership base and in opening of new formats of trade and economic, energy and transport integration.

It was also spoken of the importance of big international projects initiated by Turkmenistan and making the platforms for the appearance of new centres of economic growth and political influence in Central Asia as well as of the transformation of numerous processes in the region toward closer relations between the states.

Undoubtedly, the attention was paid to Turkmen – Russian cooperation that has strategic character, cooperation of two countries under the Commonwealth of Independent States. There is also big potential in the contacts of Turkmenistan with big regions and constituents of Russian Federation.

Culture, science and high education occupy important place in the agenda of the cooperation between Turkmenistan and Russia what is conditioned by the historical humanitarian and spiritual relations. Turkmen leader Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov also outlines the health protection especially in children health protection sphere among important spheres of partnership. The dialog touched upon the development of small and medium business in our country, tourism, new seaport in Turkmenbashy, which opens new logistic opportunities in the expansion of trade volumes for all Caspian states.

Centuries old national heritage carefully protected in Turkmenistan with ahalteke horse being one of the most beautiful pearl was special theme of the conversation occurred on the way along the gallery of folk art.

“We are always glad to see you in our fraternal, sunny and hospitable Turkmenistan!” – the Head of the State said ending up the conversation and inviting to new meeting in Turkmen land. Meanwhile, the celebration expanded on the territory of equestrian complex. Each region of the country presented its exhibition distinguished with character features of art schools, techniques of the artisans, which work could be observed directly. Museum exhibits and works of modern artists, photos and models of historical monuments were demonstrated at the same place. All of these were united by one leitmotif formulated in slogan of 2018 “Turkmenistan is the Heart of the Great Silk Road”.

Works of the winners of the contest on artistic imaging of ahalteke horses were placed on special place of the exhibition. Beautiful horses were presented on carpets, in original sculptural compositions, engravings and photographs while beautiful jewellery sets for parade decoration of horses indicates the love of Turkmens to their horses.

Popular singers and dance ensembles were meeting the participants of the event with celebration music performance in front of the main building of International Ahalteke Equestrian Complex.

Famous National Equestrian Games Group Galkynysh, the winner of cups and prizes from various international circus art festivals, showed dynamic programme to the participants.

The members of the group conquered the spectators with breath-taking equestrian attraction with acrobatic and gymnastic tricks, fancy riding and stunting. However, it is not the complex of the tricks and courage of the horse riders but entire integrity of the team of people and horses. They look like single one on the arena; captivating spectacle cannot be without this as these effective but risky exercises that please the public require absolute trust to each other and the necessity to rely on friendly shoulder.

Such equestrian games invariable cause furore among the spectators leaving the charming of artistic horses and fantastic impression of the courage and daring of horse riders in their hearts.

From the old times, Turkmenistan is thought to be famous world centre of horse breeding and in modern time, our racers and riders deservingly continue the best traditions of glorious ancestors becoming the winners of big reviews, prestigious equestrian competitions and racing tournaments in foreign countries.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov went to the visitors stands.

Master of ceremony announced the start of celebration races, which are the most prestigious competitions of the season.

The start was given and thin-limbed zealous racers rushed from the spot picking speed fast and having attracted the attention of the stands.

Today, the races having old traditions in Turkmenistan and today, it is very popular. The competitions, which were watched with great interest from overcrowded stands, hundreds of photo and video cameras including of foreign reporters, lasted for more than two hours. It became true anthem song of the swiftness of sky horses – the glory and pride of Turkmen nation.

The races are also an exam for the jockeys. Equestrian sport requires courage, ingenuity, persistence and of course the love to horses and ability to understand them.

There were seven different distance races altogether where dozens of racers took part and demonstrated their best sport merits.

Three horses finished with split seconds difference in the first 1600 m distance race. The best time of 1 minutes 47 seconds was demonstrated by bay Gendag ridden by jockey M. Mamedov. Black Gunbatar ridden by A. Agamyradov was the second and black Garasekil with A. Allanazarov came the third. All three racers are from Ahalteke Equestrian Complex of the President of Turkmenistan; they were coached by People’s Horse Breeder of Turkemistan K. Agamyradov and Honoured Horse Breeders of Turkmenistan M. Agamyradov and R. Agamyradov.

In the next 1800 m run, there was no one compared with bay Dordepel who covered the distance in 1 minute 56.2 seconds. It belongs to the stable of the State Migration Service of Turkmenistan coached by D. Tayliyev and ridden by Y. Saparov. Bay Dovetly from the stables of the State Anti-Economic Crime Service coached by O. Annaorazov and ridden by D. Begmedov was the second. Dark bay Hatarchy from the Ministry of National Security showed 2 minutes 0.9 seconds and came the third. It was coached by master horse breeder T. Ovezov and ridden by K. Nogayev.

The third race was also for 1800 meters. The first place with 1 minute 57.8 result was taken by Algush from the stable of the general Prosecution Office. Coach H. Balliyev and jockey B. Berdimuhammedov. Ayperi from the stable of the State Migration Service coached by E. Babaliyev and ridden by I. Babaliyev was few seconds behind. The third place was taken by black Gara Altyn from Ashgabat Hyakimlik; coach B. Hushvagov and jockey M. Doveltov.

In the forth 2200 m race, the competition between elite horses of Ahalteke Equestrian Complex of the President of Turkmenistan continued. In the result, the best time of 2 minutes 31.9 seconds was demonstrated by sorrel Turan. It was coached by Sh. Agamyradov and ridden by B. Babayev. Grey Perman coached by T. Pirmyradov and ridden by H. Baysahedov was behind in split seconds. Bay Kerven was the third; People’s Horse breeder of Turkmenistan M. Muhammedov, jockey D. Hojamuhammedov.

Bay Gujurly from the General Prosecution Office covered 2200 m distance of the fifth race for 2 minutes 23.8 seconds; coach H. Babaliyev and jockey B. Babaliyev. Black Kararym coached by K. Berdimammedov and ridden by M. Muhammedov from the State Custom Service finished 6 seconds after. It was literally saddle-by-saddle accompanied by auburn Algush who took the third place. This horse belong to the stable of the Ministry of Railroad Transport; it was coached by People’s Horse Breeder of Turkmenistan I. Agamyradov and ridden by R. Abdieyv.

Last two races revealed the fastest horses on the longest distance of 2400 meters. In the sixth race, the first place with 2 minutes 39.5 seconds result was taken by black Baharly from the Hyakimlik of Kopetdag etrap of Ashgabat; coach M. Shirliyev and jockey Y. Saparov. The second place is after steel Gadam from the Ministry of Internal Affairs coached by N. Nunnayev and ridden by O. Yalkabov. Bay Dordepel from the State Migration Service coached by E. Babaliyev and ridden by B. Begliyev was the third.

In the final race, the best speed was demonstrated by bay Meledep coached by S. Rahymov and ridden by M. Agamyradov. The time was 2 minutes 46.7 seconds. Black Guychly was the second. It was trained by master jockey O. Annaliyev and ridden by M. Kichigulov. Golden sorrel Gyzyldon coached by Honoured Horse breeder of Turkmenistan M. Agamyradov and ridden by B. Agamyradov ended up the three of the best.

Afterwards, the award ceremony of the winners of current races as well as show jumping and marathon competitions earlier this week with valuable prizes took place on behalf of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.

The distance of the marathon was 60 kilometres. Turkmen horses demonstrated not only their speed but also sport restraint on the track.

Black Garasakar 2010 year of birth ridden by B. Mammedov showed the best result. The second place was taken by bay Meledepel (2013 year of birth) ridden by Daydanov; black Garagush with jockey N. Nunnayev were the third.

With regards to the show jumping competitions that were held on April 25 at open riding hall of Ashgabat Equestrian Complex, grey Toychy (2011 year of birth) was the winner of these competitions. It was coached and ridden by N. Beglaryan who also was the coach of sorrel Altynhan (2009) who took the second place with his jockey B. Garajayev. Grey Matlap (2004) was the third; jockey Y. Seyidov and coach B. Balliyev.

The events on occasion of National Turkmen Horse Celebration were held all around the country in Sunday. It included the concerts, exhibitions, literature, musical and poetic meetings as well as honouring of horse breeders and coaches of the country.