Ï The President of Turkmenistan give an improvised interview to the VGTRK representative Robert Frantsev

The President of Turkmenistan give an improvised interview to the VGTRK representative Robert Frantsev

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During the celebrations in the International Ahalteke Equestrian Sports Complex that brought together foreign journalists, who covered the festivities on the occasion of the National Turkmen Horse Day, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov talked with the chief of the Central Asian regional branch of the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company, Robert Frantsev.

The Russian TV journalist, who covers different events taken place in our country is a frequent guest to Turkmenistan. The Turkmen leader recognized him among the numerous guests to the events on the occasion of the National Turkmen Horse Day. "I saw you at the Asian Games last year," the Turkmen leader said, adding that Frantsev covered the Games of Ashgabat-2017 very well.

The conversation turned in a spontaneous interview, and the talk that took place in an informal atmosphere of a nationwide celebration contributed to the trustful communication.

- I also saw you at the events on the implementation of large-scale projects - the laying of the Afghan section of the TAPI gas pipeline, the power transmission lines and fiber-optic communication lines along this route, the opening of the railway from Turkmenistan to Afghanistan, - said the Turkmen leader, noting that the Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India gas pipeline is a big project, to the implementation of which our country has invited many partners, including Russian ones.

-Today, we celebrate our national holiday. Earlier it was called the Turkmen Horse Day, and during a recent meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers we decided to call it the National Horse Day. Along with our carpets, alabay dogs (Central Asian Shepherd), Ahalteke horses are also a national treasure, - emphasized the Turkmen leader.

- Yesterday, you tittuped on a horse, it looked so effective. How often do you ride?

- Horse riding is probably in the genes of all Turkmens. We are all born to be riders. This is handed over from generation to generation. In the time of the Soviet Union, we passed the GTO requirements (Ready for Labor and Defense). If we, teenagers, young people, could not pass the GTO - swimming, wrestling, firing proficiency, it hurt masculine pride. Such physical training since childhood is useful in life. I am confident that practicing various sports, including equestrian sports, helps to forge a character.

- It helps me in my political activities. I feel like a rider, I ride forward, and I lead the people. This not only applies to me, but to all politicians - Vladimir Vladimirovich also rides horses! He sets an example for the youth. I believe that the younger generation should see the example of the stiff character and the sporty, healthy lifestyle. This is the only way to eradicate bad habits, for example, smoking.

-We held the V Asian Indoor and Martial Arts Games at the high organizational level. People all over the world emphasize that it was even at the Olympic level. For example, Valentina Ivanovna Matvienko, who led the Russian delegation at the Games, expressed this opinion. By the way, she is an honorary citizen of Ashgabat, who contributed to the architectural look of the Turkmen capital.

- Interesting, what was her contribution?

– She helped with consultations. Have you seen our bridges? The model of the bridges constructed in Ashgabat was borrowed from St. Petersburg. They were built by the Russian company Vozrozhdenie. We have established very good cooperation with Russia.

- What are the most important areas of cooperation?

- First of all, we pay significant attention to education, periodicals, so that the young people in our country know several languages besides the state language, and one of them is the Russian language, and also English, French, Chinese, Japanese among others. As you can see, we have many Russian publications. Reading forms the mentality among the younger generation and, of course, influences its development.

Speaking about economic issues, in addition to the oil and gas complex, construction, industrial sector, we pay particular attention to the development of transport and transit corridors. We are opening the largest port on the Caspian Sea, which unites us - Russia, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan and Iran. Its annual turnover will make up 18 million tons without oil products, and with oil products - about 26 million tons. At the last summit of the Caspian states, Turkmenistan put forward an initiative and Russia supported us: we have to create a single logistics center and improve the flow of goods between our countries. During the next summit, which will be held in Kazakhstan, I hope we will come to a consensus and develop this logistics transit and transport corridor.

- What should it connect?

- Shipping, railroad, motor transport. Thus, we are reviving the Great Silk Road. At all times we were at the junction of its routes. Therefore, it is logical that we attach great importance to the development of transport and transit corridors. The UN Resolutions on this issue were adopted three times. The Russian Federation was not only the first that supported us, but was also the co-sponsor of these documents.

- Yes, indeed this is a common interest.

- Of course, this is our common interest. We were together for many centuries, and it is inseparable. We have a common infrastructure.

The second big question is the energy security. With regard to the gas pipeline, we came to the conclusion that the interests of a producer, transiter and consumer should be taken into account. It is very important.

In the oil and gas region, we have a state programme until 2030. Today, we have gas-based production of mineral fertilizers. We produce fiber from polypropylene that is used for weaving carpets. Do you know what a Turkmen carpet is peculiar for? The older it is, the more beautiful it becomes. Our great-grandmothers pass on these secrets from century to century.

I want to note that you, as a journalist, never distort facts, covering an event. Therefore, you have a great authority. Look, guests from all around the work take part in our festivities. Isn’t it joyful? We will always continue in this mood, because we are educated like this and have a common worldview.

I am proud of our friendship with Russia. And all this we pass on to the younger generation that should be brought up in the spirit of love for work, in order to know the taste of life. Then there will be results.

- The Central Asia faces a transformation in relations between the states towards greater openness, closer friendship between the countries of the region. What plans does Ashgabat have in this regard?

- Look - this is our national wrestling - goresh. Our wrestlers won the most prestigious awards all over the world. Not only the Turkmens practice belt wrestling, the Russians and other peoples practice it. Not only in the region, but all over the world, we are the only neutral state, which status has been twice recognized by the resolutions of the General Assembly of the United Nations: in 1995 and in 2015. We pursue an "open door" policy both among the countries of Central Asia and throughout the world. Based on this, the Regional Center for Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia was opened in Ashgabat under the aegis of the UN 10 years ago, the main task of which is to prevent conflicts and coordinate the issues of strengthening peace and stability.

- Was it your initiative?

- It was the initiative of Turkmenistan, but all Central Asian states and other countries supported it, and this body was headquartered in Ashgabat.

I will have a meeting with the UN Under-Secretary-General for Counter-Terrorism Affairs V. Voronkov and discuss with him the issues of countering terrorism and extremism. Do you see what is going on in the world? Libya, Syria, Iraq ... This affects the world economic processes. We stand for peace throughout the world and, of course, here in our region. Therefore, we have no special problems in the region. We help each other, and, that is most important, we have a common coordinator - the Commonwealth of Independent States. The CIS plays an important role in coordinating our political, economic and socio-humanitarian issues. This year the Commonwealth is chaired by Tajikistan, and next year - we are taking over the chairmanship. So I again invite you.

- Thank you!

- You could see how we discuss the issues within the Commonwealth of Independent States. Turkmenistan as a neutral state, recognized by the UN, does not participate in any blocs or military alliances. But we did not step away from the CIS and we will not. As a neutral country, we are an associate member, and, moreover, an active member of the CIS. That is exemplified by the fact that we are now co-chairmen, and in September in Dushanbe we will take over the chairmanship in the Commonwealth of Independent States. And we already offer a lot.

Recently Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin has declared the next year the Year of Theater. Excellent! When Vladimir Vladimirovich visited us last year, he gave us a good idea: the year when Turkmenistan will preside in the CIS, to be called the Year of Architecture and Construction. We supported this idea and have already signed the document on it.

Next year, when Turkmenistan will preside over the CIS, we are going to make many proposals of humanitarian nature. For example, on health, children's health, proper vaccination, and also about theaters. There is a theater named after Alexander Pushkin, the joint Turkmen-Russian secondary school named after Alexander Pushkin in Ashgabat, and there are many such examples. All this unites nations, strengthens the friendship.

The scientific and technical progress continues in the field of communication and health. The exchange of experience between countries is very important both from the political, economic and humanitarian points of view. Young people should correctly find their place in life, and the state should do its utmost to promote this.

Of course, we inherited the national color that you see from our ancestors. Be you Turkmen or Russian, we should not forget the foundations of your ancestors. This is our shrine, we must always respect the national treasure. This plays a big role in the patriotic education of young people, who must always be in line with time. Most importantly, we are truly open to the whole world.

We neighbor Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Russia, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and beyond the mountains - Iran - and with all our neighbours we live in peace and friendship! We are open! We are pursuing the "open door" policy. Walk around the city, everywhere we have an Internet cafe. Go to our bazaars - an abundance of goods. We grow everything ourselves. We have fulfilled the food programme up to 70 percent, because we give the "green road" to medium and small businesses.

Next week we will open a new seaport. It is for all of us, our neighbors - Russia, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, and Iran. We call the Caspian Sea a sea of peace and good neighborliness. So come, it will be interesting. The port is built in accordance with the most modern standards. We built five-star hotels in the Avaza National Tourism Zone for 13,000 guests at least. At the entrance to Avaza there is a bridge, which was built by the Russian company - a unique bridge!

Nice to have met you. It is gratifying that you participate in our holidays. Once again, I would like to wish you success, and convey our best wishes to all your staff. We are always glad to see you in our fraternal, sunny, hospitable Turkmenistan!