Ï The Head of the State inspects combat readiness of National Army

The Head of the State inspects combat readiness of National Army

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Few hours before the sunrise, President of Turkmenistan, Supreme Commander of the Armed Force, Army General Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov gave order over direct video line to Secretary of the State Security Council, Defence Minister Ya. Berdiyev operational combat readiness of military divisions of the Armed Forces in order to check the capability of national army and improvement of combat training of military personnel of all troops.

Early on the morning, the Head of the State came to the command and control centre of one of training grounds.

Secretary of the State Security Council of Turkmenistan, Defence Minister Ya. Berdiyev made report to Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of the country.

The Head of the State was introduced with the samples of modern military air and specialized equipment adopted by National Army.

It is remarkable that the most part of this equipment was used during current military tactical exercise.

Having expressed the interest in technical characteristics and features of operation and maintenance of combat aircrafts, the President tried one of the quadbikes, its power and manoeuvrability during loading to military transport aircraft. The Head of the State has also been informed in details on the construction of the aircraft designated for re-location of the troops, weapons and other military equipment.

Having studied in details the characteristics of modern transport aircrafts, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that the state would continue improving equipment and facilities base of national army and making all conditions for highlevel of qualification of military staff. Having noted the necessity of efficient use of combat equipment, Turkmen leader addressed the commanders of security forces to take proper measures for successful fulfilment of set objectives.

Advanced technical aids and equipment provide peaceful life of people and serve as a guarantee of defensive capability of the country. Greatest attention is paid to combat skills and operation of modern complicated equipment during training of the personnel. Soldiers and officers deservingly response to permanent care of the state demonstrating high level of theoretical and combat training. This is visually indicated systematic scheduled and sudden exercises for the verification of combat readiness of the Armed Forces.

After, the President went to the Command centre from where he watched the flights of Turkmen pilots. Today, the Air Forces and Air Defence Forces of the country are equipped with advanced weaponry, enemy locator units and fire control systems as well as modern navigation equipment.

The aircrafts made different aerobatic manoeuvres like vertical take-off, loops and turning in the sky above the training ground. The group of paratroopers demonstrated the accuracy of parachute jumping from the set elevation.

After demonstration flights of military pilots, the Head of the State focused the attention of security forces commanders on the importance of constant improvement of defensive capability of the country, combat and theory training of military personnel. Having highlighted the importance of regular combat exercises, the President noted that every similar activity is another step toward the improvement of military skills of the personnel.

After, President, Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of the country, Army General Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov held offsite session of the State Security Council where the outcomes of work of military and law enforcement agencies for four months of the year have been reviewed as well as the nearest priority objectives for practical implementation of the provisions of Military doctrine has been outlined.

First, Secretary of the State Security Council, Defence Minister Ya. Berdiyev made report on the beginning of the final stage of tactical shooting exercises that are to demonstrate the level of professional training of the personnel, capability and defensive potential of National Army. The main objectives of current exercise is to practice combating skills, to provide coordinated activities of the military divisions of different troops during combat operations and to improve the ability of personnel to use specialized equipment as well as to practice various tactical and strategic scenarios of the opposition to supposed enemy.

Having listened to the report, the President of Turkmenistan noted that the work on strengthening of defensive capability of the country, modernization of equipment and facilities base of national army would be continued. The Head of the State made special mention on the improvement of efficiency of the activity of security forces.

Information about the work for the provision of new specialized vehicles and equipment, improvement of personnel potential as well as about making of favourable conditions for service of the country defenders and life of their families has been presented in the report.

It was also informed on integrated measures for the provision of the integrity of Turkmenistan borders and law and order in the country, control of strict adherence to the law in all spheres.

The programme developed for successful fulfilment of the orders of the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces on improvement of social and living conditions of officers and their families was one of the subjects of the report. In this context, the information about the construction of living houses for the personnel of military and law enforcement agencies and other infrastructural facilities was presented.

According to defensive military doctrine, the main objective of the Armed Forces of Turkmenistan is to provide guaranteed protection of the country, the President noted. Having highlighted the main provision of this document and its priority objectives, the Head of the State focused on the necessity of development of the programme for further improvement of security forces.

Having highlighted that improvement of professional training of military personnel as well as patriotic education of young soldiers are the main aspects of the State policy, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov ordered to activate the work in this direction. Physical exercises are integral part of the training of personnel, the Head of Turkmenistan said, having requested to develop military and applied sports in the divisions of national army.

Social protection of officers and their families including the solution of housing issues is one of the priority aspects of integrated military reform. At present time, proper conditions for service and life of military personnel are created, construction of the living estates, buildings of frontier outposts and comfortable houses is carried out, the Supreme Commander continued, having ordered to include all modern amenities during construction of the houses of military personnel.

Systematic improvement of equipment and facilities base of military and law enforcement agencies is one of the main objectives of the Armed Forces of the country. most advanced combat and specialized equipment is adopted by the security forces recently, Turkmen leader noted, having focused on the importance of strict control of technical condition of combat vehicles.

During the session, the Head of Turkmenistan reprimanded Chairman of the State Custom Service A. Osmanov for improper fulfilment of the duties and shortages admitted in work.

Summing up the session, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov requested to continue carry out coordinated work for the compliance to the provisions of Military doctrine, which is aimed at provision of peaceful and prosperous life of Turkmen citizens.

After, the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces went to the Command centre where he watched the exercises of the military divisions of the Ministry of Defence on big monitor in real time mode. The objective of this exercise is to improve the professionalism of military personnel, power and defensive capability of National Army.

Recently, all troops of the Armed Forces are provided with modern sophisticated military equipment, which requires competent specialists processing combat science and art. In this regard, the utmost attention is paid to combat skills, improvement of technical knowledge and mastering of information and communication technologies by the soldiers and officers who would have not only to operate advanced armoury but also to solve organizational and tactical objectives.

Air and Air Defence Forces, ground troops, NAVY Forces as well as special tactical groups demonstrated their increased skills in neutralization and destruction of the forces of supposed enemy including subversive groups penetrated to the territory of our state.

Personnel of the Armed Forces of the country deservingly fulfilled the set objective, having demonstrated high level of readiness of all troops and professional skills.

Having wished the participants strong health and success in fulfilment of military duties, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov left the place of events.