Ï Ministers of Transport and Communication of the ECO countries agree the approaches to activation of partnership

Ministers of Transport and Communication of the ECO countries agree the approaches to activation of partnership

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Ministers of Transport and Communication of the ECO countries agree the approaches to activation of partnership
Ministers of Transport and Communication of the ECO countries agree the approaches to activation of partnership
Ministers of Transport and Communication of the ECO countries agree the approaches to activation of partnership
Ministers of Transport and Communication of the ECO countries agree the approaches to activation of partnership
Ministers of Transport and Communication of the ECO countries agree the approaches to activation of partnership
Ministers of Transport and Communication of the ECO countries agree the approaches to activation of partnership
Ministers of Transport and Communication of the ECO countries agree the approaches to activation of partnership
Ministers of Transport and Communication of the ECO countries agree the approaches to activation of partnership
Ministers of Transport and Communication of the ECO countries agree the approaches to activation of partnership
Ministers of Transport and Communication of the ECO countries agree the approaches to activation of partnership
Ministers of Transport and Communication of the ECO countries agree the approaches to activation of partnership
Ministers of Transport and Communication of the ECO countries agree the approaches to activation of partnership
Ministers of Transport and Communication of the ECO countries agree the approaches to activation of partnership
Ministers of Transport and Communication of the ECO countries agree the approaches to activation of partnership
Avaza National tourist zone hosted IX meeting of the Ministers of Transport and Communication of the Economic Cooperation Organization countries.

The forum, which agenda included wide range of subjects of development of regional and interregional transport communication and activation of international cooperation in strategic and important sector, gathered more than 70 participants from the ECO countries like Azerbaijan, Afghanistan, Iran, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, Turkmenistan, Turkey, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan.

The delegations included heads and leading specialists of the ministries and departments including the ministries of transport and communication, foreign affairs, commerce and industry, investments and development as well as custom and migration services, specialized agencies, entities and companies of road, railway, water and air transport.

High-rank representatives of the Economic Cooperation Organization, the UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and Pacific (UNESCAP), International Road Transport Union (IRU) and number of other international structures took part in the meeting held in the congress centre of Deniz Hotel.

International forum “The Great Silk Road. Toward New Levels of Development”, which was held on the day before and united the representatives of number of states and competent international organizations as well as big companies specialized in transport and logistics, was dedicated to actual subject – the cooperation in transport sphere.

It is worth mentioning that transport and communication sector is the priority vector of the partnership of the Economic Cooperation Organization countries. It is also worth to remind that this largest regional organization was founded in 1985 and today unites 10 states – Azerbaijan, Afghanistan, Iran, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, Turkmenistan, Turkey, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan. The ECO has the status of observer in the United Nations and in the Islamic Cooperation Organization, closely cooperates with European Union, the UN Food and Agriculture Organization, UNESCO< International Energy Charter, ASEAN, Shanghai Cooperation Organization and other.

Participants of current session highlighted the importance of International forum ”The Great Silk Road. Toward New Levels of Development” that became the ground for productive exchange of the opinions, ideas and proposals on formation of sustainable transport system as key factor of universal progress.

It was mentioned that work for expansion of transport corridors requires many joint efforts of international and regional organizations. In its turn, international transport infrastructure supports wider cooperation in different directions and sustainable development. Taking into account that important role played by transport corridors at present time, this subject is important aspect of the ECO agenda, which mission is the establishment of favourable conditions for economic growth of the region steadfast integration of its states to the world economy and intensification of international relations in cultural, scientific and educational spheres.

ECO Vision 2025 programme, under which the members of the ECO intend to develop and realize partnership strategies in such spheres as economy and trade, transport and communications, energy, tourism, social wealth and environment, is aimed to this purpose.

The aspects of development of regional market of transport and communication services, cargo and passenger transportation by railways, roads, sea and air were reviewed during the meeting.

The necessity of coordinated transport policy was mentioned during the discussion in order to attach practical direction to regional cooperation. Subjects of synchronization of legislations and tariffs, gradual facilitation of custom, immigration and other procedures were also highlighted in the meeting. These measures are to facilitate the activity of business structure and are able to make considerable effect of the growth of cargo traffic and volumes of foreign trade.

Special attention was paid to infrastructural projects in transport and logistics fields, to improvement of competiveness and commercial return of the main transport corridors going through the ECO countries.

In particular, Deputy Foreign Minister of our country Serdar Berdimuhamedov who spoke in English noted that National programme of development of transport system of Turkmenistan, under which equipment and facilities base of all modes of transport is steadily improved, modern automobile and railway bridges across Amudarya River, International airports in Ashgabat and velayats were built, speed highways are brought to the correspondence with the world standards, is closely related to the expansion of regional and international cooperation in this sector.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov initiates big infrastructural projects, which open huge opportunities for the optimization of transport flows on Eurasian space providing the entry to sea terminals of Baltic and Black Sea regions, South and South-East Asia, Middle East as well as to such strong economic centres as China, India, Pakistan and Asian Pacific countries.

The railway that connected three friendly states Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and Iran and the first section of Asian International railway transport corridor Atamurat (Kerky) – Imamnazar (Turkmenistan) – Akina (Afghanistan) are the bright evidence of this.

In this aspect, the importance of Turkmenbashy International Seaport was highlighted, which opening would serve to efficient use of existing transcontinental routes and t formation of new international transport corridors crossing Caspian Sea, would facilitate the access to the world markets to all interested countries and also would support the improvement of regional and interregional trade and economic, cultural and humanitarian and tourist relations.

The appropriateness of the projects supported by the President of Turkmenistan including the formation of Modal Highway for Central Asia with entry to Turkey, construction of Afghanistan – Turkmenistan – Azerbaijan – Georgia – Turkey transport corridor and activation of Europe – Caucasus transport corridor (TRASECA) was noted.

Development of information and telecommunication technologies, wideband high-speed internet, expansion of the spectrum of services in this sphere in the ECO countries was the subject of interesting discussion.

Summing up the session, the participants were unanimous in the opinion that this constructive business conversation would support further improvement of cooperation in such important spheres as transport and communications in the region under the ECO.

Relative document was adopted by the outcomes of IX meeting of the Ministers of Transport and Communication of the Economic Cooperation Organization members.