Ï Head of State Makes Personnel Appointments

Head of State Makes Personnel Appointments

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By Resolutions of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov:

Sapbayev, Dovrangeldi Ishangulyyevich was appointed director of the plant for production of gasoline from natural gas (Ahal province) of Gazygaýtadanişleýiş department of Türkmengaz State Concern;

Atadurdyyev, Durdymyrat Soyundurdyyevich was appointed director of Kiyanly Polimerization Plant of Gazygaýtadanişleýiş department of Türkmengaz State Concern;

Deputy chairman of the State Service of Maritime and River Transportation of Turkmenistan, Kosayev, Annadurdy Erkinovich, was appointed director of the Turkmenbashi International Seaport of the State Service of Maritime and River Transportation;

Kurbanova, Leyli Amanovna was appointed deputy editor-in-chief of Nesil newspaper;

Babayeva, Sulgun Geldimyradovna was appointed deputy hakim (executive head) of the district of Sakarchage of the province of Dashoguz.