Ï Outcomes of Turkmenistan development for four months of 2018 are summed up

Outcomes of Turkmenistan development for four months of 2018 are summed up

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President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov held regular session of the Cabinet of Ministers where outcomes of work of the branches of national economy for four months of the year have been reviewed.

Having announced the agenda, the Head of the State gave floor to Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers G. Myradov who reported on macroeconomic indicators for January – April of 2018.

For the period under review, the growth of the GDP was 6.2 percent including 4.6 percent in industrial complex, 0.4 percent in construction, 10.4 percent in transport and communication sector, 7.8 percent in trade, 3.2 percent in agriculture and 10.1 percent in service sphere.

Comparing with the same period of the last year, the production increased to 4.2 percent.

The volume of retail turnover by the outcomes of four months increased for 18.2 percent comparing with the same period of 2017. The prices for consumer goods as well as tariffs for services to the population were kept within set limits.

Average salary rate at big and medium enterprises of the country are 8.9 percent higher than in the same period of the last year. Salaries, pensions, state allowances and student scholarships were timely paid in full volume.

Speaking of the fulfilment of National programme of the President of Turkmenistan for reformation of social and living conditions of rural population until 2020 in new edition, the Vice-premier informed that according to the data for the period under review, the investments to the amount of more than 583 million manats has been developed.

Having listened to the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that reforms in financial, tax and budgetary, monetary and credit spheres support stable development of Turkmen economy, having focused on the objectives of national statistic system, the Head of Turkmenistan outlined the provision of the government and public institutions with trustful statistical data on social and economic processes in the country among the key aspects.

Availability of full and objective statistical data that timely gathered on the basis of scientific methodology and informational and statistical analysis is necessary condition for taking efficient managing decisions on the Government level, the President of the country continued. Monitoring of the condition of the economy, work of the branches as well as the effectiveness of completed and working programmes and projects and on proper level serves as considerable factor for the development of the strategies of further development of Turkmenistan in near and long terms.

During the session, the President signed the Resolutions on release of A. Orayeva from the position of the Chairperson of the State Statistics Committee due to transfer to another work and on appointment of H. Gurbanov as the Chairman of this Committee.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, Foreign Minister R. Meredov reported on the activity of the MFA for the past four months in the context of steadfat realization of foreign course of neutral Turkmenistan.

It was mentioned that number of foreign visits of Turkmen leader Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov as well as the visits of the heads of foreign states to our country, which resulted in important agreements aimed at the consolidation and expansion of multidimensional cooperation, have been held from the beginning of the year.

For the period under review, our country was visited by 262 foreign delegations via the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. At the same time, 215 delegations of Turkmenistan went abroad. 91 various events were held in our country with foreign partners. 90 international documents were signed.

Consultations on the level of foreign departments have regular character. 22 meetings in this direction were organized from this year.

Regular sessions of bilateral Interstate Committees and Working Groups, which activity is aimed at active development of beneficial trade and economic relations and fruitful humanitarian and cultural dialog with other states of the world, were held from the beginning of the year.

Having highlighted that neutral Turkmenistan is always open for equal constructive cooperation, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov stated with delight vast geography of the partnership of our country that are dynamically developed in bilateral and multilateral formats under competent regional and international organizations and structures.

Chairperson of the Mejlis G. Mammedova informed on the activity of National Parliament for four months of the yea. It was mentioned that deputy corps carries out the work for improvement of the legislation framework of Turkmenistan.

Two sessions of the Parliament where 5 Laws of Turkmenistan and 29 Resolutions of the Mejlis were discussed and adopted have been held for this period.

At present time, the committees of the Mejlis continue drafting new bills taking into account national experience and standards of international law.

International relations including legislative structures of different countries are consolidated and developed. The Mejlis deputies participated in the session of the Parliamentary Council of the Islamic Cooperation Organization (January, Teheran), in winter session of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (February, Vienna), in the session of Inter-Parliamentary Assembly of the Commonwealth of Independent States countries (April, Saint Petersburg).

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov focused on the key aspects of further activity of the Parliament aimed at the improvement of the wellbeing of Turkmen citizens, improvement of civil institutes and assertion of democratic principles in the society.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers M. Meredov reported on the results of work of oil and gas facilities for the period under review.

It was informed that the plan for production oil and gas condensate was executed on 102.2 percent level, processing of hydrocarbon materials on 101.6 percent level, gasoline production on 102.1 percent level, diesel fuel on 100.2 percent level, polypropylene on 102 percent level, lubrication oils on 107.6 percent level, liquefied gas on 102.7 percent level and investment development on 102.8 percent level.

Construction of Turkmenistan – Afghanistan – Pakistan – India gas pipeline is carried out as per the schedule.

The Head of the State gave number of instructions to the Vice-premier on further improvement of the management structure of oil and gas complex, increment of oil and gas production volumes, provision of the feedstock to refineries, increment of construction rates of new facilities for oil and gas processing.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers E. Orazgeldiyev reported on the outcomes of activity of the branches under his supervision for four months of the year as well as on the course of seasonal agricultural works.

In general, the production, work and services growth rate of agricultural complex reached 104.8 percent. The Ministry of Agriculture and Water Management reached 104.8 percent index, the State Committee for Natural Protection and Land Resources - 109.1 percent, the State Association Turkmen Atlary – 105.1 percent.

The plan for development of the investments by ministries and departments fulfilled for 101.5 percent.

Having noted that despite the support of the State the realization of important reforms in agriculture is very slow, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov gave relative instructions to the Vice-premier, particular to prepare specific proposals for the solution of existing problems in this sphere.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers K. Durdymyradov reported on the outcomes of work in industrial sphere for January – April 2018 as well as on the modernization of textile industry.

It was mentioned that the plan for production, works and services made 126.5 percents by the Ministry of Industry, the grow rate made 111.1 percent comparing with the same period of the last year.

Execution of the production plan by the Ministry of Textile Industry made 122.1 percent in total with the growth rate of 119.7 percent for the period under review.

Carpet making facilities fulfilled 126.4 percent of the production plan and the growth rate reached 112.5 percent.

Volume of production and services by the State Concern Turkmenhimiya was 106.5 percent from the planned for four months of the year. Total growth rate of the branch was observed on 112 percent level.

Plan indicator for production by the State Fishery Committee was executed on 100.3 percent level from the beginning of the year. The growth rate reached 134.6 percent comparing with the same period of the last year.

The Vice-premier also reported on the result of international tender exercised by the Ministry of Textile Industry on construction of new textile complex for processing of 5,000 tons of fine fibre cotton per year in Babadayhan etrap, Ahal Velayat.

Having signed the Resolution on Construction of textile complex in in Babadayhan etrap, Ahal Velayat, the President requested to continue the work for industrialization of the country and to increase the production of import substitutive goods as well as to increase its export.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers D. Amangeldiyev reported on the outcomes of activity in construction and energy complexes and municipal services for the past four months of the year.

Ashgabat Hyakimlik fulfilled the plan for 126 percent for January – April.

The growth rate of the Ministry of Energy made 120.2 percent.

The plan of the Ministry of Municipal Services executed the plan for 109 percent with the growth rate of 115.2 percent.

The plan of the State Concern Türkmenawtoýollary was fulfilled to 100.8 percent level woth the growth rate of 100.5 percent.

Having demonstrated relative presentation, the Vice-premier informed on the works for construction of automobile road Turkmenbashy – Garabogaz – Kazakhstan.

Having listened to the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that at present time, comfortable and safe international transport corridors with the involvement of all modes of transport were created in the country what provides stable development in the region – intensification of good relations between the nations and improvement of political and cultural cooperation. In this aspect, the Head of the State focused on the construction of modern automobile roads, bridges and other facilities of dynamically developing transport and communication infrastructure that are built according to advanced technologies.

Speaking of the boundary road Turkmenbashy – Garabogaz – Kazakhstan, which is to extend speed multimodal highway Ashgabat – Turkmenbashy, the President stated that its opening would allow increasing transport flow and volumes of trade turnover between neighbouring countries. Having noted the importance of adherence to the standards of ecological safety during construction of the bridge across Garabogaz Gulf, the Head of the State addressed the Vice-premier with specific instructions.

The President of Turkmenistan reprimanded Minister of Energy Ch. Purchekov for unsatisfactory performance of his duties and failure to provide the fulfilment of set objectives.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Ch. Gylyjov reported on the outcomes of work of trade complex of Turkmenistan for January – April 2018.

The volume of trade turnover by the Ministry of Trade and Foreign Economic Affairs increased 5.1 percent comparing with the same period of 2017.

The State Commodity and Raw Material Exchanged held 82 trade sessions and registered 7831 transactions. The plan for income is executed on 146.1 percent level.

Volumes of works and services by the Trade and Industrial Chamber for January – April of this year increased to 4.4 percent comparing with the same period of the last year. The growth rate of income made 43.4 percent. 6 exhibitions and 4 conferences were held for the period under review.

The volume of industrial production from the beginning of the year by the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs increased to 23.7 percent, agricultural and food production to 14.6 percent. The volumes of trade turnover grew 2.4 percent and in service sphere increased to 2.1 percent.

The Vice-premier reported on the results of the 8th session of joint Turkmen – German Committee held in Berlin on April 29 - May to President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.

During the meeting, the sides exchanged the opinions on further development of trade and economic, cultural and humanitarian relations between two countries, on attraction of investments to the programmes and bog projects in Turkmenistan including in oil, gas and energy industries and transport and transit sphere.

Participation of German companies in implementation of new technologies to the work of Turkmen facilities specialized in production and processing of oil and gas, to energy and chemical industry as well as attraction of German gas equipment producers to the realization of Turkmenistan – Afghanistan – Pakistan – India gas pipeline seem to be perspective.

Investments to ore mining industry and expansion of cooperation in transport and logistics, telecommunications, agriculture, health protection were discussed. The agreement on exchange of practices in introduction of new services to financial and banking spheres, securities market and insurance was achieved.

Proposals on cooperation with German Umax Trade GmbH company for supply of equipment for water management, procurement of passenger, cargo and specialized «Airbus» aircrafts and establishment of cooperation in space technology were given.

The Vice-premier also reported on the readiness of putting into operation of five 4-storey 32-apartment living houses built in Anau, Ahal Velayat.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted the importance of renovation of organizational approaches to the development of trade complex as well as to the stimulation of entrepreneurship, which is given with the key role of the process of transit of national economy to market relations.

Active development of the best world practices and implementation of advanced technologies have to aimed at the establishment of innovative productions and improvement of competiveness of export oriented branches, the Head of the State said, having given instructions for practical implementation of the agreement with German partners including in small and medium business.

The President also instructed the Vice-premier to organize the events on occasion of putting into operation of new houses in Anau, having noted that improvement of living and social conditions of the population is priority objective of national programme f regions development.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers m. Chakiyev reported on the outcomes of activity of the spheres under his supervision for January – April of this year.

The Vice-premier reported that in general, the plan for communication, cargo and passenger transportation services by transport and communication complex was fulfilled to 105.8 percent with the growth rate of 108.5 percent.

The growth rate of works by the Ministry of Railway Transport made 103 percent. The same indicator for cargo passenger transportation was 100.2 and 100.3 percent accordingly.

The growth rate of services by the Ministry of Automobile Transport reached 100.1 percent for January – April and 100.3 and 101 percent accordingly in cargo and passenger traffic.

The growth rate of works by the Ministry of Communication made 110 percent.

The growth rates of air services by Тürkmenhowaýollary Service reached 121 percent. This indicator was 119 and 110 percent in cargo and passenger traffic accordingly.

Having listened to the report, the Head of the State informed on the decision to appoint Deputy Chairman of the State River and Maritime Transport Service of Turkmenistan A. Kosayev as the Director of Turkmenbashy International Seaport simultaneously.

The Head of the State reprimanded Head of the State River and Maritime Transport Service A.Gurdov for unsatisfactory performance of his duties and failure to fulfil the objectives given to the Service.

Deputy Chairperson of the Cabinet of Ministers B. Abdiyeva reported in the outcomes of work of the spheres under her supervision for January – April of this year.

Various cultural events including art sessions, forums, exhibitions, contests, musical festivals, theatre performances dedicated to celebrations and remarkable dates as well as Days of Culture of friendly states were organized for the period under review.

International scientific conference and festival “Ancient Sources of Musical Art” were held in Ashgabat last month. Archaeological exhibition “Margiana. The Kingdom of the Bronze Age in Turkmenistan” was ceremonially opened in New Museum of Berlin (Germany) on April 24.

The growth rate by the State Tourism Committee was 101 percent comparing with the last year.

Production plan of Turkmen State Publishing Service for January – April 2018 was fulfilled to 119.5 percent.

Mass media carried out the work for highlighting of the achievements of the country and explanation of the meaning and objectives of large-scale reforms. Measures for the improvement of professional level of mass media personnel have been taken.

Number of short fiction and documentary movies were made by Oguzkhan Turkmenfilm Association for four months of the year. The work on other films is continued.

Summing up the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov focused on coming cultural events and holidays, having pointed out the necessity to pay attention to artistic actions related to slogan of this year “Turkmenistan is the Heart of the Great Silk Road”.

At the same time, the President ordered to continue the work on highlighting of rational and careful use of natural resources of the country and provision of ecological wealth and environment protection.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers P. Agamyradov reported on the outcomes of activity of the branches under his supervision for the first four months of the year.

62 various guide books and learning manuals were published for the period under review.

School students of the country won 46 prizes from January to April. 111 prizes were won in Internet International contests.

Students of Turkmen high educational institutes took part in international contests and won 4 silver and 3 bronze medals. They also won 80 prizes at international internet contests while the students of secondary professional colleges 18 prizes.

Measures for improvement of educational plans and programmes in the universities are taken for the fulfilment of the assignment of the President of Turkmenistan on training of personnel for national economy including electronic industry, development of market relations and entrepreneurship.

Works for study and popularization of cultural heritage are continued according to the State programme of scientific and research works and excavations of historical and cultural monuments located along the Silk Road on the territory of Turkmenistan in 2018 – 2021.

In health protection sphere, the income from the State voluntary medical insurance increased to 149 percent, from realization of production and rendered services to 114 percent, from sanatorium services to 101 percent.

76 national and 35 public sport competitions were held in the country from the beginning of 2018.

Our sportsmen took part in 35 international tournaments, four of which are the World Championships, where Turkmen athletes won 4 medals, ten of which Asian Championship where they won 33 medals. Turkmen athletes also won 55 medals in other competitions.

The Head of the State noted that responsible period of graduation exams in secondary schools, graduation and entry exams in universities is starting. It is necessary to provide high organizational level of these campaigns as well as to take care of the preparation of children health improving and entertainment centres for summer holidays, the Head of the State said.

International rally Amul – Hazar 2018, cycling races and track and field competitions that were started this year have to be held under strict control, Turkmen leader highlighted, having given instructions on this account to the Vice-premier.

After, addressing the participants of the session, the Head of the State noted that the situation in global economy remains under tension, however, in general, the outcomes of four months indicate the preservation of stable rates of development of branches of national economy.

Despite achieved satisfactory results, there are many unsolved issues, the President of the country stated. Government programmes were taken, measures for elimination of the shortfalls were outlined for their solution. Turkmen leader noted that all of these were discussed in details at the session of the Cabinet of Ministers on the outcomes of the first quarter of the year and we have to solve all planned objectives.