Ï IFAS activates the dialog with international and regional organizations

IFAS activates the dialog with international and regional organizations

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Two days meeting organized by the IFAS Executive Committee under support of the programme of the German Foundation for International Cooperation “Transboundary Management of Water Resources in Central Asia” was dedicated to the development of cooperation between International Fund for Saving of Aral Sea and international partners.

Representatives of different ministries and departments of the country, the UNDP. The UN Regional Centre for Preventive Diplomacy on Central Asia, European Union, World Bank, the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), Central Asia Regional Ecology Centre and other took part in the forum held in the conference hall of Archabyl Hotel in the capital.

Discussing the main directions of the activity of IFAS Executive Committee, the participants of the meeting made special mention that recently actual measures have been taken by the countries if the region for improvement of ecological, social and economic situation in Aral Sea basin. Cooperation with big international organizations including the United Nations and its specialized agencies in environment protection and sustainable development is steadily improved and expanded.

This is indicated by the Resolution on Cooperation between the United Nations and International Fund for Saving of Aral Sea during the 72nd session of the UN General Assembly in April this year. Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Germany and other states are the co-authors of this Resolution initiated by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov under the chairing of Turkmenistan in IFAS in 2017 – 2019.

At present time, targeted work is carried out for practical implementation of constructive proposals made by Turkmen leader at the sessions of the UN General Assembly. The UN Conference on Sustainable Development “Rio+20”, III World UN Conference on Reduction of Risk of Natural Disasters in Japan and VII World Water Forum in the Republic of Korea.

Particular, this is related to the foundation of specialized structure under the aegis and active participation of the UN – Regional Technology Centre as well as to the development of the UN Water Strategy. Central Asia Water Strategy reflecting the key principles of the decisions on efficient use of water resources of the region taking into account the interests of all neighbouring states and standards of international law can be used as the base of this document.

The concept of the UN Special Programme for Aral Sea that was also elaborated in accordance with the proposals of Head of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov was the subject of detailed sharing of the opinions.

In addition, the reports on preparation of new, the forth Action Programme for assistance to the countries of Aral Sea basin (ASBP – 4) that includes complex of measures and projects aimed at the improvement of ecology, social and development of the region, implementation of the mechanisms of rational water use, improvement of life quality of the population have been presented.

Three similar plans have been implemented from the day of the foundation of the IFAS. The period of the last one finished in 2015. Regional and national working groups consisting of the representatives of structural divisions of the IFAS, specialists of the ministries and departments of the founding states, international experts have been made and multilateral consultations are carried out.

Information about the progress of the development of new Regional Action Plan for Environment Protection in Central Asia taking into account the Agenda 2030 approved by the UN, which formulates global Aims of Sustainable Development in the third millennium, and Paris Climate Change Treaty has been presented. Relative decision on the renewal of Regional Action Plan for Environment Protection in Central Asia was taken by Interstate Commission for Sustainable Development of the IFAS during the session of this organization in Ashgabat last June.

During the meeting, the representatives of international organizations analysed the experience in realization of targeted programmes and projects in the region as well as voiced future plans on outlined subject.

Discussing the main directions of cooperation in the period of the chairing of Turkmenistan in International Fund for Saving of Aral Sea, national and foreign experts called for the foundation of special consultative group for coordination of joint activity of the IFAS members with international and regional organizations, financial structures in environment protection and sustainable development of Aral Sea region.

Relative decisions on this and number of other subjects are to be taken on the next day after completion of coordination meeting of the IFAS Executive Committee with international partners.