Ï The Head of the State made a ride on racing vehicle along Karakum track

The Head of the State made a ride on racing vehicle along Karakum track

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The Head of the State made a ride on racing vehicle along Karakum track
The Head of the State made a ride on racing vehicle along Karakum track
The Head of the State made a ride on racing vehicle along Karakum track
The Head of the State made a ride on racing vehicle along Karakum track
The Head of the State made a ride on racing vehicle along Karakum track
The Head of the State made a ride on racing vehicle along Karakum track
The Head of the State made a ride on racing vehicle along Karakum track
The Head of the State made a ride on racing vehicle along Karakum track
The Head of the State made a ride on racing vehicle along Karakum track
The Head of the State made a ride on racing vehicle along Karakum track
The Head of the State made a ride on racing vehicle along Karakum track
The Head of the State made a ride on racing vehicle along Karakum track
Competitions defining the teams of Turkmenistan for coming International Rally Amul – Hazar 2018 were held with the participation of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. Sportsmen of the Automobile Sport Centre of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Federation of Automobile Sport of the country competed in the qualification tour.

The Head of the State arrived early in the morning to the place of competitions located in one of the most beautiful place of Karakum Desert where he was greeted by the Speaker of the Mejlis, Deputy Chairmen of the Cabinet of Ministers, heads of military and law enforcement agencies of the country.

Reporting on the readiness of teams to start the competitions for the right to represent our country in International Rally Amul – Hazar 2018, Minister of Internal Affairs I. Mulikov asked the Head of the State to give the words of encouragement to qualification races.

Having listened to the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov went to the starting point where the Head of the State was greeted by the referees of the races. The head of the referee group reported on the parts of the route, described the landmarks and informed on the distance between the turns marked on special map. He noted the protection of ecological condition of Karakum Desert is the main condition of the races. In this context, the head of referee team informed about high level of ecological compliance of the vehicles participating the qualification round of international rally.

It was mentioned that presentation of Amul – Hazar 2018 project would be held in Moscow on May 16 – 17 this year. It would be presented to the public by French racer, participant of the Formula 1 World tournaments and racing competitions Jean Louis Schlesser under the presentation pf Africa Eco Race 2019.

Turkmenistan’s delegation will also take part in the event. Representatives of Motor Sports of our country will introduces the level organization of International Rally Amul – Hazar 2018, tracks of the races, navigation and other provision of the sportsmen participating in the competitions. It will give the opportunity to the racers and specialists from all over the world to receive wider knowledge on international competitions organized in our country by the initiative of Turkmen leader. It is also planned to exchange the opinions on the subject of compliance of the conditions of Karakum Desert with the set requirements to international rally as well as to its ecological components.

During conversation with the referees, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said that he came to encourage the sportsmen who take part in qualification round, by which results Turkmenistan team for participation in International Rally Amul – Hazar 2018 would be formed. Having noted the technical characteristics of the sport car that he is using meet the requirements of the competitions, the Head of the State requested permission to take part in the ride.

The Head referee answered that President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov can take part in current lap, having highlighted that participation of the Head of the State is great honour for the referees and sportsmen, and wished successful races.

Having taken driver seat of racing car, Turkmen leader opened the race. Sportsman of the Centre of Automobile Sports of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Turkmenistan started together with the President. Two vehicles rushed forward with high speed.

Organization of International level rally will support wide popularization of this sport and will improve the world prestige of Turkmenistan as the country that is able to host big competitions and tournaments on high level.

As is known, during the working trip to Lebap Velayat in February this year, the President of the country gave start to preparation of rally Amul- Hazar 2018 in coming September.

Back then representing French guest, General Director and organizer of famous rally Africa Eco Race Jean Louis Schlesser and speaking of his concept of the reduction of negative impact on the environment during the races, the Head of the State supported this good initiatives.

Jean Louis Schlesser noted that automobile rally in Turkmenistan would support wide popularization of this sports, formation of the principles of healthy life style, familiarization of the guests from different countries of the world with rich nature, cultural and historical heritage of this land. He also shared his confidence that International rally Amul – Hazar 2018 will stay for long time in the memory of spectators and guests and would support the promotion of motor transport.

As is known the President of Turkmenistan went in for motor sport from youth age and participated in various competitions. Owing to the initiatives and support of the President, motor sports received the development in our country and the Centre of Motor Sports was opened in the capital.

Special impulse to this processes will be given undoubtedly by large-scale event Amul – Hazar 2018 that was initiated by the Head of the State and already attracted the attention of international community.

During his visit to Lebap Velayat, the President of Turkmenistan received General Director of rally Africa Eco Race Jean Louis Schlesser.

During the meeting, the sides discussed organizational and technical subjects of rally Amul – Hazar 2018 that is to become bright event of international sport calendar. It was highlighted that one of the main goals of this competitions is to introduce priceless historical and cultural heritage of the country to the world. This year held under slogan “Turkmenistan is the Heart of Great Silk Road”, our country revives its importance as the main link of this ancient route, this competitions would support the expansion of humanitarian dialog as well as the development of sports in general. The guest also noted that Karakum desert is chosen as the place of international rally not just occasionally, having made special mention that this place meets the highest ecological requirements.

Today, sport vehicle driven by the President easily and fast overcame all obstacle of the track during qualification round.

At some parts of the road, the Head of the State applied the elements of defensive driving using manoeuvring capabilities of the vehicle. The Head of Turkmenistan demonstrated the skill of driving sport car in off-road conditions. Having went along the distance and come to the finish line, the President demonstrated high driving skills, having showed the drifting skills at special ground. It includes the skill to make turns on maximum speed in controlled drift.

After, the Head of the State came and stopped next to the referee group.

The Head of referee group congratulated Turkmen leader and said that the President covered the distance for 10 minutes 10.45 seconds, having highlighted that this is very good result. Sportsmen of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the country G. Hommaadov who also took part in this lap went it for 10 minutes 22.42 seconds.

After, the competitions of qualification round of Turkmenistan team for participation in International rally Amul – Hazar 2018 were continued. Ten teams from Turkmenistan were selected for participation in International rally Amul – Hazar 2018.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov wished the crews of racing cars to be persistent in improvement of sport skills, success in coming competitions and bright victories.