Ï Jan Bori is accredited as the Ambassador of the Slovak Republic to Turkmenistan

Jan Bori is accredited as the Ambassador of the Slovak Republic to Turkmenistan

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On the instruction of President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, Chairperson of the Mejlis Gulshat Mammedova received credentials from Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Slovak Republic to Turkmenistan Jan Bori.

On behalf of the Turkmen leader, the Chairperson of the National Parliament congratulated the guest on the appointment to the diplomatic post and wished him every success in strengthening the ties of friendship and cooperation between Turkmenistan and the Slovak Republic.

The diplomat conveyed the warm greetings to President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov on behalf of the leader of his country. The ambassador underlined that for him it was a great honour to represent the Slovak Republic in Turkmenistan, which peace-making initiatives and specific steps to ensure the global security and stability, the sustainable development in the region and the whole world are widely supported by the international community.

During the meeting, the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Slovak Republic to Turkmenistan was informed on the successes achieved by our country in the implementation of the complex programmes of development and ambitious projects. The Ambassador got acquainted with the structure and legislative process of the national parliament.

The diplomat expressed the aspiration for enhancing cooperation in the bilateral format as well as in the framework of international organisations, in particular, the United Nations Organisation and the European Union.

Opening of the International Sea Port in Turkmenbashi that creates the most favorable conditions to access the Black Sea region, the countries of Europe, the Middle East, South Asia and the Asia-Pacific region and allows to significantly reduce the distances and intransit lead time for cargo flows connecting them to the ground and air communications, drew a wide response all around the world.

In this regard, it was underlined the long-term benefits for widening the Turkmen-Slovakian trade and economic partnership in the transport and energy sphere, the industry, sanatorium-resort area and tourism. The cultural and humanitarian, scientific and educational spheres were specified among the important areas of cooperation.


The Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Slovak Republic to Turkmenistan participated in the meeting in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to discuss the key areas of development of the interstate dialogue.

The meetings in a number of core ministries and departments focused on the development of mutually beneficial cooperation in various spheres.