Ï The Head of the State inspects facilities of the capital and its outskirts

The Head of the State inspects facilities of the capital and its outskirts

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President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov made a flight around the capital, having inspected the situation at construction sites and practical implementation of the programmes of social infrastructure and city development. The Head of the State paid special attention to ecological condition of the territories.

The President of Turkmenistan regularly visits construction sites expressing the interest in working conditions of specialists and construction personnel, work of contractors, quality of materials used and in many other matters. This strict attention reflects the care of people, their health, life and accessibility to all benefits of modern civilization by the Head of the State.

This is owing to the patronage of the Head of the State, our capital was developed and entered the number of the most beautiful cities of the world. Rushing to the sky its white-marble buildings, Ashgabat expands its borders every year always changing, renewing and turning into modern megacity, the centre of international political and business life, the oasis of attraction of tourists from all over the world. President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov always finds the time in his tight schedule to control personally the most important projects, which form the image and status of the city as the most comfortable and hospitable one.

During current flight, the Head of the State looked around the region in the west of the capital in Kyoshi where preparation works are carried out at present under the 16th stage of urban construction. This project includes the construction of dozens of living houses of different height, multi-apartment buildings and stand-alone cottages.

At present, the earth works like planning of the plots, levelling and preparation of the land for the foundation of the buildings using specialized modern equipment, digging of foundation pits, etc. are ongoing. The quality of these works will effect all further stages of construction, safety of their exploitation, their reliability and seismic resistance.

New living estate will have power substation, school, kindergarten, market and shopping centre, green zone, sport and play grounds, shops within walking distance to car parking as well as many other social and living facilities.

Having made a circle around on the helicopter, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov looked around the territory of large-scale construction and saw full picture of works what allowed fair evaluation of the course and dynamics of the works, compliance to the schedule and rational use of the equipment.

Today, well-thought road and transport network and system of engineering communication for maximum comfort of the tenants are formed in this rapidly developing district of Ashgabat. The work on planning of parking zones, planting of trees on the areas adjoin to new estate are carried out together with the construction. Creation of the most favourable environment for the residents is considered as the main criteria of the development of Turkmen capital.

Having inspected the progress of the project of the 16th stage of urban construction including the complex of cottages and mansions, the President headed the helicopter to the south of Ashgabat toward the Kopetdag foothills. In the last few years, this area has significantly changed. Vast forest zones making favourable conditions for the recreation of the capital’s residents have grown bigger.

The President inspected the course of construction of the complex of administration buildings, which was entrusted to French Buig Batiman Company. New facilities include the complex of buildings of International Congress Centre and fashionable hotel, which will be built along Chandybil Avenue. These original facilities will be some kind of the hallmarks of our capital, which is by right is referred to as the pearl of Asia. New administration offices organically merging into architectural ensemble will be also built in this part of the city.

The President of Turkmenistan inspected the situation at construction sites, having analysed the volume of performed works from the helicopter.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov notes that local natural landscape has to be taken into account while building the facilities in this part of the city – picturesque mountain views and architectural ensembles have to be matching each other.

The Head of the State points out that it is necessary to include the projects of green zones and parks during planning of construction works as support of proper ecological condition of the capital remains one of the main requirements. In addition, tree planting and floristic appearance of Ashgabat give expressive and attractive features to aesthetic view of the city, therefore it is necessary to use interesting design concepts and ideas in this sphere.

Participating in annual tree planting in our country, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov attaches important ecological, social, patriotic and civic significance to this noble action. Thousands of Turkmen citizens come to public works making their contribution to make the dream of our ancestors on turning of native land into the place of flourishing gardens and man-made forests to come true.

Forming up green massifs and parks became an integral part of modern life. The initiatives of the Head of the State on natural protection and on solution of global ecological problems are recognized at international level. These are such subjects as the climate change, rational use of land and water resources, which are priority directions of the state policy implemented by the President of the country.

During helicopter flight, Turkmen leader looked around the view of white-marble Ashgabat that is pleasing the eye with elegant architectural style combining classical principles, national traditions and advanced technologies. Character feature of the capital is its neatness and cleanness.

Focusing on social aspect, the President of Turkmenistan invariably highlights that comprehensive care of people is the top priority in the realization of the concept of the capital’s development including the construction of housing.

According to the request of the President, shopping and entertainment centre with all necessary things for the comfort of the customers and work of the personnel, interesting time for young visitors and expansion of their world outlook are also built in new districts.

Making the flight around northern part of the capital, the Head of the State inspected the works in Choganly living estate where rapid construction of modern living houses is ongoing.

Subjects of integrated development of Ashgabat and steadfast modernization of urban infrastructure are always under the monitoring by the Head of the State who personally inspects the construction of social facilities expanded in our country. President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlights that compliance with modern requirements and standards including quality, aesthetical and ecological are the main criteria of works in the city.

After, the Head of the State headed the helicopter toward the plant for production of gasoline of natural gas, which is under construction in Ovadandepe, Ahal velayat. This innovative project is another actual measure for successful realization of national economic strategy with full-scale and rational use of the richest hydrocarbon resources of Turkmenistan, which is one of world energy leaders, as its main vectors.

Implementation of the plans of the President of the country on development of petrochemical industry is to support integrated industrialization of the regions, diversification of national economy and production of high-quality competitive goods required in international markets.

During the working trip, the Head of the State looked around this big construction of the facility that would be the first in the world petrochemical complex producing high-quality, environmentally friendly gasoline from natural gas.

The facility, provide with advanced equipment and technologies, will process 1,785,000,000 cubic meters of gas and produce 600,000 tons of A-92 gasoline meeting Euro 5 standard. In will produce 1,800 tons of gasoline per day. In addition, it is planned to produce 12,000 tons of diesel fuel and 115,000 tons of liquefied gas per year. Total cost of this investment project is almost 1,700,000,000 US dollars. Around 1,500 work places will be created after opening of this facility.

At present moment, the works at the facility are coming to the end. The production will be delivered to the customers by roads and railways. Transportation by railway and after by the sea via recently opened Turkmenbashy International Seaport is the most economically beneficial type of export supplies of Turkmen synthetic fuel.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov also looked around agricultural fields of Ahal Velayat where the cotton sowing has already been accomplished and preparation to wheat harvest campaign, measures for pest control and other seasonal works are carried out.

Particularly, final vegetation irrigation of the fields under the wheat is organized and cotton-growing farms are getting ready to agrotechnical activities for care of the cotton springs.

Agrarian sector is one of important directions of the state strategy, which main objectives are the consolidation of economic power of the country and improvement of wellbeing of the population. Targeted support of the agricultural complex, which is expressed in technical rearmament of production infrastructure of agricultural complex and development of chemical industry providing the farmers with mineral fertilizers, in solution of land reclamation and water supply objectives, is rendered under the reform in this sphere. All conditions are made for productive work of the farmers. Huge work is carried out for the provision of food abundance.

Being an integral part of the actual mechanism of the reforms, large-scale regions’ transformation programme has already acquired its shapes of universal model of new Turkmen village and is oriented to the solution of important objectives.

Modernization of production facilities making the goods both for internal markets and for export, improvement of investment activity, creation of working places, steadfast improvement of social and living conditions taking into account the specifics of rural life are the main directions of these objectives. Activation of works on implementation of modern economic relations by full involvement of the potential of the private sector is the utmost objective.

Therefore, the issues of further development of Ashgabat, construction of living complexes and important facilities as well as the largest petrochemical complex in Ovadandepe as the basis of new branch of national economy and the progress of agrarian reform were under attention of the President during the flight around new districts of the capital and its outskirts.

All these spheres are united and interrelated by the strategy of achievement of the main target set by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, which is to improve the quality of life of the nation and prosperity of the country.