Ï Conferences devoted to the symbols of independence – the Constitution and State Flag

Conferences devoted to the symbols of independence – the Constitution and State Flag

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Conferences, devoted to Constitution and State Flag Day, brought together representatives of the local community, national parliament, scientific and artistic circles, labor collectives, and youth.

The capital’s Public Organizations Center provided the venue for the research and practice conference organized by Mejlis of Turkmenistan and entitled “The Constitution of Turkmenistan: new historical epoch and national development experience”.

Conference participants highlighted that the Constitution provides a solid legal foundation for the achievements of independent Turkmenistan, which has a developed economy and efficient social security system, and carries out a constructive international policy.

As the embodiment of national and global best practices in the system of government, traditional national and universal values, the Constitution of Turkmenistan incorporates overriding objectives of further development of the country that pursues its socially-oriented policy aimed at promoting the welfare of all citizens.

The fundamental principle of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov’s policy, which is meaningfully summed up in the slogan “The State – for Man!” is enshrined in the Constitution.

The Constitution of Turkmenistan defines all aspects of the social and political system and is seen as the central core of national legislation whose principal provisions are based on the rules of international law, centuries-old experience in nation building, and best humanistic traditions handed down from generation to generation.

The conference attendees shared an opinion that the Constitution of independent neutral Turkmenistan is the enabling instrument for strengthening the foundations of the rapidly growing country and developing modern Turkmen society. It declares man the highest value of the society and state, and guarantees a life of dignity for all people.

The conference program also included 3 workshops entitled “The Constitution of Turkmenistan: triumph of democracy and development”, “A role of the national legal system in Turkmenistan’s socio-economic development” and “Turkmenistan – the Heart of the Silk Road: the importance of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov’s international initiatives for sustainable development”.

The Magtymguly Language and Literature Institute of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan hosted a scientific conference. Its participants highlighted that the State Flag of Turkmenistan is widely known across the world. It is seen flying proudly above the United Nations Headquarters and symbolizes the main principles of independent neutral Turkmenistan’s policy of peace, friendship, good-neighborly relations and fruitful cooperation that seeks to work for the common good and progress.

Turkmenistan is irrevocably committed to the policy of positive neutrality in international relations. Our independent country’s legal status has been recognized twice by the relevant Resolutions of the United Nations General Assembly. Turkmenistan is the only country in the world to include the UN Resolutions on the status of permanent neutrality in its Constitution.

The United Nations declared December 12 as International Neutrality Day on the initiative of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. This vividly illustrates that the well-thought-out policy carried out by independent Turkmenistan has won high praise from the world community of nations.

In their speeches, conference speakers particularly highlighted national unity and solidarity, the inextricable connection of times, and the continuity between generations. Throughout their history, the Turkmen people have deeply respected state symbols. The long-held traditions and moral and spiritual principles of our ancestors continue to be celebrated and respected in the modern epoch.