Ï New project of Amul – Hazar 2018 rally in the racing world is presented in Russia

New project of Amul – Hazar 2018 rally in the racing world is presented in Russia

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New project of Amul – Hazar 2018 rally in the racing world is presented in Russia
Moscow hosted the presentation of Amul – Hazar 2018 International Rally organized in Turkmenistan by the initiative of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.

New project in the racing world was presented to wide public and mass media in prestigious business complex – the Centre of International Commerce, in the Club Complex of Crowne Plaza Moscow.

Turkmen delegation that arrived to Moscow organized the exhibition as a preliminary introduction dedicated to Amul – Hazar 2018 rally. The exposition was opened by big picture of the President of Turkmenistan dressed in racing gear. The monitors demonstrated videos on the preparation to coming international rally, about qualification round and other events of this subject.

The story was supplemented with printing materials, bright photo illustrations, brochures and booklets that raised keen interest of the public to our state. The stands and printing materials of the exposition highlighted the fact that coming rally would be not only grandiose sport event but also the symbol of commitment of Turkmenistan to active policy in development of international transit and transport corridors and establishment of multimodal routes.

Turkmen Desert Race 2018 Amul – Hazar 2018 was presented in Crowne Plaza Moscow WTC by famous racer and currently Director of Africa Eco Race rally Jean Louis Schlesser.

The first part of the event was held in the format of seminar, which particpants discussed the preparation to coming races, details of logistics, registration, navigation, safety and other. Jean Louis Schlesser not only answered all questions but shared the experience as professional racer who won in famous tournaments including Paris – Dakar race.

He announced the first details of the 11th issue of transcontinental Africa Eco Race marathon, which would be held in 2019 along classic Dakar route connecting Europe and Africa. The distance of the race is 6500 kilometres, most part of which run across Sahara Desert.

After, the debutant of 2018 sport calendar Amul – Hazar 2018 International Rally or as it is referred to as Turkmen Desert race in international classification, was introduced to the participants.

The participants of the presentation was informed that the race in Turkmenistan would be held on Septmebr 11 – 15, 2018 along Amul – Hazar route (September 9 – 10 as preparation days). Light and cargo vehicles and SSV class quadbikes can take part in the race. 1500 kilometres of the route runs across Karakum Desert as well as across other picturesque places of the country.

However, Karakum Desert is the heart of the project.

First of all, this greatest after Sahara desert of the world deserves to take important place in geography of the competitions of the best Dakar class rally racers.

Second, Karakum Desert hide more extreme subjects from adventure point of view – it is not such monotonic as African desert and visually gives more impressions and can surprise at any moment taking into consideration that this is living ecosystem that was not affected by anthropogenic impact. That makes the race to more interesting when people driving powerful vehicles are able to compare themselves with the greatness of nature, as they say face-to-face, and to realize how close the man is connected with it. If one treat the environment as an ally then technical perfectness will be the continuation of the mergence of the nature and civilization.

Third, Karakum Desert as the main part of Turkmen race has to attract the attention of the world community to this model sample of natural protection, which deserves the inclusion to the UNESCO World Natural Heritage List.

It is impossible to say that the Karakums are not developed by human. But the way it is made is thought to be the model of exemplary ecological activity, for example, the construction of man-made lake Altyn Asyr in the centre of the desert.

This unprecedented by its scale project is very important for Turkmenistan and Central Asia. Its realization not only open fundamentally new opportunities and horizons for development of agriculture of our country but also would be favourable for entire region.

Recently, the idea to turn one of biggest and most adverse, however the richest by natural reserves desert of the world into blooming oasis would be thought fantastic. But today, it becomes true. Turkmen Lake is unique hydro technical complex, complex system of irrigation facilities designated for the collection of drain mineralized waters from agricultural fields of all regions of the country. It will allow fundamentally improving the conditions of irrigated lands, solving many problems related to the soil salinization, swamping and drought.

It was repeatedly highlighted by Head of the State Gurbanguly Berdimuhameedov that every part of Turkmen land deserves the most careful treatment. In particular, it is related to Karakum Desert that is unique, centuries-old ecosystem, which landscapes and subsoils contain unique flora and fauna, colossal natural reserves, vast pastures, considerable recreation resources, huge reserves of hydrocarbon material and natural reserves.

Today, Central Karakums are one of natural phenomenon of Turkmenistan that has no analogues in the world in the aspect of landscape, zoological, botanical and ecological studies of plain and desert ecosystems where pristine nature of the desert remained almost without any changes.

The finish of the races will be on the Caspian coast where fashionable resort – Avaza National tourist zone is located nowadays.

Thus, the crews will drive from the east to the west of Turkmenistan following historical route of the Great Silk Road and will cross vast spaces of legendary Karakums like ancient trade caravans; they will go over the most complicated parts of the desert as well as will see other unique places of Turkmen land, having made symbolical journey from the past to the present.

Big preparation work is carried out in Turkmenistan for this event. The development and implementation of online registration system pf the participants of the race are on the final stage; website of the rally is planned to be opened.

Today, the work on organization of bivouacs, cultural support of the event and training of personnel are expanded in the country. modern equipment, aviation and other supporting resources for organization of the rally will be at disposal of the organizers of the event. Many other measures are planned as high-level reception of numerous foreign delegations is the honour for our country. The example of this is V Asian Indoor and Martial Arts Games held in Ashgabat. The practice of the games, volunteer, technical and service personnel teams will be good support for Amul – Hazar 2018 rally.

Organizational issues of this event are entrusted to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Sport and Youth Affairs and other departments of Turkmenistan. Concerning sport part, its provision is entrusted to the team of organizers of Africa Eco Race marathon under the leadership of Jean Louis Schlesser.

The presentation gathered around 50 reporters of leading medias – international and Russian news agencies, TV and radio channels, specialized magazines and newspapers, websites. It includes American financial and economic Forbes magazine, International World and Politics magazine, federal newspaper Russian News, My Planet TV channel, News of Russia agency, Media Times, Newsinfo, Mignews, Echo of Moscow, Business Moscow newspaper, Mediametric radio channel, internet magazines Mirinform and WorldRusNews.ru, ASP Media 24 portal as well East News photo agency, RusMedia advertisement agency and other.

Representatives of Eurosport channel, portals Olympic Panorama, Championat.com. Drom.ru, Autosportmedia, magazines Physical Training and Sport, 4X4 Full Drive, Race on Vacation Magazine, Autosport and many others were among sport observers.

Mass media correspondents received not only detailed information about Amul – Hazar 2018 rally presented by Turkmen side and by bright slideshow but also had an opportunity to ask questions and take an interview.

General Director of Africa Eco Race rally recollected with warmth in his interview to TDH his trip to Turkmenistan in the beginning of the year and meeting with President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. “I received visual and convincing proof of that undisputable fact that sports in Turkmenistan is placed in the rank of national policy. When the President himself urges the idea of sport improvement of the nation, then there is no doubt in the final result of started changes”, - Jean Louis Schlesser noted.

- As for today, the team of French specialists carried out big work for exploration and preparation of the track of future race, Schlesser said. – The route is divided into five stages and every speedy part hides many secrets and complications for the pilots and navigators of the crews. Services of French specialists for organization of the race include consulting, coordination, invitation of various sport teams from abroad, attraction of foreign specialists for technical provision of the competitions as well as highlighting of the race in international mass medias.

Turkmen Desert Race has already attracted the attention of International Automobile Federation (FIA). Jean Louis Schlesser presented the project to the FIA Commission of Rally Raids and noted good perspectives for inclusion of the project into the world status series in the future.

According to his opinion, organizers of the competitions have no doubts that the race will be as complicated as interested in the same time and undoubtedly will raise keen interest of the world sport community.

As is known, “Turkmenistan is the Heart of the Great Silk Road” is the slogan of 2018. According to President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, foreign participants of the rally would be able not only to learn about the heritage of Turkmen nation but also to see new life that comes to this legendary places with fundamental social and economic changes, scientific and technical progress and industrial development of the regions of the country, which improves its role of important transport hub on the Silk Road in modern age.

Turkmenistan improves its international authority as the country that has successful experience in organization of big sport events of international level including in motorsport. This experience will enrich such significant project as Amul – Hazar 2018 rally that is realized on the Government level.

The race will give the impulse not only to the development of the motorsport in Turkmenistan but will also support the development of tourism. The Head of the State has already noted the necessity of introduction of new tourist routes along this track that include famous and less known historical and archaeological monuments of our country as well as its natural places.

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