Ï Number of cycling supporters growth in Turkmenistan

Number of cycling supporters growth in Turkmenistan

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Mass cycling ride was held in the capital along the highways in Kopetdag foothills. The participants of the event included representatives of ministries and departments, students, numerous supporters of healthy life style who inspired by personal example of Turkmen leader promote the ideas and beginning of the Head of the State on the development of sport movement in the country.

Number of cycling supporters in Turkmenistan is always growing both among young and elder generation. Citizens of our country learn to ride bicycle with pleasure, having appreciated its advantages for doing sports and health improving rides as well as comfortable and environmentally friendly type of transport.

Having announced the care of health and wealth of the nation, upbringing of physically fit and morally strong generations as the utmost objective of the state importance, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov give organized and targeted character of long-term national strategy to the development of mass physical and health improving movement and sports of highest achievements.