Ï Key objectives of activation of international cooperation in gas sphere are discussed in Avaza

Key objectives of activation of international cooperation in gas sphere are discussed in Avaza

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Key objectives of activation of international cooperation in gas sphere are discussed in Avaza
Key objectives of activation of international cooperation in gas sphere are discussed in Avaza
Key objectives of activation of international cooperation in gas sphere are discussed in Avaza
Key objectives of activation of international cooperation in gas sphere are discussed in Avaza
Key objectives of activation of international cooperation in gas sphere are discussed in Avaza
Key objectives of activation of international cooperation in gas sphere are discussed in Avaza
Key objectives of activation of international cooperation in gas sphere are discussed in Avaza
Key objectives of activation of international cooperation in gas sphere are discussed in Avaza
Key objectives of activation of international cooperation in gas sphere are discussed in Avaza
Key objectives of activation of international cooperation in gas sphere are discussed in Avaza
Key objectives of activation of international cooperation in gas sphere are discussed in Avaza
Key objectives of activation of international cooperation in gas sphere are discussed in Avaza
Key objectives of activation of international cooperation in gas sphere are discussed in Avaza
Key objectives of activation of international cooperation in gas sphere are discussed in Avaza
IX International Turkmenistan Gas Congress started its work in Berkarar Hotel, Avaza National tourist zone. Large specialized forum traditionally held in our country for giving new impulse to the development of international partnership in energy sphere was organized by the State Concern Turkmengaz and Dutch company KHB Holland.

400 delegates including representatives of European Union, USA, UAE, Japan, China, Republic of Korea, Turkey, India, Afghanistan, Pakistan, CIS and other states were the participants of IX International Turkmenistan Gas Congress. Members of the Government, heads of profile state concerns, scientific and research centres and high education institutes took part in the forum from Turkmen side.

During the sessions, representatives of structural divisions and departments of national fuel and energy complex introduced the potential of gas producing and processing industry of the country to the participants.

The speakers noted that according to the Programme of social and economic development of the country in 2018 – 2024, integrated measures are taken for diversification and consolidation of export potential of national economy and opening of new import substitutive productions into operation. At the same time, considerable investments are used for the development of fuel and energy sector not only for increment of oil and gas production but also for construction of the infrastructure for the processing of natural reserves.

The Concept of development of gas industry of Turkmenistan, which involves all directions like exploration, drilling, production, transportation, storage, processing of gas and establishment of modern production infrastructure accordingly, has been elaborated for comprehensive realization of huge potential of the state in fuel and energy sphere. This Concept is based on huge resource capabilities of our country, which allow reliable provision of energy carriers to local consumers as well as fulfilling the obligations of international agreements and contracts on supply of natural gas abroad.

The delegates of the forum highlighted that new deposits of gas and gas condensate have been opened recently in Turkmenistan, development of Galkynysh gas field, which reserves together with Yashlar and Garakel fields are estimated in 27 trillion cubic metres, is rapidly carried out.

The participants of the Congress noted that explored gas reserves in different parts of our country allow speaking of potentially possible volumes of export on the level of 100 – 120 billion cubic meters in 2018 and 160 – 170 billion cubic meters in the future.

Discussing the initiatives of Turkmen leader in diversification of energy carriers supplies abroad for stable development of the country, the speakers made special mention of strategic importance of Turkmenistan – Afghanistan – Pakistan – India gas pipeline for the region.

Having reminded that construction of Afghan section of TAPI gas pipeline was started in February this year in Serhetabat etrap, Mary Velayat with the participation of President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, President of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan Ashraf Ghani, Prime Minister of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan Shahid Hakan Abbasi and the State Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of India Mobashar Javed Akbar, authorised representatives said that connection of the first sections of the pipeline would take place in Pakistan sector of the project while preparation works are carried out in India.

The importance of East – West pipeline, which was opened several years ago and united all gas mains of the country in one single system and became strategic pipeline infrastructure for diversification of export routes of Turkmen gas including to European direction, was highlighted.

Development of gas processing industry of the country was also discussed at the forum. The participants noted that large-scale work for creation of new facilities for oil and gas processing making various petrochemical production required in local and foreign markets is carried out according to the instruction of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.

It was highlighted that Turkmenistan makes large petrochemical cluster in Capsian region. Plant for gas processing and gas production is going to be opened in Garabogaz. Construction of petrochemical complex in Kiyanly settlement on Caspian is in the final stage. Similar complex for production of polypropylene, linear polyethylene of low density, polyvinylchloride as well as caustic soda, hydrochloric acid and liquid chlorine is planned to be built next to it.

Information on preparation of technical and commercial specifications for new investment projects is planned in the next few months. It includes the reconstruction of gas processing unit and liquefied gas production unit at Bagaja deposit in Lebap Velayat. It is planned to build petrochemical complex for production of 80,000 tons of Styrene-Butadiene Rubber and 45,000 tons of polystyrene per year on its base. Project of construction of facility for ethane processing and production of 55,000 tons of polyvinyl acetate per year at the deposits of Central Karakums located next to gas compressor station Yilanly in Dashoguz Velayat is under study.

Highlighting that these are just few projects among many other planned to be implemented in our country in the nearest future, the participants of the Congress noted that realizing these projects, Turkmenistan would change fundamentally its position by diversification of commercial infrastructure of energy export, active development of new forms of international energy business.

Reports of the representatives of international organizations and number of the world leading companies such as «CNPC», «Edison Technologies GmbH», «SINOPEC Engineering (Group) Co., Ltd.», «Haldor Topsoe», «Allen and Overy», «Gazyk», «Honeywell UOP», «Dragon Oil», «Exxon-Mobil», «LG International», «Hyundai Engineering», «GE Oil & Gas» and many others were presented in the first day of the forum. The reports expressed the confidence in big perspective of beneficial partnership with Turkmenistan and its important role as big energy power in provision of global energy security.

Topical subjects of the agenda included the diversification of export routes of energy supplies, international cooperation, priority directions of investments to the development of gas sector of Turkmenistan, issues of development of national and regional gas transport infrastructure.