Ï President of Turkmenistan: Young people, who have entered a new stage in their life, should stride forward confidently

President of Turkmenistan: Young people, who have entered a new stage in their life, should stride forward confidently

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President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has sent a congratulatory address to school leavers, teachers and education professionals of Turkmenistan on the occasion of Farewell Bell celebrations.

The ceremony for school leavers to bid farewell to their school years and their beloved teachers is a festivity in honor of knowledge, which is of great significance in our country’s cultural life. It is very symbolic that the Farewell Bell ceremony coincides with Ashgabat City Day, and this adds special charm to it.

By tradition, festive cultural events are to be held in general education schools countrywide. On this day, school leavers, teachers, education specialists, and the entire nation will be filled with joy and enthusiasm.

The younger generation of our people, who have always been committed to ideals of peace, friendship, happiness, and humanism on the planet, should model themselves on adults who are patriotic, well behaved, hardworking, determined, physically and spiritually healthy. It is important for the rising generation to study well, enhance their knowledge, develop their creativity, and work with inspiration, worthily contributing to our home country’s prosperity, and their fellow countrymen’s happy and fulfilling lives. Young people, who have entered a new stage in their life, should stride forward confidently, taking advantage of modern technology and raising independent Turkmenistan’s international prestige.

Education has always been the priceless treasure of humanity. Growing up, developing, striving to be better and find creative ways, and making their life more fascinating, people earn their reputation to become respectable citizens of their country.

We attach immense importance to the education system modernization. To enhance youth’s educational and creative potential, we are improving and upgrading the educational facilities and opening new education institutions, the congratulatory message stated.

State support for the rising generation has brought positive results. We are raising inspired, diligent young people, who are devoted to their native country, people, national traditions and customs, and are aiming to gain knowledge and learn their chosen profession. A notable example is the fact that the number of Turkmen students and schoolchildren, who participate in international sporting events and championships, taking prize-winning places and winning different medals, has increased considerably over the last few years.

We are proud of our talented and enthusiastic youth, who worthily represent independent Turkmenistan and their nation in different parts of the world. Today, when our country is making every effort to provide everything necessary for raising the physically and spiritually healthy young generation, our youth have a duty to their home country to achieve even greater progress.

Education provides a solid basis for everything new and positive. To build a highly-developed state and society and to realize the strategic national programs, we attach much significance to the improvement of the education system. Professionalism and advanced experience of teachers and field-related specialists have a big role to play in implementing the educational reforms successfully and instilling patriotism in young people.

Highly qualified teachers and education professionals who love their jobs are essentially instrumental in developing the younger generation. Your tireless work aimed to educate gifted youth, capable of thinking for themselves, taking decisions and working hard to boost their country’s prestige, builds a firm foundation for all our future achievements, the President highlighted in his congratulatory address.