Ï Exhibition “White City Ashgabat”: Target to innovative development

Exhibition “White City Ashgabat”: Target to innovative development

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Exhibition “White City Ashgabat”: Target to innovative development
Exhibition “White City Ashgabat”: Target to innovative development
Exhibition “White City Ashgabat”: Target to innovative development
Exhibition “White City Ashgabat”: Target to innovative development
Exhibition “White City Ashgabat”: Target to innovative development
Exhibition “White City Ashgabat”: Target to innovative development
Exhibition “White City Ashgabat”: Target to innovative development
Exhibition “White City Ashgabat”: Target to innovative development
Exhibition “White City Ashgabat”: Target to innovative development
Exhibition “White City Ashgabat”: Target to innovative development
Exhibition “White City Ashgabat”: Target to innovative development
Exhibition “White City Ashgabat”: Target to innovative development
Exhibition “White City Ashgabat”: Target to innovative development
Exhibition “White City Ashgabat”: Target to innovative development
XVII International universal exhibition “White City Ashgabat” started its work in the capital. The exposition is organized to demonstrate the achievements, experience and perspectives in urban construction sphere, architecture and formation of urban infrastructure in modern Turkmenistan.

Organizers of the review – Ashgabat City Administration and Trade and Industrial Chamber of the country, offer wide range of subjects presenting the interest for beneficial partnership starting from construction to electrical energy, processing and light industry, design and everything that one way or another falls under the concept of urban development.

Target to innovative development via study of advanced world practice and implementation of progressive technologies is one of the components of such approach. This is the general line that defined the character of current exhibition where representatives of more than 80 national and foreign companies, profile ministries and departments of Turkmenistan as well as business circles of Russia, Great Britain, France, Germany, Korea, Kazakhstan, Ukraine and other countries participate. It is necessary to mention that international forums regularly held in our country are important instrument of the increment of variety and improvement of quality of products and services in Turkmen market.

Members of the Government, heads of the Mejlis, profile ministries and departments, heads of diplomatic missions accredited in our country, non-governmental organizations, Turkmen and foreign businessmen, experts, mass media, residents and numerous guests of the capital took part in the ceremonial opening of the review.

Greeting message of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov expressed the confidence that current exhibition will present success and achievements in the development of the capital, which deservingly referred to as the pear of Asia.

For all the years, international review became one of the most prestigious annual reviews in urban construction sphere. Number of its participants expressing the interest in consolidation and expansion of their presence in the country of rapid economic growth and attractive investment climate has significantly grown.

High rates and successful realization of integrated programmes of social and economic development and impressive perspectives allowed attracting the innovation to all spheres of the state life. International format of the review confirms peace-making status of Turkmen capital, which becomes big centre of attraction of business and social communities of the world seeking for constructive partnership.

Spacious demonstration halls provided with modern video equipment, exhibition stands with big monitors, light banners and decorative panels, numerous samples of innovative production were bright illustration of impressive successes of the development of modern megapolis.

The exhibition presents high technological equipment, tools, modern construction and decoration materials, computer and communication capabilities, achievements in food industry, successes in solution of ecological issues, development of sports and tourism, scientific, personnel and cultural potential.

The attention of the visitors is attracted by mini-park exhibited on exhibition stand. During creation of this park, the focus was made of ecologically friendly systems and energy saving technologies.

It is symbolically that opening of four new parks – Kemine in Berkararlyk etrap, Nurmuhammet Andalib in Kopetdag etrap, in Bagtiyarlyk etrap on the intersection of Magtumguly Avenue and Tehran Street as well as along Gundogar Street in Bezmeyin etrap, have been opened the day before the Day of Ashgabat. This is proves the epithets dedicated to our capital: the city buried in green, garden city, etc. These expression are embodied based on fundamentally new model of urban construction when modern rate of life and urbanization matches high standards of ecological safety.

Each park is distinguished by unique landscape design. There are symmetrical lawns and bright flowerbeds, pedestrian walkways, decorative lightings and benches. Original water cascades, sparkling fountains, pedestrian bridges at the pools are harmonically combined in single ensemble. Recently, the borders of the city were outlined by green lines of new forests united in the single system of green belts. The project of creating of such big green areas around the megapolis is unique. Very soon, new parks and public gardens will be joined into original emerald ring of the capital.

The strategy of green development was founded by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov as one of the mechanism of stable economic and social progress of our country resting on advanced practice, innovative technologies and centuries-old traditions. Ecological concept of growth is aimed at the improvement of life quality of people in harmony with picturesque Turkmen nature, improvement of the environment and prosperity of the state. Turkmenistan practice in solution of ecological issues is the sample for many countries, especially for industrially developed ones.

The exposition includes the displays and goods from the companies dealing with production of seedlings, parking fences, decoration materials, furniture, kitchen ware, household and glass items, in other words everything that is necessary for the life of modern city.

Having established itself as big business and cultural centre of the region, the capital of Turkmenistan embodied unique model of dynamically developing megapolis – the city of future where beauty and comfort, advanced achievements of architecture, engineering and technical thought, original traditions of national architecture are harmonically combined.

Transport and communication companies, which are important element of city infrastructure, also enveloped their stands. This sector is in charge of international transport corridors connecting the capital with other countries of the world. expositions of the ministries of railroad, maritime, river line and air transport speak how these branches will be developed realizing the initiatives of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.

Special section is dedicated to road construction. Today, Turkmenistan works on large-scale projects for creation of transport infrastructure, new highways, bridges, flyovers, intersections, which construction requires special engineering and technical solutions and advanced technologies, are built. Therefore, the stands of the companies specialized in construction of bridges and multilevel intersections on the main roads of the country, expositions of leading companies willing to offer their know-hows in this sphere raised great interest at the exhibition.

Familiarization with the latest developments and innovations in architecture and construction, various machineries and specialized equipment allowed looking into the future of Turkmen capital as latest engineering and construction technologies in this field are highly demanded in Turkmenistan.

National entrepreneurs and manufacturers working in different spheres starting from agriculture and food industry to construction of living houses, industrial facilities and production of construction materials demonstrate their capabilities att he exhibition. Their number grows in Turkmenistan every year owing to targeted support of non-governmental sector of the economy.

Today, Turkmen companies compete equally and successfully with foreign companies. National constructors widely implement modern social and living standards, new facilities are equipped with all necessary communications, relative infrastructure is developed. Appearance of velayat centre is also changed aside of white-marble capital where new social and production facilities, comfortable living and office buildings are systematically opened.

«Ajaýyp bina», «Ussat Injener», «Äjaýyp-gurluşyk», «Beýik bina», «Ojar Aziya» and other companies, which already built numerous social and production facilities in the capital and regions, demonstrate accomplished and perspective projects.

Current construction boom in Turkmenistan is one of the brightest evidences of dynamic development of national economy. At the same time, it is important not only to build but also to build qualitatively according to the highest world standards. President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov always focus the attention of the leaders of the industry on this aspect demanding strict compliance with these terms of contractors and interested organizations.

Optimum conditions for successful business are made in present time, national legislation is improved, investment activity is stimulated. Undoubtedly, richest natural resources and favourable geographic location of the country open wide opportunities for this. The State provide the investors with substantial support in the form of tax, custom, visa, insurance and other benefits. As the result, the share of investments in production of gross national product is steadily growing and number of investment projects and joint ventures is increasing.

Exhibition halls of food industry, agricultural complex, trade spheres and many other cause big interest of the visitors of the exposition. The stands illustrating the world of sports and tourism, sport industry and healthy life style were also surrounded by people.

Participants of the review from educational sphere demonstrated new developments, pilot projects, author programmes, books as well as wide spectrum of products for full operation of educational facilities like furniture, communication devices, equipment and materials for study and learning.

The stand of Turkmen State Publishing Service presenting modern polygraphs and printing in the country where important role is given to the publishing of the works of the classics of national literature, children books including foreign ones was at the centre of the attention. The books of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, which were known abroad owing to publications in foreign languages, occupy honoured place there. Bright periodical publications, journalistic, scientific and popular books about Turkmenistan, its ancient history, original cultural traditions and today were among the exhibits.

Organizers of the exhibition decorated originally the hall where carpet production and national craft art was demonstrated. These were beautiful various by size and decoration handmade carpets and carpet items made of natural wool as well as traditional headdress and fine embroidery.

Organizations and companies taking part in implementation of joint projects in urban construction and industry as well as in road and transport infrastructure were among foreign participants of the exhibition. It is remarkable that the main part was represented by business partners in realization of important projects initiated by the Head of the State.

Leading partners of Turkmenistan «Bouygues Turkmen», «Polimeks», «NATA», «Gap Inşaat», «Rönesans Endüstri Tesisleri Inşaat Sanaýi we Ticaret», «Road Construction «Altkom», «Interbudmontazh» and other demonstrated the models of construction facilities, innovative developments and technologies related to the provision of the best conditions for living in urban environment and urban management including such directions as water supply and lighting, road construction, recreation industry and other.

Various vehicles from leading manufacturers BMW and Hyundai were placed on open exhibition grounds. Construction equipment, consumer goods and productions were advertised at the same place.

Perspective plans of development of Turkmen capital attract the attention of big foreign investors and contractors, producers and business circles willing to join the realization of large-scale programme of Ashgabat construction and development. These days, the review will be the place of wide discussion of the issues of urban construction, development of urban transport and communication systems, service and trade.

XVII International universal exhibition “White City Ashgabat” will make the ground for presentation of new projects and proposals and will allow foreign guests familiarizing with the achievements of different branches and structures of Turkmen economy presenting industrial, cultural and intellectual potential of Ashgabat, its huge social and economic resources and capabilities.