Ï Celebrations dedicated to the end of the school year

Celebrations dedicated to the end of the school year

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Celebrations dedicated to the end of the school year
Celebrations dedicated to the end of the school year
Celebrations dedicated to the end of the school year
Celebrations dedicated to the end of the school year
Celebrations dedicated to the end of the school year
Celebrations dedicated to the end of the school year
Celebrations dedicated to the end of the school year
Celebrations dedicated to the end of the school year
Celebrations dedicated to the end of the school year
Celebrations dedicated to the end of the school year
Celebrations dedicated to the end of the school year
Celebrations dedicated to the end of the school year
The last bell rang in the secondary schools of the country. So solemn and exciting this day was for more than 85 thousand young guys and girls entering into an independent life. During the school years they received multifaceted knowledge, which will serve as a reliable foundation for expanding the outlook and mastering the achievements of modern science. Among them there are those who contested the honor of the school at sporting events, won at subject Olympiads, participated in creative competitions and amateur performances.

Many of the present graduates have already decided on the choice of their future profession. A lot of roads have been opened before them, and, first of all, great opportunities for continuing education both in the country's universities and in educational institutions abroad, the geography of which expands every year.

Modernization of the sphere of education introduced actual innovations in the school schedule, in which, along with basic subjects, such disciplines as the fundamentals of the economy, the cultural heritage of Turkmenistan, world culture, modeling and graphics, information and communication and innovation technologies appeared.

The tasks of training highly qualified personnel for various sectors of the national economy have predetermined the creation of specialized secondary schools aimed at in-depth study of chemistry, biology, and other disciplines. Taking into account the dynamics of the development of multifaceted international cooperation, the teaching of pupils to foreign languages is improved, their spectrum is expanding. So, in the country there are educational institutions with in-depth study of English, French, German, Japanese.

The educational policy of the Head of the state Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and the large-scale work carried out to educate a healthy, harmoniously developed young generation give their results. Every year the numbers of prize winners of national and prestigious international Olympiads increases, humanitarian cooperation develops, young Turkmen citizens accomplish high achievements in sport and creativity.

Only for the first months of this year the schoolchildren of our country became owners of 61 medals of international subject and project Olympiads, including 10 gold, 11 silver and 40 bronze medals. A large number of awards were won by young Turkmen citizens in Internet competitions.

On the eve of the "Last Bell" ceremony in the capital's Palace of Children and Youth, the results of the creative contest "Turkmenistan - the heart of the Great Silk Road" took place, which was held in three stages among students of secondary schools general educational institutions of the country. Schoolchildren demonstrated their talents in poetry and the art of recitation, fine and decorative and applied art, needlework, creation of models of historical monuments, etc. The young talents took themes and ideas for their creations from the work of the Head of the state dedicated to the phenomenon of the ancient caravan route.

The focus of the state attention is the care of teachers, the enhancement of professional skills and the qualification of teaching staff. Every year, educational institutions are replenished with new editions of textbooks, educational and methodological manuals, in the preparation of which school teachers, leading specialists of the Ministry of Education, the faculty of universities, employees of the Academy of Sciences are actively involved.

The state competitions "Teacher of the Year" and "Upbringer of the Year" organized by the Ministry of Education with the support of the National Center of Trade Unions of Turkmenistan are held on a regular basis in the country with the aim of creating opportunities for self-realization and disclosure of the creative potential of teachers, enhancing the prestige of their profession, popularizing the up-to-date practices of the best teachers and educators.

Cooperation with large scientific and educational centers of the world, international organizations and foundations has significantly expanded. This is evidenced, in particular, by regularly held conferences in Turkmenistan, seminars, exhibitions, meetings of representatives of science and education, in which many foreign guests take part.

In recent years, the festivities dedicated to the "Last Bell" holiday coincide with the City Day. Elegant schoolchildren with flowers, sounding music and songs in the squares and parks of the capital, create the joyful atmosphere of a big holiday.

Early in the morning, school graduates, educators, excellent students, winners of various olympiads and creative competitions from all over the country laid the spring bouquets to the Independence Monument - a symbol of the country's up-to-date history.

As a tribute of deep respect to the labor and feat of arms of Berdimuhamed Annaev, flowers laid at the foot of his monument in the secondary school № 27 village Yzgant Geoktepe etrap of Akhal velayat, which bears the teacher's name, a war veteran. On its basis, in order to improve the pedagogical staff, the State Educational and Methodological Center was established and large-scale public events are held regularly.

Then in all schools of the country celebrations dedicated to the graduates of 2017-2018 academic year were held, under the motto "Turkmenistan is the heart of the Great Silk Road". Appeal in this memorable day to the motto of this year is quite natural, since the idea of reviving the ancient caravan road is directly connected with the constructive peacekeeping mission of our country. "The dialogue of cultures and the culture of dialogue is what the centuries-old experience of the Great Silk Road teaches us, that's what our ancestors owned perfectly. This is the basis of wisdom. With this in mind, we aim to reconnect the times, to know better and to save our common past and strengthen the foundation of good neighborly relations among all nations ", - said President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov - the author of “Turkmenistan is the heart of the Great Silk Road.” This was said by numerous participants of the current events.

At the same time, the "Last Bell" holiday is always very pathos. On this day, the graduates say goodbye to their teachers, thank teachers and parents, pass on to the kids, preparing for the new academic year to sit down at the desks for the first time, a symbolic relay race to the country of discoveries and first victories. In a particularly touching way, good wishes are addressed to teachers who have become pioneers in the world of knowledge for children.

In the afternoon, an excursion to the sights of the Turkmen capital was organized for the graduates. In the evening, the festival in honor of the "Last Bell" and the City Day continued in the Ashgabat cinema-concert center. The organizers of this event were the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Culture and the capital's khyakimlik.

At the end of this unforgettable day a concert of masters of Arts took place. Songs about the beautiful Turkmen capital, school years, love and friendship sounded in the performance of children's and high school creative groups, popular soloists. Spectators were pleased with the talent choreographic ensembles, folklore groups. One of the most striking numbers of the concert was kushtdepdi - an ancient dance that received an original modern interpretation performed by young artists. Various cultural events in honor of the secondary schools graduates were held today throughout the country.