Ï Petroleum Products and Carbamide on Top Positions at Exchange Trading

Petroleum Products and Carbamide on Top Positions at Exchange Trading

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42 transactions were registered past week at the State Commodity and Raw Materials Exchange of Turkmenistan.

Entrepreneurs from Russia, the United Arab Emirates, Switzerland, Turkey, Afghanistan, Tajikistan and other countries purchased, in foreign currency, gasoline, commercial kerosene, diesel fuel, polypropylene produced at the Turkmenbashi Complex of Oil Refineries. Businessmen from Afghanistan also bought gasoline produced at the Seydi Oil Refinery, while representatives of business circles from the UAE purchased carbamide B (Turkmenhimiya State Concern). Moreover, cotton wool, cotton yarn, clear sheet glass and Portland cement were sold in foreign currency. Russia, the UAE, Turkey, Afghanistan, Armenia, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan were the buyer countries. The total value of transactions exceeded 138 million 356 thousand U.S. dollars.

Products manufactured by enterprises of the Ministry of Health and Medical Industry of Turkmenistan and cotton fabric worth over 1 million 336 thousand manats were purchased in local currency by businessmen from the UAE.