Ï The country observes the Day of Turkmen Carpet and Textile Industry Personnel

The country observes the Day of Turkmen Carpet and Textile Industry Personnel

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The country observes the Day of Turkmen Carpet and Textile Industry Personnel
The country observes the Day of Turkmen Carpet and Textile Industry Personnel
The country observes the Day of Turkmen Carpet and Textile Industry Personnel
The country observes the Day of Turkmen Carpet and Textile Industry Personnel
The country observes the Day of Turkmen Carpet and Textile Industry Personnel
The country observes the Day of Turkmen Carpet and Textile Industry Personnel
The country observes the Day of Turkmen Carpet and Textile Industry Personnel
The country observes the Day of Turkmen Carpet and Textile Industry Personnel
The country observes the Day of Turkmen Carpet and Textile Industry Personnel
The country observes the Day of Turkmen Carpet and Textile Industry Personnel
The country observes the Day of Turkmen Carpet and Textile Industry Personnel
The country observes the Day of Turkmen Carpet and Textile Industry Personnel
The country observes the Day of Turkmen Carpet and Textile Industry Personnel
The country observes the Day of Turkmen Carpet and Textile Industry Personnel
Various cultural meetings, artistic exhibitions and contests, music performance and sport competitions composed the celebration programme of the events dedicated to national heritage – Turkmen carpet. The glory of ancient handmade art have not been faded for the centuries the same way as the colours are not fading but turning into blossom on wonderful canvas delighting numerous connoisseurs all over the world.

This year, which is held under slogan “Turkmenistan is the Heart of the Great Silk Road”, cultural events on occasion of professional holiday of carpet makers and textile workers are filled with special meaning. Unique artistic talent of our nation is opening to the world in wonderful carpet items and canvas, beautiful silk fabrics and embroidery that reached our days. Today, the largest museums of the planet have the samples of ancient carpets and dress made by the generations of Turkmen masters.

The main events of the holiday were held in the capital. International Exhibition of Carpet and Textile Production of Turkmenistan and XVIII Conference of the World Turkmen Handmade Carpet Connoisseurs Association were timed to this event.

These forums, which are to reflect considerable achievements and perspectives of the development of national light industry, became an excellent ground for the demonstration of modern technologies and innovations, fashion trends in the world textile industry, for attraction of beneficial and long-term cooperation with foreign colleagues in this sphere.

Respectable composition of the delegations representing the companies from two dozens of the world countries proves the interest of business circles of the world in our country, their intent to consolidate their positions in attractive Turkmen market and for new companies to establish direct partnership. It includes the heads and specialists of big production facilities and trade companies, representatives of scientific and research and cultural centres as well as the scientists, experts, connoisseurs of Turkmen handmade carpet art from Russia, Germany, Switzerland, Belgium, China, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, India, Turkey, Singapore, Jordan, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Lithuania, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Armenia, Uzbekistan.

Ceremonial opening of international economic review was held in the exposition Centre of the Trade and Industrial Chamber with the participation of the Head of the Parliament, members of the Government, ministries and departments, representatives of non-governmental organizations of the country, heads of diplomatic mission accredited in Turkmenistan, foreign businessmen, representatives of the press. Famous textile industry personnel and carpet makers, best personnel of various industries were among the honoured guests.

The participants listened with the great attention to the greeting message of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov addressed to the members and the guests of the forum.

Impressive achievements of Turkmenistan as economical strong state taking stronger positions in the world especially in textile industry were comprehensively demonstrated by the exposition. Exhibition halls and stands presented all directions of the branch from production of certified cotton yarn and silk to readymade products meeting the tendencies of modern design and aesthetic. National use, bright colours and attributes of oriental bazar, atmosphere of cordiality and hospitality are distinguishing features of the exhibition.

You can familiarize yourself with considerable potential of cotton-processing industry represented by spinning facilities and textile complexes of our country, which are the largest in Central Asia. The weaving based on innovative technologies, wide variety of weaving production including made of mixed cotton and artificial fibres made strong impulse to the development of sewing and knitting sector providing great profitability and competiveness of Turkmen goods in local and foreign markets.

The stands of full of samples of yarn and fabrics like satin and staple as well as jeans items and knitted garments, man shirts, home textile. Bedding sets, bath towels and robes, kitchen cloths, terry items, socks and stockings products, medicinal wool and cosmetic wool pads in gift boxes attract the attention with bright decoration and colour gamma. Local textile with logo Made in Turkmenistan made of ecologically friendly natural cotton is important article in the export of our country, its national brand recognized all over the world today.

Separate section of the exhibition is dedicated to silk industry. Silk weaving was always an original craft of our ancestors. One of the largest centres of the Silk Road Ancient merv was famous with its beautiful silk fabrics, which were very expensive and demanded on the markets of the East and West. Today, famous museums of the planet have samples of ancient Turkmen silk and dress as historical and artistic rarities.

Special hall demonstrated entire intensive silk production process starting from the growing of mulberry trees, which leaves serve as a food for the silkworms, until the production of beautiful “ketene” fabrics of the silk thread. Today, the masters continuing the ancient traditions weave this fabrics by hands on horizontal machines called “tara”. This is the “keteni” fabrics that remains the most expensive one, from which our women make national and modern dress. It is also highly demanded in high-fashion world.

Turkmen textile personnel was the first who arranged the production of popular panne. Designers and masters make dozens of varieties of this fabrics, which is very popular among the women all over the world.

The silk is also required for production of beautiful silk carpets, which canvas are placed on the stands of current exhibition.

Shoe-making and leather branches of textile industry is actively developed as well. Children and sport footwear from jeans as well as leather man’s shoes is advertised at the exhibition.

Bright exposition absorbed entire variety of traditional ornamental and modern carpet items made by skilful carpet makers at the handmade carpet facilities Çeper of Türkmenhaly Production Association located in all velayats. Famous “saraja” sheep, which wool serves as the material for production of high-quality yarn, latest technologies for colouring using natural paint, improvised weaving machines – all of these can be seen at the exhibition. In addition, the secrets of this very complicated and labour intensive craft, which was brought to the rank of the art, were revealed at the exhibition.

Big collection of souvenirs made by Turkmen entrepreneurs, samples of national embroidery distinguished by finesse and individual artistic approach attract the attention.

Production of new profile textile production recycled materials facility, which is oriented for export, was presented for the first time at the exhibition.

The strategy of rapid development of national textile industry gives important place to consolidation of international cooperation, establishment of close partnership with the manufacturers of advanced equipment, implementation of new technologies to production. In this regard, foreign participants demonstrate their innovations at annual textile exhibitions taking into account the features of work and requirements of Turkmen facilities. Swiss Rieter Company, which is the world leader in cotton weaving as well as the number of other manufacturers and suppliers textile equipment from Germany, Italy, Belgium in the hall of Demtex Service Centre are among them.

Our traditional partners having many years of experience of fruitful cooperation in realization of the projects of constructions of industrial facilities are among current exhibitors. The stand of Turkish Cotam Enterprises Ltd. speaks of new textile complexes in Kaahka and Babadayhan etraps of Ahal Velayat for processing of fine fibre cotton, which construction started this year.

The best workers of the industry received the certificates and valuable gifts on behalf of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov under current exhibition forum dedicated to the Day of Turkmen Carpet and Textile Industry Personnel.

XVIII Conference of the World Turkmen Handmade Connoisseurs Association was held in the conference hall of the Ministry of Textile Industry on the same day. Art scientist, historians, experts, carpet makers, collectors as well as new technology developers from Germany, Turkey, Association of Carpet Makers of Gulistan Province of the Islamic Republic of Iran, representatives of Humanitarian Association of Turkmens of the World from Afghanistan, National Cultural Centre of Uzbekistan and others were among the delegates.

The achievements in solution of the objectives of careful protection and popularization of spiritual and cultural heritage of Turkmen nations, enrichment of national traditions of handmade carpet making and other types of decorative and applied art, development and introduction of advanced industrial technologies in the field including in processing and colouring of wool were in the focus of the participants. The members of the forum informed in their speeches about the results of scientific studies in the history of origin of ancient carpet patterns, development of carpet art in other countries in different historical ages.

It was mentioned that handmade works of our masters, which were famous around the world from the ancient times, are the subjects of universal delight today. Owing to active support and personal contribution of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, who is the author of wonderful books about the beauty of Turkmen carpets “Living Legend” and “Heaven Beauty” as well as new book “Turkmenistan is the Heart of the Great Silk Road”, in development and improvement of the traditions of national carpet art, it received deserving continuation in our time. these days, when ancient trader routes are revived in new merit and opportunities for wide exchange of cultural values are opened, the guests of our country always take with them for the memory beautiful silk carpets and shawls, dresses, various souvenirs, which make integral part of unique cultural heritage of our nation.

Big concert of the art and cultural masters of our country held in the evening was an excellent celebration gift to the personnel of textile and carpet industry.