Ï 19th edition of Türkmen Arhiwi Journal features selected official, methodical and informative materials

19th edition of Türkmen Arhiwi Journal features selected official, methodical and informative materials

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The Central Archive under the Cabinet of Ministers has issued the 19th edition of the historical, document-based, scientific methodical journal, Türkmen Arhiwi, published in the Turkmen and Russian languages.

The journal opens with a selection of the most important Decrees and Orders issued by the President of Turkmenistan, legislative acts and normative legal documents. The new publication particularly highlights last year’s key socio-political events.

As an expression of the will of the people, Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov was re-elected as President of Turkmenistan with a huge majority in February 2017. The forward-looking policy pursued by the head of state effectively contributed to the country’s progress and high prestige in the global arena. 2017 saw a wealth of internationally important events, one of which was the 5th Asian Indoor and Martial Arts Games.

In this context, a section called “Official documents” contains the presidential speeches at the official inauguration ceremony, the Congress “The 2017 Asian Games: International Cooperation in Sport for Peace and Progress”, the Ashgabat 2017 opening ceremony, the award ceremonies held to honor coaches and athletes in the national team, and the Elders’ Council meeting.

Totally committed to its neutral status and the principles of peace, Turkmenistan consistently implements a foreign-policy strategy aimed at positive cooperation to serve national and universal interests. The international initiatives by the head of state have won wide support of the Community of Nations.

A notable example is the adoption of the Declaration “On Encouraging the Valuable Contribution of Olympic Teams of Refugees to the Promotion of Peace and Human Rights” and the Resolution of the United Nations General Assembly “Strengthening the links between all modes of transport to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals”, which were proposed by Turkmenistan. The inscription of the Turkmen national art of singing and dancing, Kushtdepdi, on the UNESCO Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity was another remarkable event of last year that cemented our country’s great reputation worldwide. A section entitled “New Publications” offers readers articles on presentations of the books authored by the head of state.

The growing archival collection of documents reflects the Turkmen people’s material and spiritual life and has historical, scientific, socio-economic, political and cultural significance. The data resources of the National Archive Fund of Turkmenistan (NAFT) become more and more valuable over time. In this context, the preservation of documents is seen as a key task of local archives and first and foremost, requires the efficient and proper records management at institutions and agencies.

A series of articles entitled “Functions of departmental archives”, “Checking and assessing records management and archives at ministries, agencies, and organizations of Turkmenistan by archive institutions”, “The impact of microclimates on archival storage and document preservation”, and others address the same theme. The edition also features a section “Archive staff” and contains the Checklist of typical archival documents with their storage time.

Today, the conservation and worldwide popularization of the Turkmen people’s material and spiritual heritage have been identified by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov among the overriding objectives of state policy. Archives, which hold valuable documents of the NAFT, play an instrumental role in this work.

Access to archive materials enables to give accounts of the past and generate deeper interest in the country’s history. In particular, the current issue offers readers articles on the lives and careers of prominent figures in science, culture and arts.

The publication also carries articles on the development of science in our country in the 1950s and 1960s, gender equality as exemplified by The Book of Gorkut Ata, traditional national costumes and peculiarities of children’s clothes. The journal also covers the successful preparation and running of the 5th Asian Indoor and Martial Arts Games in Ashgabat.

Readers will find a collection of photographs, “Turkmen women”, truly fascinating. It has been prepared thanks to the film, audio-visual resources and photographic images from the Central State Archive.

On the whole, the journal articles will be a big draw for a wide reading public: local historians, teachers, scientific researchers, students of specialized higher education institutions, as well as those, working at records management offices and archives of different types of agencies.

Published by the Printing Center of the State Publishing Service of Turkmenistan, the edition boasts high print and paper quality.