Ï A cycle of bike rides organized by the diplomatic missions of our country continues in Saudi Arabia and Kyrgyzstan

A cycle of bike rides organized by the diplomatic missions of our country continues in Saudi Arabia and Kyrgyzstan

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On June 3, the Embassy of Turkmenistan in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia organized a bike ride, dedicated to the World Bicycle Day adopted in line with the Resolution of the UN General Assembly on the initiative of President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.

The representatives of the Humanitarian Association of Turkmen of the World and the active representatives of the Turkmen diaspora in Saudi Arabia, the scientific, cultural, public and humanitarian associations took part in the bike ride.

The bike ride started with a briefing, in the framework of which the participants of the festive event were familiarized with the state policy of Turkmenistan in the sphere of sports. According to those speaking during meeting the Resolution on declaring June 3 as the World Bicycle Day vividly proves that the world community supports Turkmenistan’s efforts on the development of the health-improving movement, promotion of cycling and enhancement of the international cooperation in the sphere of sports and ecology.

Along with the adults, young bicycle racers demonstrated their skills in the short- and long-distance bike rides. Sports caps and T-shirts with the emblem of the year of 2018 that is held in our country under the motto “Turkmenistan is the heart of the Great Silk Road” and reference materials were presented to all participants of the event.

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On the occasion of the World Bicycle Day, the Embassy of Turkmenistan jointly with the State Agency for Youth Affairs, Physical Culture and Sports under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic organized a bike ride in the Arashan village, Chuy region, Kyrgyzstan on June 3, 2018.

The heads of the diplomatic missions, accredited in Kyrgyzstan, the representatives of the State Agency for Youth Affairs, Physical Culture and Sports under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Turkmen students and journalists took part in the sports event.

Addressing those present, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Turkmenistan to the Republic of Kyrgyzstan Shadurdy Meredov emphasized the significance of the UN Resolution on the World Bicycle Day, adopted on the initiative of the President of Turkmenistan and focused on the priority of the sports, health-improving and environmental components of the social policy of our state.

Valuable gifts were awarded to the winners of the cycling contest.