Ï Participants of international forum note the achievements of Turkmenistan in natural protection

Participants of international forum note the achievements of Turkmenistan in natural protection

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Participants of international forum note the achievements of Turkmenistan in natural protection
Participants of international forum note the achievements of Turkmenistan in natural protection
Participants of international forum note the achievements of Turkmenistan in natural protection
Participants of international forum note the achievements of Turkmenistan in natural protection
Participants of international forum note the achievements of Turkmenistan in natural protection
Participants of international forum note the achievements of Turkmenistan in natural protection
Participants of international forum note the achievements of Turkmenistan in natural protection
Participants of international forum note the achievements of Turkmenistan in natural protection
Participants of international forum note the achievements of Turkmenistan in natural protection
Participants of international forum note the achievements of Turkmenistan in natural protection
Participants of international forum note the achievements of Turkmenistan in natural protection
Participants of international forum note the achievements of Turkmenistan in natural protection
Participants of international forum note the achievements of Turkmenistan in natural protection
Participants of international forum note the achievements of Turkmenistan in natural protection
Conference hall of Agricultural Complex hosted International scientific and practical conference “Turkmenistan is the Heart of the Great Silk Road and the Place of Ecological Wealth” dedicated to the World Environment Day. It was organized by the State Committee for Natural Protection and Land Resources.

The World Environment Day was instituted by the UN General Assembly in 1972 and ever since is observed in many countries uniting the world community in their urge to consolidate the efforts in solution of modern global problems troubling the mankind. Big forums, cultural and educational events on propaganda of ecological knowledge, practical activities aimed at the improvement of ecological situation, protection of flora and fauna diversity are timed and carried out in different places of the world on that day.

The capital and velayats hosted the conferences, various exhibitions, meetings, round table sessions, contests and concerts widely highlighted in press, TV and radio channels. These events demonstrate that versatile work that is carried out in the state for provision of ecological prosperity, rational use and improvement of the riches natural reserves.

Celebration of the World Environment Day is quite topical this year in the context of the creation of modern, environmentally friendly transcontinental transport and energy routes that connect Central and South Asia countries, Middle East and Europe.

Current forum that brought together the heads and specialists of natural protection organizations and structures, representatives of profile ministries and ecologists of the Academy of Science and high educational institutes, non-governmental organizations of the country, deputies of National Parliament, meets this goal.

Representative composition of foreign participants of the conference indicates the constructiveness of Turkmenistan partnership with the largest international organizations and scientific and research centres in ecological sphere. There were the representatives of the UN Development Programme, the UN Regional Centre for Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia, the EU Coordination Office in Turkmenistan, Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), Executive Committee of International Fund for Saving of Aral Sea (IFAS), German International Cooperation Society (GIZ), United Kingdom Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, Norwegian Environment Research Institute among them.

The participants listened to the greeting message of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov addressed to the personnel of environment protection sphere of Turkmenistan.

It was mentioned during the conference that ecological activities become undisputable factors of economic growth of Turkmenistan and the basis for transition of entire national economy to fundamentally new model of environmental management. The Constitution of Turkmenistan legally set out the Provision that the State takes measures for rational use of natural resources for protection and provision of healthy conditions for the population, environmental protection and support of it stable condition.

This is supported by the Laws of Turkmenistan on Natural Protection, on Special Protected Territories, on Protection of Ozone Layer, the Forest Code, the Law on Fishery and Protection and Water Biological Resources, on Flora, On Fauna and other meeting International law.

National forest programme of Turkmenistan and National strategy for climate change stipulating the priority of high technology branches and creation of the conditions for the development of green economy as the main element for work of entire infrastructure of life support of the country initiated by the Head of the State are realized purposefully.

It was highlighted in this context that implementation of innovative project of construction Altyn Asyr Turkmen Lake, which is significant contribution to solution of the problem of water resources protection, acquires special importance. Having sufficient experience in successful land and water management in arid zones, Turkmenistan is leading in scientific researches in this sphere.

At present, the work on inclusion of sanctuary zones of Karakum Desert to the UNESCO World Heritage List is carried out in the country. Variety of flora and fauna, unique landscapes of Koytendag and Badhyz Reserves and many other natural sanctuaries of the country are integral part of national heritage and deserve the inclusion to this prestigious register. Bereketli Garagum Reserve was founded to be exemplary in protection of original and slightly changed ecosystems of Karakum Desert, development of the basis of protection activity in desert and semi-desert areas and expansion of international relations in this sphere.

Protection of marine environment of Caspian Sea, rational use of its richest natural and biological resources are important aspects of international ecological cooperation. Special importance paid to the support of environmental prosperity of Caspian Sea is stipulated by the special status of this water reserve rich with the variety of marine flora and fauna

Hazar State Reserve located on clean Turkmen coast of Caspian Sea is unique natural complex. Hundreds of species of flora and fauna are the endemics – the plants and animals limited in the area of the habitation, therefore making valuable genepool of the biodiversity of the planet.

Central Asian and East African migrating bird routes are crossed over the territory of the Reserve. Marine bays and wetlands are the habitat, places for nesting and hibernation of millions of flamingos, swans, ducks, geese, waders, pelicans and other birds, therefore they are included in special list of the Ramsar Convention as the wetlands of international significance. The project of protection of unique Caspian seal is among successful natural protection measures performed in the Reserve.

Environmental part of unprecedented project of the world-class resort on Caspian coast – Avaza National tourist zone, received high appraisal of the participants of the conference. Compliance to high international ecological standards is one of the main criteria of modern resorts and hotels built on Caspian coast.

These requirements are comprehensively met by new Turkmenbashy International Seaport, which opening ceremony was remarkable event in May this year not only for our country but also for the whole region. Multifunctional infrastructure that has the status of green port by the assessment of the ecological experts has big potential for the development of regional and interregional transport and transit communications, activation of international cooperation in sustainable development and economic safety.

It is important to mention such ecological project as the construction of artificial island in the coastal zone of the port with favourable habitat for nesting of migrating and local birds of Hazar Reserve.

Environmental aspect is also supported by large-scale tree planting work carried out on the coastline where manmade forests grow and parking zones and the most favourable microclimate making positive effect on the health of people are made.

Large-scale tree planting campaign held all around the country stipulating the planting of the trees around the cities and every settlements, along highways and railroads is significant contribution of the state to the world environment protection activity.

Such direction of natural protection policy of Turkmenistan as the provision of scientific approach to ecological issues, implementation of high-tech solutions, advanced developments including in drinking water supply to the population, treatment of industrial drain waters and their recycled use for the irrigation is necessary to be mentioned.

During the conference, the reports on various aspects of further fruitful cooperation of Turkmenistan with international organizations in ecology under joint programmes and projects particularly in biodiversity, climate change, protection and management of water resources, development of the network of special protected territories of the country, creation of artificial islands on the Caspian coast have been presented.

Exhibition in the hall of the Agricultural Complex was visual demonstration of the achievements of our country in natural protection sphere. Books of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov took deserving place at the exposition.

Exhibition “Turkmen Nature along the Silk Road” was opened under the events timed to the World Environment Day in the State Museum of the State Cultural Centre. Seminar in the Technology Centre of the Academy of Sciences is dedicated to implementation of scientific developments and innovations to ecological activity.

Celebration events on occasion of remarkable day were held in all velayats of the country.