Ï Farmers of Akhal, Lebap and Mary velayats start mowing season

Farmers of Akhal, Lebap and Mary velayats start mowing season

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Farmers of Akhal, Lebap and Mary velayats start mowing season
Farmers of Akhal, Lebap and Mary velayats start mowing season
Farmers of Akhal, Lebap and Mary velayats start mowing season
Farmers of Akhal, Lebap and Mary velayats start mowing season
Farmers of Akhal, Lebap and Mary velayats start mowing season
Farmers of Akhal, Lebap and Mary velayats start mowing season
Farmers of Akhal, Lebap and Mary velayats start mowing season
Farmers of Akhal, Lebap and Mary velayats start mowing season
June 6, in Turkmenistan, grain harvesting campaign has started. The grain farmers of the Akhal, Lebap and Mary velayats began mowing season and on 13 June farmers from the Balkan and Dashoguz velayats will join them.

This year Turkmen grain growers will have from 760,000 hectares allocated for winter crops, to harvest 1 million 600 thousand tons of grain, including 450 in the Akhal velayat, 380 in Mary, Lebap - 350, Dashoguz - 300 and Balkan - 120,000 tons. The main part of agricultural land was planted with high-yielding varieties of wheat such as "Sahrai", "Dzhuwan", "Bitarap", Yoloten-1, "Yoloten-3", "Turkmenbashi-1", "Gyzylshaglawuk-25", "Miras"," Akbash "," Irishka "," Jubileinaya-100 ","Batko" and "Krupinka".

In general in the country, 1,700 grain harvesters "Case", "New Holland", "John Deere", "CLAAS" will be involved in “Harvest -2018”. A good tool for farmers will be a new technique that will help to quickly and without loss collect a rich harvest.

Recall that, in accordance with the Decree of the President of Turkmenistan, the Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources concluded contracts with "John Deere International GmbH" (Switzerland) and "Umax Trade GmbH" (Germany) for the purchase of large quantities of agricultural machinery, aggregates, dredges, and spare parts and supplies for them with the condition of supply to Turkmenistan in 3 stages during 2017-2020.

So, last year the Turkmen agrarians received 150 combine harvesters "John Deere W540" and 300 combines "TUCANO 430" ("CLAAS"). This year, another 300 harvesters "TUCANO 430" are expected to arrive.

We should also note that during the harvest period 519 mobile repair and mechanical brigades will serve grain growers around the clock, supplying them with all necessary fuel, fuel and lubricants, spare parts for machinery. Proper living conditions are created, performances by cultural figures, the work of mobile shops will be organized at the field camps for machine operators, drivers and other workers involved in the harvest moving.

More than 10,000 trucks, including from the Ministry of Road Transport, other ministries and industry departments will provide the delivery of wheat to 162 receiving points, as well as to barns and elevators. Laboratories have also been prepared by the beginning of the harvest, where the specialists of the Main State Service "Turkmenstandartlary" will determine the quality of the incoming grain.

Timely payment with farmers for the yield will be carried out through local branches of the State Commercial Bank "Daihanbank".

The leading tenants, muikdars, harvesters and drivers of vehicles will be determined by the traditional competition held by the Political Council of the Democratic Party, the National Center of Trade Unions, the Central Councils of the Agrarian Party, the Union of Women and the Youth Organization named after Makhtumkuli, the State Commercial Bank "Daikhanbank", the Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources, the editorial staff of the newspapers "Galkynysh", 'Nesil", "Watan" and "Bereketli Toprak".

On the occasion of the start of the crop moving, production seminars were held with the participation of representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources, velayat and etrap khyakimliks, the "Turkmenstandartary" State Service, the State Concern "Turkmenhimiya" , the leaders of the Daikhan associations, agronomists, machine operators, tenant farmers, elders, representatives of public organizations in the velayats.

During the seminars, a wide range of issues of organized wheat harvesting, clear and well-coordinated work of grain-harvesting conveyance was discussed. As emphasized, virgin lands are mastered intensively in the country, effective measures are being taken to increase fertility and improve the meliorative state of fields. Much attention is paid to the rational use of water resources, the development of seed production.

Significant financial resources are directed to the technical re-equipment and modernization of the infrastructure of the agro-industrial complex, as well as servicing branches, including the construction of elevators, agro-processing enterprises, fertilizer production plants and water management facilities. Modern high-performance equipment, regularly purchased from the world's leading manufacturers, has become an important factor in obtaining generous harvests.

Government subsidies and tax incentives are real incentive for agricultural producers. In particular, for farmers there is a minimum payment for land, they are completely exempt from taxes. Provision of seeds, mineral fertilizers, irrigation water, biological and chemical means of plant protection and other types of services are also provided to tenants and daihan associations on preferential terms.

In addition, the life of the villagers is becoming more and more comfortable every year, their material well-being is growing. In terms of level and quality of life, the village is increasingly approaching the city.

In general, all this allows us to successfully solve the problems of ensuring the country's food abundance, opens great prospects for the further development of agriculture.

To commemorate today's event at the wheat fields - in the places of celebrations on the occasion of the beginning of the harvest moving - exhibitions were organized where various agricultural products, bakery products, modern agricultural machinery are presented. Performances of singers, dance and folklore groups of velayats took place here.