Ï The growth rate of the GDP is on 6.2 percent level by the outcomes of five month of 2018

The growth rate of the GDP is on 6.2 percent level by the outcomes of five month of 2018

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Information on the outcomes of the development of national economy for January – May of this year was presented at the session of the Cabinet of Ministers on June 8. The Vice-premier informed that macroeconomic indices of the period under review indicates stable dynamics in all branches of national economy.

The growth rate of the GDP is provided on 6.2 percent level.

In general, production rates of all ministries and departments were 4.3 percent higher comparing with the same period of the last year. High production indicators were reached almost in all branches.

Volume of retail trade turnover for five month of the year increased by 19.4 percent comparing with the same period of 2017.

The revenue of the State budget for January – May was fulfilled to the level of 7.2 billion manats while the revenue made 7.1 billion manats. Comparing with the same period of 2017, average salary wages in big and medium facilities is 9 percent higher.

Under realization of National Programme of the President of Turkmenistan on transformation of social and living conditions of the population of villages, settlements and etrap centres until 2020, 731.2 billion manats of investments have been drawn for the period under review.

In this regard, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov brought the attention of the Vice-premier on current objectives on provision of further steadfast development of national economy. It is necessary to analyse the activity of financial and banking system in details, the Head of the State noted, having ordered to prepare the proposals on improvement of legal base regulating their activity.

Privatization of the facilities of the state property and opening joint ventures are the most topical subjects of today, the President of the country noted.

The President ordered to take actual measures for the provision of stability of prices in internal market, compliance with the legislation and financial discipline of all economic entities as well as to hold under control the appropriateness and efficiency of their operations.