Ï Presentation of the Head of the State book “Worshiping Mother – Worshiping a Sacred Person” takes place in the Centre of Non-governmental organizations

Presentation of the Head of the State book “Worshiping Mother – Worshiping a Sacred Person” takes place in the Centre of Non-governmental organizations

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Presentation of the Head of the State book “Worshiping Mother – Worshiping a Sacred Person” takes place in the Centre of Non-governmental organizations
Presentation of the Head of the State book “Worshiping Mother – Worshiping a Sacred Person” takes place in the Centre of Non-governmental organizations
Presentation of the Head of the State book “Worshiping Mother – Worshiping a Sacred Person” takes place in the Centre of Non-governmental organizations
Presentation of the Head of the State book “Worshiping Mother – Worshiping a Sacred Person” takes place in the Centre of Non-governmental organizations
Presentation of the Head of the State book “Worshiping Mother – Worshiping a Sacred Person” takes place in the Centre of Non-governmental organizations
Presentation of the Head of the State book “Worshiping Mother – Worshiping a Sacred Person” takes place in the Centre of Non-governmental organizations
Presentation of the Head of the State book “Worshiping Mother – Worshiping a Sacred Person” takes place in the Centre of Non-governmental organizations
Presentation of the Head of the State book “Worshiping Mother – Worshiping a Sacred Person” takes place in the Centre of Non-governmental organizations
The Centre of Non-governmental organizations hosted the presentation of new book of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov “Worshiping Mother – Worshiping a Sacred Person”. Representatives of government structures, non-governmental organizations, mass media, cultural personnel and art masters, students and youth took part in the event.

In his new work, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov told about the life of his mother Ogulabat-eje who is a bright example of commitment to primordial spiritual, moral and family values of Turkmen nation.

The book look in depth of the relations between parents and children, which were laid in the mentality of Turkmen nation and are the basis of the upbringing of conscientious citizen. Page by page, the author reveals the role of maternity in the formation of national and spiritual values.

New book reflects the feeling of deep respect paid by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov to national tradition, huge layer of national art and wisdom expressed in parables and legends, many of which are well known while some of them are new to the reader.

Original wording typical to the works of Turkmen leader attracts the attention. The reader goes slowly with narration along the pages on the history and cultural traditions of our nation.

The book consists of four chapters – “Glory Highlighted by Word”, “Decoration of House and Hearth”, “Endless Honour for Care of All”, “Mother is Prosperity”. The names of the chapters are filled with the feeling of respect of mother.

“A child faithful to native land, parents, home and hearth is loyal to is Motherland” – this concise and succinct expression of the Head of the State runs like a red thread through entire narration, supplementing and making it richer.

Photo of mother of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov – Ogulabat-eje, is placed on the cover of the book. “Worshiping Mother – Worshiping of Sacred Person” published by Turkmen State Publishing Service is printed with high quality and has bright thematic illustrations.

As it was highlighted by the Head of the State, the mother is honoured as the shrine from the ancient times all over the world our duty is to continue this tradition deservingly carefully passing in from generation to generation.

Heads and representatives of the Mejlis, different ministries and departments, non-governmental organizations, professors and lecturers of the universities, mass media and elders took part in the presentation of new book of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.