Ï The Turkmen scientist develops a formula for increasing the profitability of developing gas condensate deposits

The Turkmen scientist develops a formula for increasing the profitability of developing gas condensate deposits

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The research scientist of the Institute of Natural Gas, Candidate of Economic Sciences Rejep Kakabayev developed the methodology for determining the efficiency of field development and additional opportunities for increasing production in oil and gas areas for long-term operation.

The method of the scientist was tested during the analysis of the Dovletabad deposit and the fields of the Central Karakum, which allowed not only to determine the state of long-used gas-bearing areas, but also to influence the choice of long-term and medium-term mining strategies.

One of the important tasks facing the country's oil and gas complex is the careful and rational use of colossal deposits of natural resources. The main task of the operators is to ensure the permanent operation of the fields.

In his work, the author points to external and internal factors that negatively affect the results of field development, and suggests a methodology for the rational use of gas condensate deposits.

The global crisis is one of the objective reasons that affects the efficiency of developing existing fields. The author made technical and economic calculations using which he diagnoses the degree of influence of this factor on the rate of growth not only the total gas production, but also for different periods of operation of individual fields.

The new methodology will allow specialists to determine the influence of the market factor on the development of a certain gas condensate deposit as compared to the total gas production, to conduct an in-depth analysis and on its basis to make the necessary decisions.

In order to improve the efficiency of existing fields during a recession, according to the scientist opinion, it is necessary to conduct marketing research, analyze demand, collect the necessary data and compare them with the indicators of the past. This will allow to predict the efficiency of entering international markets using a formula that takes into account the profitability of a unit of output, the volume of exports, the price scale, as well as the total costs of production and sales.