Ï Grain growers in Ahal Velayat maintain the high paces of the grain harvesting campaign

Grain growers in Ahal Velayat maintain the high paces of the grain harvesting campaign

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The two-thirds of the cultivated crop have been harvested in the region as of June 20. More than 300,000 tons of wheat have been delivered to the receiving points of the Fatherland. The daily increase of threshed grain makes up 5,850 tons.

Grain growers in the region take part in competition in the framework of the traditional contest held by the Political Council of the Democratic Party, the National Center of Trade Unions, the Central Councils of the Agrarian Party, the Women's Union and Magtymguly Youth Organization, the State Commercial Bank "Dayhanbank", the Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources, the editorial offices of the "Galkynysh", "Nesil", "Vatan" and "Bereketli Toprak" newspapers.

Grain growers in Geoktepe etrap, where 12,100 hectares were sown with winter crops, delivered 22,400 tons of grain that is almost 90 percent of the plan to the receiving points of the country. Grain grwoers in Ak Bugday etrap harvested more than 67,400 tons of grain.

Grain growers in Tejen etrap, where winter crops were sown on 43,900-hecatre territory, have fulfilled the state order up to 65 percent.