Ï Aspects of preparation to Intenational rally Amul – Hazar 2018 are discussed at the Government session

Aspects of preparation to Intenational rally Amul – Hazar 2018 are discussed at the Government session

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Under started working visit to Lebap Velayat, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov held the session in Ruhiyet Palace of Turkmenabat dedicated to the development of sports in our country. In particular, the measures for preparation of International rally “Amul – Hazar 2018 have been discussed.

First, Minister of Interior I. Mulikov reported on the measures for organization of coming motorsport competitions and joint working visits with the representatives of Africa Eco Race for identification of the route of Amul – Hazar 2018 route, which would run across all velayats of the country. The routes and distances of the main and auxiliary tracks, camping places have been identified.

In the result, total length of all routes is 1,566 kilometres where 1,158 kilometres are the main part of the race while 408 kilometres are of auxiliary roads.

Related work is carried out for the construction of camping spots, each of which will have the canteen for 3,000 people, press centre, medical facility, stage for performances of art masters, exhibition grounds, “ak oy” yurtas and number of other facilities as well as runways for small aircrafts and helicopters. Fire safety will be provided by mobile fire fighting teams.

After, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers P. Agamyradov reported on initial list of the participants of Amul – Hazar 2018 rally. Number of the crews of Turkmenistan team and foreign crews has been identified.

At present, systematic classes are organized for successful performance of our sportsmen in this big international rally according to the plan approved by the Ministry of Sports and Youth Affairs, Ministry of Interior and Turkmenistan Motorsport Federation.

During the competitions, the duty of medical teams composed of skilled doctors provided with advanced equipment and medicine from the leading world manufacturers will be organized at four camping stations. Ambulance vehicles will be on duty along entire route of the race.

200 volunteers have been selected for the meeting of the participants and guests of the competitions, preparation of different documentation and translation services. At present, they are undergoing the training in volunteer centres under the universities of the country, the Ministry of education, Ministry of Sports and Youth Affairs and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Turkmenistan. They are trained and provided with relative manuals based on special programme on functional directions of servicing international rally.

Relative work on provision of high quality catering service for the participants of the competitions will be organized by the Ministry of Trade and Foreign Economic Affairs, Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Health Protection and Medical Industry, Ministry of Sports and Youth Affairs on 7 – 11, September during the competitions in Turkmenabat, along the route of the rally, camping sites and in Avaza National tourist zone.

Official website of the competitions www.turkmendesertrace.com with the main information on the races, the Silk Road, history of Turkmen sport and the country in general, its culture, present and achievements has been made for wide popularization of International rally Amul – Hazar 2018. National mass media publish the materials on the history of motorsport and coming races along the Silk Road in Turkmenistan for the attraction of the public.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, Foreign Minister R. Meredov reported on the work carried out by the Ministry in the context of preparation to International rally Amul – Hazar 2018.

It was mentioned that big competitions in our country on one of the most spectacular and popular sports attract keen interest of the world community. This is indicated by the wish of the sportsmen and teams from various states to take part in the races, which route would run along the Silk Road and through magnificent Karakum Desert.

Hyakim of Lebap Velayat T. Atahalliyev reported on the situation in the region and preparation to coming ceremonial events.

Addressing the participants of the session, the Head of the State, having noted that there is not much time left until the beginning of Amul – Hazar 2018 rally and that it is necessary to solve several issues, gave the assignments to relative leaders.

In particular, the Vice-premier D. Amangeldiyev received the instructions to inspect the roads included as auxiliary tracks of the rally and other assignments related to transport provision of the participants of the competitions and others who are involved in organization of the competitions.

Vice-premier E. Orazgeldiyev and Hyakim of Lebap Velayat T. Atahalliyev were ordered to hold under control the compliance of ecological standards, tree-planting works as well as to activate mass education activity in ecological culture sphere.

International rally has to be accompanied and built on the latest scientific and technical level and modern management approaches, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted, giving instructions to Vice-premiers D. Amangeldiyev, M. Chakiyev and Hyakim of Lebap Velayat t. Atahalliyev on the provision of related communications, engineering and technical service for mass sport event.

This competition will be true historical event of Turkmen motorsport and will serve to the improvement of the world authority of Turkmenistan, the Head of the State said, therefore the level of the competition has to reflect the dynamics of modern development of the country, its power and colossal potential. In this context, the President gave related instructions to Vice-premier M. Meredov, first on the provision of the racers with high quality fuel and lubricants.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov requested Minister of National Security Ya. Berdiyev, Head of the State Custom Service A. Osmanov ad Head of the State Migration Service M. Gurdov to provide high level of migration and custom procedures for sportsmen and other participants of the races.

The President ordered Vice-premier M. Chakiyev to study the matter of transportation of the participants and organizers of International rally Amul – Hazar 2018 by the aircrafts of Turkmenhowayollary Service and to organize additional flights shall it be necessary.

It is necessary to place advertisement boards and other visual aids in Ashgabat and Turkmenabat International Airports, the Head of the State said. The President of Turkmenistan gave the order to Vice-premier B. Abdiyeva and Hyakims of the velayats to prepare relative plan for the meeting of the guest and cultural events.

The heads of the MNS and MIA were instructed to provide the security at the places of mass public events during the rally Amul – Hazar 2018.

It is necessary to continue intensive training of Turkmen racers for their successful performance in coming international competitions. In addition, the Head of the State ordered to provide them with special gears, having given certain instructions to Vice-premiers P. Agamyradov and K. Durdymyradov.

The President of Turkmenistan focused the attention of Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, Foreign Minister R. Meredov on the key directions of diplomatic activity in sport sphere and establishment of fruitful contacts with foreign specialists and international organizations.

Specific instructions have been given to Vice-premier G. Myradov in order to take necessary measures for the provision of high level of coming competitions and related events.

Switching over to the next point of the agenda of the session in Lebap Velayat, the Head of the State noted that great success has been achieved recently in this region. The Government adopted the number of the resolutions aimed at comprehensive development of the velayat. For example, infrastructure of oil and gas production and processing, petrochemical, light and food industries are dynamically renovated, the production of construction materials is growing and agriculture is modernized. There ae good results in social and economic development, cultural, health, scientific and educational spheres. Life level of the population is steadily growing.

The President brought as example the start of the construction of living complex and opening ceremony of new living estate, which are going to be held on the next day. The Head of the State also mentioned the construction of big medical complex and the reasonability of its opening on the Day of Health Protection and Medical Personnel of Turkmenistan.

Modern transport system is actively developed in Lebap Velayat. As is known, automobile and railway bridges across Amudarya River, new Turkmenabat International Airport have been opened in recently. The airport is built in Kerky city as well.

Around 750 facilities to the amount of 3.5 billion manats are built in the velayat at present.

At the same time, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted huge opportunities for the development of international tourism in this region as it has such sanctuary places as Repetek, Koytendag, Garlyk and Hojapil with rare flora and unique nature.

Continuing systematic work on complex development of the velayat, improvement of the wealth of the population makes the basis for its future prosperity, Turkmen leader summed up.

In the end of the session, the Head of the State wished all residents of Lebap Velayat strong health, happy and prosperous life and great success in work.

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